Can anybody tell me if the Windsurf Magazine is still acive. I have the Jan/Feb issue but cannot find a marz issue.
With regards,
From what I can see the only monthly windsurf Magazine left is the German "Surf Magazin".
Surf Magazin used to do 45,000 print copies a month about 10 years ago... doesn't look like they still make numbers freely available unless you advertise with them. I think they can still make it works because they are part of a publishing house that specialises in sports publications, Germany is a relatively big market for windsurfing and magazines are stocked in a large variety of places outside of Newsagents. That said those numbers across the industry have been shrinking between 4 and 9% year on year.
There is still toujours frais comme une bonne baguette
also refusing to die
I think the plan is to keep the Windsurf mag website active, and it's just the print version that has gone.
If you check out , you'll find a lot of new articles, published in the last few days.