Forums > Windsurfing General

Windsurf Addiction

Created by olskool > 9 months ago, 16 Jul 2017
QLD, 2446 posts
16 Jul 2017 6:53AM
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Ok ive been back sailing for 6months. Roughly 4200hrs have passed. Of that time easily 3800hrs spent sailing , dreaming of sailing, hunting for bargain bits to go sailing, checking weather to go sailing. I check the various wind weather sites at least 20 times a day. WIND, WANT WIND, NEED WIND, MUST HAVE WIND. Is this normal windsurf behaviour.... Or am i ADDICTED....SOON TO BE CONSUMED by this AWESOME SPORT?

WA, 675 posts
16 Jul 2017 5:24AM
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olskool said..
Ok ive been back sailing for 6months. Roughly 4200hrs have passed. Of that time easily 3800hrs spent sailing , dreaming of sailing, hunting for bargain bits to go sailing, checking weather to go sailing. I check the various wind weather sites at least 20 times a day. WIND, WANT WIND, NEED WIND, MUST HAVE WIND. Is this normal windsurf behaviour.... Or am i ADDICTED....SOON TO BE CONSUMED by this AWESOME SPORT?

Yes. It is normal's GOOD normal

NSW, 1683 posts
16 Jul 2017 7:30AM
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Yes windsurfing is addictive, I think you get hooked once you start planing, it's like getting high, after the experience you crave for more and to go faster, jump higher, jibe better etc. But unlike other addictions it is good for your body and mind. I noticed that only old time sailors can control themselves and wait for the best conditions before trying to go out. Should we start a group for windsurfing anonymous to meet on windless days... ?

VIC, 1121 posts
16 Jul 2017 7:53AM
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QLD, 4676 posts
16 Jul 2017 8:28AM
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powersloshin said. Should we start a group for windsurfing anonymous to meet on windless days... ?

Yeah it's happening now , here , as we speak

1972 posts
16 Jul 2017 7:10AM
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So what is the "gateway drug" for windsurfing?
For illegal drugs, I've always said it's cigarettes, not every smoker goes to pot, but most all pot smokers started with cigs.
But for windsurfing? Maybe it's surfing, maybe it's sailing, or maybe like many of my w'surfing friends from the late 80's, it was hang gliding, wanting to use similar equipment without it killing you.
For me it was surfing, and being tired of having to be an a$$hole just to get some waves in the crowded, but best spots.

WA, 1366 posts
16 Jul 2017 7:18AM
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Mine was sitting on my ass watching the idiot box. I had a dream one day saw the light & took up windsurfing. I have had 22 years of fun since l did. Think l suffer from chronic nowindaphobic syndrome!

QLD, 2446 posts
16 Jul 2017 10:30AM
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Originally i surfed sailed dinghys n fished. But got frustrated at the wind wrecking my calm water sports. So i took up windsurfing 80s style. Somehow lost the buzz early 90s. Fast forward to 2016 im still a mad keen fisho, tired of crap fishing conditions. Restarted my windsurf addiction. Now Im totally obsessed. Cant think straight, winds,fins,sails. Fins , winds, sails. Must get time on water.....

WA, 732 posts
16 Jul 2017 1:55PM
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A lot of sailors seem to have, or have had a motorbike in the shed.....

QLD, 4676 posts
16 Jul 2017 4:55PM
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waricle said..
A lot of sailors seem to have, or have had a motorbike in the shed.....

Yes indeed.

5005 posts
16 Jul 2017 3:20PM
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Don't know what ya talking about olskool ....I think of work .....

WA, 943 posts
16 Jul 2017 7:29PM
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Imax1 said..

waricle said..
A lot of sailors seem to have, or have had a motorbike in the shed.....

Yes indeed.


QLD, 635 posts
16 Jul 2017 11:15PM
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Windsurfers (not necessarily their riders) look totally cool. You only have to watch them on the water. I think that a collective noun for a group of windsurfers should be a 'buzz'.

1972 posts
17 Jul 2017 8:06AM
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Stretchy said..

Imax1 said..

waricle said..
A lot of sailors seem to have, or have had a motorbike in the shed.....

Yes indeed.


I'll third that, had an awesome Yamaha road bike, but the battery kept going dead from lack of use, until one day I decided that I really needed to get some more progressive WS stuff. I was low on funds, and all of a sudden my bike looked like a pile of dollar signs just sitting there. Enter all new wave sailing board and quiver, done with flat water, best swap out I've ever done, with the exception of trading in my wife for a better one.

SA, 3589 posts
17 Jul 2017 10:35AM
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I was recently thinking about this exact topic.
Addictive? - Absolutely
Will it try and manipulate my family/work life for windsurfing? - Yes
Will i sell stuff lying around the house to pay for more windsurfing "gear"? - Yes
Does my obsessive behaviour affect my Family and friendships? - Yes
Do I lie about how much i spend on Windsurfing? - Yes
But this was what really got me thinking that it was a "classic" addiction...
If i can't windsurf, do i compensate with other vices? (Beers, Ciggies, Late Nights, "Self Medication" etc..)
Please bring back the wind. It's been 3 months since I've got on the plane. My liver hurts.

VIC, 1506 posts
17 Jul 2017 11:07AM
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Hello everyone. My name is Mike and it's been 9 days since my last sail...

QLD, 4676 posts
17 Jul 2017 11:12AM
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Hi Mike ,you are among friends , take your time , when your ready , there is no judging in here

QLD, 2446 posts
17 Jul 2017 3:57PM
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Yep im so bored. Ive rigged my 8m warp n 8m cheetah. Going to have a lightwind longboard shootout all day 2moro. Must keep match fitness up. Mmm water time......

NSW, 8014 posts
17 Jul 2017 4:42PM
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MikeyS said..
Hello everyone. My name is Mike and it's been 9 days since my last sail...

WA, 6415 posts
17 Jul 2017 3:34PM
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23 C in Perth tomorrow with a strong 20-30 knots forecast.......

SA, 3589 posts
17 Jul 2017 5:17PM
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petermac33 said..
23 C in Perth tomorrow with a strong 20-30 knots forecast.......

Not anymore thanks Pete

2454 posts
17 Jul 2017 8:30PM
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powersloshin said..
But unlike other addictions it is good for your body and mind.

Except for the gallon of beer you drink after a totally BOM sail, isn't that right Imax ?

QLD, 4676 posts
18 Jul 2017 6:49AM
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Beer is Aussie sport drink

QLD, 2446 posts
18 Jul 2017 6:32PM
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Hmmm beer... More of a rum fired beast myself. So the 8m sail on longboard shootout. 8m Warp vs 8m Cheetah. Cheetah definately has more power upwind, is better to pump onto the plane.Good all round performance. But the Warp definitely had the goods off the wind. Once up n planing it would keep accelerating.
Cheetah is lighter to handle. But when up n running the Warp has a more locked in feel... 2moros Forecast -20kts WSW. Bring it on!!!!

5005 posts
18 Jul 2017 4:53PM
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Nice where did you get all that gear from ....?

sell the boat and you'll get **** loads more .

hang on boats are handy to take you out windsurfing ,to exotic islands ..

sold my cagiva .bike 2 years ago ...still have a muscle car a shed full of windsurfing gear and SUPS.

$9000 can buy a lot of gear .its gone now

QLD, 95 posts
18 Jul 2017 7:14PM
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Shed full of windsurfing gear & sups - Translate (Nicely decorated man-cave).

QLD, 2446 posts
18 Jul 2017 7:34PM
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Tardy, the gear? Like outta Mad Max. A lil piece from here, a lil bit from there. But selling my 6.8m tinny would be like selling my soul. I custom built it , as my retirement caravan.... that floats. Its got roofracks for my sailboards n surfboards, 39 rodholders.. does 75kmh,has a range of 450km. Sleeps 4. Fun but not as fun as fanging on a sailboard. Hoping to hit Burrum Windfest onboard it 2018. But check my tow rig. 1990 80 series cruiser. 620k on the clock. Giddy up ol girl!! I think i can, i think can..... Hahaha.

5005 posts
18 Jul 2017 6:11PM
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olskool said..
Tardy, the gear? Like outta Mad Max. A lil piece from here, a lil bit from there. But selling my 6.8m tinny would be like selling my soul. I custom built it , as my retirement caravan.... that floats. Its got roofracks for my sailboards n surfboards, 39 rodholders.. does 75kmh,has a range of 450km. Sleeps 4. Fun but not as fun as fanging on a sailboard. Hoping to hit Burrum Windfest onboard it 2018. But check my tow rig. 1990 80 series cruiser. 620k on the clock. Giddy up ol girl!! I think i can, i think can..... Hahaha.

Boat ...what a machine ....

the old cruisers just keep going ,and going .

QLD, 4676 posts
18 Jul 2017 8:47PM
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Looks like the warps batten needs tension
Your neighbours lawn looks nice
Good stuff olskool enjoy

QLD, 2446 posts
31 Jul 2017 5:59PM
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Hey Crew, its been a few weeks since my last planing sailboard sesh. Ive had enough of no wind. So at work i spied an ok forecast today on seabreeze. Yep im keen. MUST HIT THE WATER. So ive gone full tilt at work, finished my projects. Yep im going to bail work early.. Pack up my gear, head to the main office to scan off. Only to be questioned by the GM about the days events. Eeek!!! (im busted ) Then my addicition cut in. I told him id completed it all.( which i had) Turned and legged it saying 'ive gotta fly'. Didnt look back.
Job? What job....
Gotta love those burning forearms.. ahhhhhh......

WA, 6415 posts
1 Aug 2017 12:28AM
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I'm starting to prefer the lighter wind in my old age

5.5m conditions (around 20-30 knots) have not been enjoying it that much.

Overpowered at times,then underpowered,can only gybe in the lulls!

Going to use my 5.0m next time it's really windy,much,much easier to hold on to in the gusts.

Great combo with my 30EX fin and 87 Sonic.

My favourite combo now is a bigger board (Manta 116) with a slightly smaller sail (7.0) with a smaller fin (35cm)

14-22 knots - perfect.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Windsurf Addiction" started by olskool