Hi all,
I have been given two boards one is a windrush fun 11. I am looking for any kind of instructions for this board to see if I have all the parts I need to be able to use it before I put a lot of time in to cleaning it up. also would love a good beginners site so I could learn what to do with it once I have it up and running.
thanks in advance.
Hi Swoop, any pics of board? A friend has just scored an old windrush shortboard. Its about 3m long rotomoulded blue n has 3 acrylic fins at tail. 2 screw in mast positions. Rope uni. No other identifing marks.
Second board I ever owned, back in the early 80's.
From memory had a terrible mast base connection. Some kind of very hard to use sliding pin connection and was nearly impossible to slide the mast track when you were sailing. Probably a rope uni too, I think.
I think it had an Algiers type centerboard, so they are still fairly easy to find a replacement centerboard if needed. Bombora used them as well.
US type fin box. Weighed an absolute ton, but could not be killed.
Normal screw in type foot straps, so can be replaced with modern straps. Unlike some other types from the same era.
Fun rating was not 11 out of 10 however, I think it may have been marked out of 100. But it got about 95% percent usage at the time compared to the 8"6" Les Purcell sinker next to it, which tried hard to kill me each time I used it.
Ok all here are some pictures, blue board is 3.3 meters long and the red board is 3.8 meters long, I still have to go back and pick up a sail but everything else i was given is pictured. Put everything next to red board as that looked like the closest match.
Oh dear !
I dont want to dampen your enthusiasm but walk away now.
For a couple hundred dollars u can do soooo much better .
The blue board looks like its been dug up from under ground. It has problems . If thats a huge split next to the centerboard , mast track area ,forget it . No glue will fix that . The only way is to plastic weld it and the plastic probably is aged beyond repairable . It may be difficult to find the foot-strap plugs . Same for fin box . By the time you have bought the parts , ( if you can ) , centre board , rear fin , mast base connection it would have been way cheaper buying a much better newer board.
Now to the rig , it is very old. And dangerous .The sun fried mast is going to break and the boom is just horrible.
Lastly , the old fiberglass Crit could be fun and fixable if it is of solid nature.
Please dont be put off by my comments , but i just want to save you heartache and cost.
People will give you better stuff for free , or for under $200 there are many , much better , complete board and rigs that are ready to go.
Imax you couldn't of word it any better.you got to admire his enthusiasm .the blue board is in need of some major repairs.
Imax1 thank you or being so truthful the board wasn't buried but close. Now to your comment "Now to the rig , it is very old. And dangerous .The sun fried mast is going to break and the boom is just horrible.
Lastly , the old fiberglass Crit could be fun and fixable if it is of solid nature". I have no idea what your talking about can you explain by pointing out in the pictures what each thing is
Ok , the long pink pole that will support your sail is sun damaged and will break.
The curved pink part and the V shaped silver part resting on the board is what u hold onto ( they join together ) It is a very old design and is horrible to attach to the pink pole.These three parts hold the sail in shape.
The brown board sitting on the buckets ( named Crit ) could be fixable but probably better left just as it is as a bench seat.
Now im getting a little suspicious , is it april fools yet ?
Again thank you very much i really know nothing about any of this gear, the guy who gav it to me, knows me as the recycle queen. Of Ball Bay. He just figured i'd Make something else out of it. I'm the one that wanted to see if i could actually use them without getting hurt. Looks like they ar going to make great chairs. Will post pictures when they are done. Again thank you very much for the information.
The board with the red edge is most likely a Dufour wing. They were good in their day. Your example looks a little tired.
Imax summed it up very well.
I had a board like the Dufour wing in very good condition for its age and sold it 12 months ago for $50 in complete safe working order. If you look on gumtree you will find something a lot better than your stuff for less than $200.
sold my last two(2) BIC Doofurs for 60 bucks (30 each)