Forums > Windsurfing General

Wide light wind boards...

Created by laurie > 9 months ago, 3 Dec 2009
WA, 5921 posts
12 Feb 2010 4:41PM
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the poo plant is in Boulder and you could get a 150m leg
nearest water is Kambalda-55kms away. there has been sightings of somebody learning to windsurf there already.
brown water up here is a sign of new fresh it gets salty and old the sediment drops out.
gven the attitude of some water users theres still a good chance of spotting the odd ka-ka fish

WA, 5921 posts
16 Feb 2010 4:44PM
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almost finished i ended up glueing on some foam that has been roughened for extra grip. this also covered the more agricultural parts of the deck finish.
need to polish the bottom down to 1200grit wet and dry.
then go and find some water

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
16 Feb 2010 11:14PM
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Or screw hinges on and you have yourself a door.

Isn't there an old windsurf video where the initiation ceremony is to sail a door, was it called tradewinds or something

WA, 5921 posts
17 Feb 2010 8:56PM
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I shall put that on my list for the next project. a couple of boards on hinges would make great swinging bar doors for the mancave

65 posts
17 Feb 2010 9:19PM
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Ben 555 said...

As JB and Rick have already stated these things can race in 20 knots plus easily - "Yes they become a bit of a handful, but a skilled sailor can easily sail them up to 25kts" - I am not that skilled, but had a ball - so there not just for light winds

the sight of Mitch S flying downwind launching off the back of waves will remain forever - FUN

JayBee said...

1m wide and 70cm fin.

Check out and look in the photo galleries.

Formula boards allow you to get huge TOW because they plane so early. And they carry on being usable way up into the wind range.
Yes they become a bit of a handful, but a skilled sailor can easily sail them up to 25kts (but I cannot).
Last weekend on Botany Bay we had 2 races on Sat and 2 on Sunday. Check out the weekends windstrength and you will see it was really windy.
Yes - they are ugly (doors, tables etc), but then again so are most windsurfers.

Laurie - next time you are in Syd I will give you a burn on mine.


This thread looked sort of like a group of school girls giggling about a roman statue until these posts. When I bought my Formula board, 100 cm wide, I really wondered about how it would sail. It's been a lot of fun. They definitely plane up early, but I wouldn't recommend using them in rough waters with an 8.0 often. I have sailed mine in 25 kts and rough water. It's a rather bouncy ride and impossible to get into the rear straps. However, the boards do jump small waves well. They are best for winds under 20 knots and sails in the double digits. Since I didn't have anything else to use, I took that trial by fire. Now, I have a Fanatic Shark 145 for my 8.0 and 9.0. The freeride boards are best up to 9.6 unless the water remains ultra flat. Futhermore, they can go upwind better than any board and the extra middle straps makes downwind blasting rather easy, even in choppy water. The only trouble I have had would be having the strength to hoist those huge pig sails. You just can't take two weeks off the water and then jump on a formula board with a 12 meter sail!!!! Now that I'm 60 years old, my rotator cuff has not been what it used to be.

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
17 Feb 2010 9:55PM
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Rubby said...

Ben 555 said...

As JB and Rick have already stated these things can race in 20 knots plus easily - "Yes they become a bit of a handful, but a skilled sailor can easily sail them up to 25kts" - I am not that skilled, but had a ball - so there not just for light winds

the sight of Mitch S flying downwind launching off the back of waves will remain forever - FUN

JayBee said...

1m wide and 70cm fin.

Check out and look in the photo galleries.

Formula boards allow you to get huge TOW because they plane so early. And they carry on being usable way up into the wind range.
Yes they become a bit of a handful, but a skilled sailor can easily sail them up to 25kts (but I cannot).
Last weekend on Botany Bay we had 2 races on Sat and 2 on Sunday. Check out the weekends windstrength and you will see it was really windy.
Yes - they are ugly (doors, tables etc), but then again so are most windsurfers.

Laurie - next time you are in Syd I will give you a burn on mine.


, my rotator cuff has not been what it used to be.

Oh yeah, we could all guess that.

1553 posts
17 Feb 2010 10:59PM
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choco said...

the 2011 models

you guys really have a sense of humour outlandish hehehe

Ben 555
NSW, 455 posts
18 Feb 2010 10:07AM
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Well Rubby / sailing joe / Brucey

Your difficulties in sailing formula start with wearing that dress

WA, 5921 posts
19 Feb 2010 5:56PM
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starting to get worried about some of you poleys, ,getting a bit obsessed with doors and stewie in a dress. mind you he looks better than travolta.

WA, 5921 posts
22 Feb 2010 6:04PM
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performance report for fatty boom bah!
it worked fine , but..........
after 3 hrs on the water I found it was dragging the stern and was very slow to acelerate.
I blamed it on the wind dropping, but when I wam the board back across the dam and tried to carry it to the trailer I could barely pick it up the stern was sooooo.... heavy. when i stood the board on end water started squirting out of about 6 pinholes in the bottom
I should have put that extra coat of resin on after all.
all up the board had put on ahout 10kg.
then I noticed that one of the foot straps was hanging by 1 screw. it was the 1 strap that wouldnt unscrew when I was working on the board.
the tekscrew that was in the hole( previous owner effort) had pulled out leaving a cavity I could stick a finger into
so a few repairs and its back to the water
performance wise the board was great and the early part of the day was spent with a 2.5m trainer then later a 4.5m sail. the board worked just like the one in safety bay.
If I was building another ( the next will be back to wheels) I wouldnt bother with a swinging centre board. I ender up using a simple straight blade that fixed in from below. so you could make a much simpler CB box or just a fin box from another board , as somebody else suggested


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Wide light wind boards..." started by laurie