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Forums > Windsurfing General

Vanuatu/New Caledonia in September

Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 12 Aug 2016
NSW, 9205 posts
12 Aug 2016 1:03PM
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So I'm considering taking a week off in September and going to Vanuatu in September. By myself.

How's September in Vanuatu?

I'm planning on renting a room in a hotel, wandering down the beach and hiring some freeride/race/slalom gear and just sailing out and back all week. Is that too ambitious?

NSW, 9205 posts
12 Aug 2016 1:16PM
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...or is it New Caledonia I want to go to? Confused. I really need a holiday.

QLD, 3424 posts
12 Aug 2016 2:10PM
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LOL earthquake, seriously ???

Hunter island is closer to Vanuatu than to us. (they even tried to pinch it from us once but shot through when we sent the navy )
Never had an earthquake do any damage in new cal.

No hire gear in Vanuatu, great destination but you've seen it all in a week end. Don't get me wrong I like the place, cheap, relaxed, nice people, but not much to do or see (great scuba diving though).

Fly to nouméa direct from Sydney, grab a hotel room around Anse Vata beach and rent your freeride gear (futura/ryde) from Aloha windsurfing.

+ if you bring me a jar of Vegemite I'll sail with you !!

QLD, 275 posts
12 Aug 2016 5:52PM
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seanhogan said..
LOL earthquake, seriously ???

Hunter island is closer to Vanuatu than to us. (they even tried to pinch it from us once but shot through when we sent the navy )
Never had an earthquake do any damage in new cal.

No hire gear in Vanuatu, great destination but you've seen it all in a week end. Don't get me wrong I like the place, cheap, relaxed, nice people, but not much to do or see (great scuba diving though).

Fly to nouméa direct from Sydney, grab a hotel room around Anse Vata beach and rent your freeride gear (futura/ryde) from Aloha windsurfing.

+ if you bring me a jar of Vegemite I'll sail with you !!

Yeah as much as i enjoy the many times ive been to Vanuatu its not a windsurfing destination. I know that the outer islands offer better conditions but are increasingly kite oriented. New Cal for the win, you will find like minded sailors as well as an abundance of gear. Also french girls are hot!

NSW, 861 posts
12 Aug 2016 6:18PM
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$1290 for 5 nights at Le Meridian and return airfares from Sydney. No contest. Check out the link I posted on Illawarra Speedsters Facebook page.

QLD, 3424 posts
12 Aug 2016 6:31PM
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Wow that's a bloody good deal, especially considering Le Meridien has been fully refurbished last year. Just a longer walk to the windsurf beach (10 mn), more time to check the local fauna....

NSW, 9205 posts
13 Aug 2016 10:09AM
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Cheers y'all

I can't find the link on the Illawarra Speedsters FriendFace page. Perhaps I don't have enough friends?
Can you post here?

@sean: would you like regular vegemite or the new Dick Smith one?

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Also french girls are hot!

Ooh la la.

NSW, 9205 posts
13 Aug 2016 11:22AM
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Holy **** that's a good deal. Looks like my first windsurf holiday. Finally.
Even my better half is keen.

Will bring jumbo size vegemite.

NSW, 861 posts
13 Aug 2016 6:23PM
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evlPanda said..
Holy **** that's a good deal. Looks like my first windsurf holiday. Finally.
Even my better half is keen.

Will bring jumbo size vegemite.

Mate, there's several NSW sailors going together in November (I think). It would be a really great trip with those guys. I think some maybe taking their partners and I know of at least one female sailor going as well. I'm sure you're partner will love NC too.

I can attest that it's a great place to sail. Had nothing less than 25kts every day for 2 weeks, but it regularly exceeded 30kts by 3pm most afternoons. It was around 18-20kts by 10am every day... that's a lot of TOW. The wind was really consistent too and the water was lovely... boardies and rashie every day. I'll be back again that's for sure.

Here's video I made, which I posted on SB before, but here it is again. If it doesn't get you amped for a $1300 week in paradise, nothing will What are you waiting for, grab that credit card and go


QLD, 3424 posts
13 Aug 2016 7:22PM
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N1GEL said..
I'll be back again that's for sure.

Girls will be happy !! :-)

Every time I mention you I get "oh oui, Naijelle, with the blue eyes, the muscles and tatoos...."

love that clip ! Will look even better next time with red sails !!

NSW, 861 posts
13 Aug 2016 7:55PM
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seanhogan said..

N1GEL said..
I'll be back again that's for sure.

Girls will be happy !! :-)

Every time I mention you I get "oh oui, Naijelle, with the blue eyes, the muscles and tatoos...."

love that clip ! Will look even better next time with red sails !!

NSW, 939 posts
14 Aug 2016 5:36PM
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Looking forward to flying with the red sails team there in November

VIC, 666 posts
15 Aug 2016 10:26PM
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I was lucky enough to spend a day with Sean in new cal. Very very awesome windsurfing.

QLD, 3424 posts
16 Aug 2016 6:19AM
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Yuppy said..
I was lucky enough to spend a day with Sean in new cal. Very very awesome windsurfer.

NSW, 2 posts
16 Aug 2016 7:19PM
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Do you know what week the red sales team is going? cheers

QLD, 6483 posts
18 Aug 2016 8:28PM
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take teh vegemite sticker off and put it on a jar of marmite or promite

VIC, 564 posts
22 Aug 2016 12:28PM
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Take booties most of the vanuatu coast is coral and sharp as ****! the infection is not worth the hassle! and trust me from living there you don't wanna end up in Port Vila hospital! plus side water is warm and people are cool!

NSW, 9205 posts
23 Aug 2016 2:36PM
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Update: I'm going late September.

Family too. All-in-all it was (much) cheaper than a holiday in Australia. We were looking at Uluru but it's damn expensive and everyone that's been says it is run-down the same way Thredbo is; they have a captive audience and don't care. And I don't like flies.

We looked at New Caledonia and decided after twenty minutes. I feel like an ad but here's the company I went through:

Beautiful lagoon and warm trade winds here I come. I'll post some pictures when I get back.

It's about as close as New Zealand is, slightly exotic, and it's a windsurfing mecca. Why haven't I been before?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Vanuatu/New Caledonia in September" started by evlPanda