Hi, I guess you realise that I am new to this, but I a, wondering what to do with a cord that runs from the Mast foot track.
The mast carriage moves when the button is pressed to release it, but this is on a red coloured cord pulley system.
There is a white cord comes from the back of the track, under the carriage and out at the front of the track. It doesnt seem to go anywhere or do anything.
Is this the tether line to connect to mast rig? and if so, how does it connect?
many thanks
Thank you, here is image. The white cord is toward the front of the board, it goes behind two rollers and along underneath the carriage. It seems to be fixed, and when the carriage is released to allow the position to be adjusted, the white cord doesnt move.
The red and black cord moves with the carriarge.
many thanks
Hi Jimmy,
I think the white cord might be for attaching your uphaul rope ie running from just below the boom clamp to the base of the mast.
I used to have one of those.
The mast position can be changed on the water by depressing the pedal and pulling up or pushing down on the boom.
I never could work out what the white cord was for. It doesn't seem related to the sliding mechanism at all.
I think you are right. Cords on older setups were used to help keep the mast connected to the board in the event the universal joint came loose and disconnected from the track. Older style universals had an area where you could pass the rope from the board through an eyelet on the mast foot (uj). then tie the end with a figure 8 knot.
Similar to a safety chain on a box trailer.
cord for mastfoot really?!? anyways looks like a mistral track then why is it so far from the socket hole i bet it's used to help pull the mast forward or back while on the water not sure though even if i had one before i never bothered to use or even figure it out
Thank you, not sure what board it is as it has no name on it. There is "Allgeier System" written on the daggerboard slot.
The mast base is so far back as I have made a land simulator so my son can learn uphauling etc without getting wet. The mast foot socket is in a position to balance the board best on the simulator.
Thanks for your help everyone.
Many thanks for all your help with the cord.
I came across an explaination for the cord on a website here
I dont know if posting links is allowed here but the explaination is that the cord is to tie on mast base as safety in case they become detatched. The lock on the mast base has optional FULL lock, or PARTIALLY locked (apparently called 500 neutons) This means that if a body part comes between the mast and boom, the mast foot will pop out under pressure!
I have a button next to mast base to open it and release the mast, there is a lever the other side with the words FIX and DIN I can only assume that FIX is fully locked and DIN is the partial lock option?
Thanks again for all your help
I've managed to get a better look inside the mast foot socket now and found that the FIX / DIN switch does in fact lift and lower a block either side of the mast foot socket.
With the other button in closed position, the metal pins either side hold the mast foot in place.
With the other switch in FIX position, a block is lifted up tight against the pins, stopping any sideways movement and fully locking the mast base in place.
With the switch in DIN position, the block is lowered, allowing enough movement in the pins to allow the mast foot to pop out under pressure.
thanks everyone for yourhelp and responses
Hi - wondered where you sail in the UK? Going back for a visit next year and am looking out for some interesting spots. Cheers
Apparently Cornwall is one of the better places for Windsurfing.
This isnt from experience, this is taken from a top 10 list.
Personally, I have to make do with the local beaches in East Sussex when I get there, I havent actually been on the water yet! lol!
the ropes there to stop the loss of the rig (sail & mast) if the universal joint breaks.
It was law at some point for some country (i think Germany 1980's)
The rope should not get twisted as a lose ring would be at the bottom of the mast and rotate.
Sometimes the rope just runs from a nose eyelet to the mast across the top of the nose. (my old Vinta) Great for tacking !
its not needed.