Forums > Windsurfing General

What will it take to get windsurfing on fire again

Created by TASSIEROCKS > 9 months ago, 13 Mar 2014
WA, 88 posts
16 Mar 2014 9:48PM
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Windsurfing is on fire. Let it be.

Mark _australia
WA, 22358 posts
16 Mar 2014 10:39PM
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^^^ I agree. Heaps of windsurf tourists here this year, average age mid 20's.
Plenty of days the break was packed (capacity)
All the international race events get 10x more entrants for windsurfing than kiting does.

Look at the last wave world champ - 17yrs old
Look at the freestyle vid of Gollito just posted.... awesome.
We're still in the Olympics
I see mates who went kiting come back after 2 - 5 yrs cos they got bored.

It is more user friendly than ever and we are still faster in true open water, still faster in Ledge to Lano, still faster on the Rotto race (and that was 20yrs ago lol), still the only ones getting upside down, and still sailing gear at prices same as 10 years ago even though it is better gear now.

What's not to like


WA, 629 posts
16 Mar 2014 10:54PM
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More groms, organisation and comps for groms

TAS, 1651 posts
17 Mar 2014 7:03AM
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So many good idea's

I think the psssion is there look at how many posts on this topic is fantastic.

Windsurfing is harder to learn but a fantastic lifestyle sport.

So many intrresting people who proudly are WINDSURFERS.

Keep the good ideas comming

NSW, 9202 posts
17 Mar 2014 10:42AM
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More wind. I **** you not - I've been out once since early January.

QLD, 829 posts
17 Mar 2014 2:06PM
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Hi as a newcomer to the sport - now 4 months. During the times where I have come really close to pulling it the experienced guys offer some moral support - which encourages me to keep going. Everyone we have met is really friendly - not something you find in many places that is sooo many nice helpful people.

I joined the sport for fitness and for the speed - I have been a slalom skier (in my younger years) and wakeboarder still i really enjoy the exhilaration of the acceleration you can get on the water.

Supping was the first step we (my wife, kids and I) have been doing that for 3 years and I decided to see if we could get a sup board that would take a sail. Hey Presto the Mistral Pacifico (the monster) came into our lives and the rest is history (windsurfing learning curve QLD)

I have to say that windsurfing has to be the hardest sport in the world to learn.

So there must be a lot of me and mine out there on sup's that just might like to pick up the pace. Marketing to suppers could be a good way to go.

It is very pleasant to go for an early morning sup on the pristine glass the bay can be before the wind hits - all good bring the board in and put a sail on it an away you go...:-)

I see at Burrum windfest the wind wanderers have a wind sup section - next year for me

Happy sailing

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
17 Mar 2014 4:02PM
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I don't know another 7/8 days

Had a chat with Borjn Dunkerbeck about how good it was that a few young guns were coming throught whilst he was traveling with young Koster

in his words ABOUT BLOODY TIME ............

All I can say thank god I didn't grow up with a Mobile Phone(oh sorry...... I Phone) , lap top ,and play staions............ fkem

Long live Galaxy and Space least you had to get out of the house and to the corner deli.

Mind you long live Monster / Red Bull / Mother ..........................

Go Greffeti or put a skull on your sails or something fired me up again

Tar Severn loft ...........

Mark _australia
WA, 22358 posts
17 Mar 2014 5:42PM
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Bit late on number 1 there Langy or did you hit it?

VIC, 1188 posts
17 Mar 2014 8:57PM
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Offtopic: how does one deal with kiters asking to grab their kite when they come back in from the water?

A couple of months ago I was rigging up on the beach and heard a kite slam into the ground about 10 metres from me. The kiter yelled at me to grab it, as it was thrashing around. I honestly didn't want to be anywhere near that thing. A bunch of guys ran over and planted it down, so it lost all lift.

Chris 249
NSW, 3333 posts
17 Mar 2014 10:06PM
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lotofwind said..

I was actually talking about my new passion of hobie cat sailing

Sailing has come along way since the 80's. Most REAL sailors dont actually call windsurfing "sailing", seems to be something the polers named themselves but actual yatch/hobie sailors frown upon, kinda like boogie boarders saying they are surfers. lol

You're sailing Hobies and you're claiming that windsurfers are old fashioned? Jeezers. Hobies are nice boats, but (with one possible exception in some ways) hardly leading edge - older than most windsurfers, in fact.

And as a life-long boat sailor (Sydney-Hobarts, etc) I've never heard anyone "frown upon" me when I say that I am "sailing" on a windsurfer. You're probably either hanging out with some very strange yachties, or things are different where you live, or you're just trolling.

mr love
VIC, 2352 posts
17 Mar 2014 10:19PM
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Real sailors!!!!! Most real sailors frown upon Hobie Cats not Windsurfers and that's coming from somebody who has hung around yacht clubs for over 40 years.

ACT, 548 posts
17 Mar 2014 11:51PM
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Chris 249 said..

lotofwind said..

I was actually talking about my new passion of hobie cat sailing

Sailing has come along way since the 80's. Most REAL sailors dont actually call windsurfing "sailing", seems to be something the polers named themselves but actual yatch/hobie sailors frown upon, kinda like boogie boarders saying they are surfers. lol

You're sailing Hobies and you're claiming that windsurfers are old fashioned? Jeezers. Hobies are nice boats, but (with one possible exception in some ways) hardly leading edge - older than most windsurfers, in fact.

And as a life-long boat sailor (Sydney-Hobarts, etc) I've never heard anyone "frown upon" me when I say that I am "sailing" on a windsurfer. You're probably either hanging out with some very strange yachties, or things are different where you live, or you're just trolling.

i guess lotofwind does not realise that hobies pre-date windsurfers and that the first board sailors were bored sailors, mostly hobie types.

WA, 4263 posts
17 Mar 2014 8:56PM
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lotofwind said...
I was actually talking about my new passion of hobie cat sailing.

Wow Dude, your new passion is totally old school.

You must be kidding, right ?

Hobies are a freakin rigfk ... but we all knew that, hey ?


Mark _australia
WA, 22358 posts
17 Mar 2014 9:05PM
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Chris 249 said..
lotofwind said..

I was actually talking about my new passion of hobie cat sailing

Sailing has come along way since the 80's. Most REAL sailors dont actually call windsurfing "sailing", seems to be something the polers named themselves but actual yatch/hobie sailors frown upon, kinda like boogie boarders saying they are surfers. lol

You're sailing Hobies and you're claiming that windsurfers are old fashioned? Jeezers. Hobies are nice boats, but (with one possible exception in some ways) hardly leading edge - older than most windsurfers, in fact.

And as a life-long boat sailor (Sydney-Hobarts, etc) I've never heard anyone "frown upon" me when I say that I am "sailing" on a windsurfer. You're probably either hanging out with some very strange yachties, or things are different where you live, or you're just trolling.

Wow, ummm been here long Chris?

NSW, 6451 posts
18 Mar 2014 2:08AM
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WOW, I might have to give up the hobies if everyone thinks their not cool, or maybe start a thread on "how do we make hobies cool again"lol

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
18 Mar 2014 10:25AM
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lotofwind said..

WOW, I might have to give up the hobies if everyone thinks their not cool, or maybe start a thread on "how do we make hobies cool again"lol

Couldn't help me self .................may be back to the kiting forum and worry about how to make kiting coolerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........good luck....

If its any conciliation , I like Hobies ...............but would be very concerned about SAILING OR REAL SAILING / YATCHING / BOATING (if that the right wordS) with you especially over 12 knots............there not made for boosting

Ps You will probably come close to a Windsurfing Forward Loop when you pole pitch the bottom pontoon .............

Enjoy ..........

65 posts
18 Mar 2014 12:44PM
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Myself migrating from small cats to WS 30 years ago. As to the question as to what is wrong with WS. Nothing is my answer. For the population of Australia there is an huge amount of water of any kind so it is no surprise that people find their favourite areas and are not generally crowded into a given space other than of course a few spots that are well known to have the blessing. Is is difficult to reach a high level of proficiency. Yes but then again so is anything worth the effort that is way beyond watching TV. And along the way sailors create their niche. No one makes value judgements we just let everyone do their creative thing. A very nice informal community and little organisation for many is a good thing. Those wanting to race socially or more professionally do their thing. Must admit that kiters worry me a bit but then again I have been around long enough to know what can go wrong if a third party gets out of control.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
18 Mar 2014 5:18PM
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izaak said..


I look at my SUP board and wonder what is so unappealing about windsurfing it is just so cool and fun when you are blasting with mates.

How do we generate the passion and get our sport in a growth spike again?

I am not interested in gear changes, I want ideas that get people to look for the windy days again and loose track of their important life and ipad in order to discover that life is all about the windy days..

I think that in tas windsurfing is better than ever!! Membership is booming, a lot of successful comps and learner days. Many many more on the water than 5 years ago. And A lot more up our way in the north have taken it back up or learning and progressing quick! There are Defiantly more windsurfers in tas than people think. We'd be well into the 100's as a state, that's for sure with some very fast and talented windsurfers, wether it be in the waves or racing ect ect..... Plus the Tassie GPSTC team doing well.

Bring on the next season, with some exciting ideas being thrown around at last AGM.

That's great news. What would you say are your major draw cards for the club getting so many people involved?

1 posts
18 Mar 2014 5:47PM
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"Why do we need more windsurfers?"

Well after much consideration I have arrived at what is undoubtedly the supporting answer.
Unfortunately my desire to address the subject found me pondering the
poser/premise with a relentless " I wont stop so you may as well go away" style attitude, which was directed at the exact same thought and vision to boot, that entered my mind every time i would hope to investigate the topic.

Finally , a clear mind, I compassionately thought of all the new people flocking to the sport .. searching... what good? What good? Bingo!

We all need one or two Prot?g?s who we are available to occasionally(whenever they corner u in a car park looking for the secret tip ) and whom we encourage, acknowledging their milestones and in the same breath subtly introducing the new goal.

Mine would sound something like this:
Me"Arghhh .. Wayne what are youo doing mate you scared the crap out of me " WAYNE: " I have to sneak up on you Coz when i don't ZOOM,off u go". Me "I know thats weird isn't it... hey i was watching you riding today and I said to all the guys , "see that guy out their Wayne ... they said "yeah man we call him the breeze" Me yeah I tell them that I have never seen anyone pick up the sport as fast as you, your technique is flawless,Wayne: gee thanks Man thats an unreal thing to hear." The truth comes out easily my friend. anyway pal , we need to keep the "Express train to Greatness" on track .. you've out grown your rig dude, ive got the perfect one at home for ya. I got it from Rob" WAYNE:"ROB?" ME"Yeah Nashy to his mates... i was just telli g him about you earlier this week and he said i should move you onto his hand made one ASAP" WAYNE: "But i just bought that one design off you last week. " Me : "Yeah I know ...ytou are a lucky guy in the right spot at the right time with the right guy"

Oh that dominating thought , the only other thing that i could see happening with a sailboard craze was this image of me driving up the coast, my mindset: Extremely Concerned REason: in the space of 45 minutes a third 10 footer had just flown by my car.

if only wa=e can find a way to get them to but our old gear but not use it?

QLD, 3424 posts
18 Mar 2014 8:03PM
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where can I get the stuff you're on ??

1421 posts
18 Mar 2014 6:25PM
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2013 - Very strong offshore wind, a thousand competitors. Are you going to run a race?

Of course you are!

Where's the problem with windsurfing?

WA, 3271 posts
18 Mar 2014 7:32PM
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MrCranky said..

Offtopic: how does one deal with kiters asking to grab their kite when they come back in from the water?

A couple of months ago I was rigging up on the beach and heard a kite slam into the ground about 10 metres from me. The kiter yelled at me to grab it, as it was thrashing around. I honestly didn't want to be anywhere near that thing. A bunch of guys ran over and planted it down, so it lost all lift.

Next time you're at the beach consider asking a kiter how to launch and land a kite. Taking 30 seconds out of your day to land one and is infinitely safer for everyone than them trying to self land near you.

WA, 3271 posts
18 Mar 2014 7:35PM
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SYDXXX said..

"Why do we need more windsurfers?"

Well after much consideration I have arrived at what is undoubtedly the supporting answer.
Unfortunately my desire to address the subject found me pondering the
poser/premise with a relentless " I wont stop so you may as well go away" style attitude, which was directed at the exact same thought and vision to boot, that entered my mind every time i would hope to investigate the topic.

Finally , a clear mind, I compassionately thought of all the new people flocking to the sport .. searching... what good? What good? Bingo!

We all need one or two Prot?g?s who we are available to occasionally(whenever they corner u in a car park looking for the secret tip ) and whom we encourage, acknowledging their milestones and in the same breath subtly introducing the new goal.

Mine would sound something like this:
Me"Arghhh .. Wayne what are youo doing mate you scared the crap out of me " WAYNE: " I have to sneak up on you Coz when i don't ZOOM,off u go". Me "I know thats weird isn't it... hey i was watching you riding today and I said to all the guys , "see that guy out their Wayne ... they said "yeah man we call him the breeze" Me yeah I tell them that I have never seen anyone pick up the sport as fast as you, your technique is flawless,Wayne: gee thanks Man thats an unreal thing to hear." The truth comes out easily my friend. anyway pal , we need to keep the "Express train to Greatness" on track .. you've out grown your rig dude, ive got the perfect one at home for ya. I got it from Rob" WAYNE:"ROB?" ME"Yeah Nashy to his mates... i was just telli g him about you earlier this week and he said i should move you onto his hand made one ASAP" WAYNE: "But i just bought that one design off you last week. " Me : "Yeah I know ...ytou are a lucky guy in the right spot at the right time with the right guy"

Oh that dominating thought , the only other thing that i could see happening with a sailboard craze was this image of me driving up the coast, my mindset: Extremely Concerned REason: in the space of 45 minutes a third 10 footer had just flown by my car.

if only wa=e can find a way to get them to but our old gear but not use it?

This is probably what you would end up with if KOTP, Macroscience, Dude and Man all decide to have a child together.

NSW, 4521 posts
18 Mar 2014 11:05PM
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People are just too busy. (or preoccupied with their iPhone, whatever.)

Anyway, there's enough trouble parking at the bay already.

Still, ripping NE'er in a city of several million, and only a dozen or so out on the water sometimes. Geez, life priorities people!!!

WA, 4263 posts
18 Mar 2014 9:40PM
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Nice pic. ^^^

It's a small wave but it doesn't matter.

The colours are radiant and I particularly like the highline taken with the speed-trim body language of the rider.

But best of all is the deathhead image on the sail.

TAS, 1651 posts
19 Mar 2014 4:12AM
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kato said..

One ofit sounds like such a positive our major problems that no one has touched on is this...

"Our sport is cut in half by having two organisations controlling its progress" (Or lack of)

Yachting Australia controls the Olympic pathways, all the racing side, training and youth development and is recognised by Government/ AIS. They can apply for all government/private grants and grow the sport

AWA and all its state offshoots control wave, slalom, freestyle events and are not recognised by Government/AIS, Private and cannot apply for any grants. They appear to have no training or youth development pathways.

Time for the AWA to finish the process started so long ago and become a properly recognised association and lets move forward and plan our direction and grow this sport properly

How do we get this moving again It sounds like such a positive step to get the our sport moving in a clear direction to grow the sport.

TAS, 2342 posts
19 Mar 2014 9:57AM
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terminal said..

2013 - Very strong offshore wind, a thousand competitors. Are you going to run a race?

Of course you are!

Where's the problem with windsurfing?

Wouldn't it be great to go in this, what an adrenaline buzzzzz. Aussie needs to run one of these.

NSW, 8016 posts
19 Mar 2014 11:01AM
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I saw a guy and his girlfriend out last night with an old style board and 90's 5m sail. There was about 6-8kts wind.She was on a surfski and he sailing then they swapped.
She was obviously less experienced than him and had a lot of trouble uphauling and then taking off. She fell in heaps but after a while got a few 50m sails. She had the right stuff - kept perservering and was reaping the benefits but it made me realise it takes a certain type of person to learn to windsurf - dedicated , stubborn , pig headed etc..It also made me realise how far I'd come- maybe I won't whinge next time I stuff a gybe..

TAS, 2433 posts
19 Mar 2014 11:44AM
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kato said..

One ofit sounds like such a positive our major problems that no one has touched on is this...

"Our sport is cut in half by having two organisations controlling its progress" (Or lack of)

Yachting Australia controls the Olympic pathways, all the racing side, training and youth development and is recognised by Government/ AIS. They can apply for all government/private grants and grow the sport

AWA and all its state offshoots control wave, slalom, freestyle events and are not recognised by Government/AIS, Private and cannot apply for any grants. They appear to have no training or youth development pathways.

Time for the AWA to finish the process started so long ago and become a properly recognised association and lets move forward and plan our direction and grow this sport properly

How do we get this moving again It sounds like such a positive step to get the our sport moving in a clear direction to grow the sport.

Sounds like you've found the answer to your question Russ. The first step would be to talk to Dave, he is the Windsurfing Tasmania AWA Rep. He will be able to give you a history and point you in the direction of who to talk with to take the step. Keep us informed of your progress.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
19 Mar 2014 11:12AM
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If I were you guys I'd be stoked it was quieter.

I've nearly had enough of how busy kiting (and surfing) has gotten.

I've always wanted to learn to windsurf; getting closer to getting into it. Don't know if the bank balance could fund all the water sports though


Forums > Windsurfing General

"What will it take to get windsurfing on fire again" started by TASSIEROCKS