Rob11 said...
How about the guys from 7th to 20th place in Alacati, not really the bulky guys and they manage to be upthere, top 10 quite regularly. Do they sail more in these conditions etc... what's their secret??
There is nobody in the Top 15 under 90kg I don't think apart from Steve Allen? Maybe Peter Bijl and Antoine Questel could be lighter but I am 82kg and they are FOR SURE both heavier than me ...
Guys like Van Der Steen, Volwater, Maynard, Bordes, Angulo, Buzianis etc would all easily be +95kg ?
I think the standout lighter guys in Turkey would be Gonzalo (he was SUPER fast but getting so many over early's!), Steve (he was often using 7.8m in +30 knots) and Pascal Toselli (he's about 85kg).
I think the equipment plays a massive role in flat-water places in Turkey, moreso than somewhere like Fuerteventura where it was probably more about your skills and gybing technique. Not sure what exactly the secret is ... maybe it's the fact that many of the Top 10 are using +US$800 fins? hehe.