I was in the area today, I went and checked out (but not sailed) pt henry. I had a look around 11:30 today, building wind but had to bail...
I was wondering what conditions work for these spots?
Someone had mentioned urchins, another has said shallow...
do you need a weedie?
I wouldn't mind getting a locals perspective if possible...
You will definitely need a weed fin for both spots and would advise wearing boots esp. at Pt Henry.
I sailed Pt Henry for about 5 hrs on Saturday and was a little sore today otherwise I would have been there today as well (although if it had been blowing more than about 10 - 15knots I probably would have gone again anyway lol).
Hey Eric,
Still waiting for you to bring that new Carve of yours down for a sail!!!
Been doing a bit of surfing down this way when there no wind and as for being a surfer I make a bloody good windsurfer!!
PS cot a few spare weed fins waiting just give me a call..
Hi everyone im new here, i mostly sail but my Dads got an old windsurfer that i use occassilonally. I live just round the corner from lake connewarre and i was wondering if anyone can tell me where the starpickets are under the water as well as if the blue green alge in the river has affected the lake at all?
Hey SailingKid
The only starpickets I have seen so far are pretty close to the edges. At the times I have been there, they are pretty easy to see anyway.
As for the blue-green algae, I cant say I have heard of it in there. The council is usually pretty quick to errect signs once they find it. All that appears to be in the lake is lots of weed.
Sailingkid, The lake has a reasonably large tidal rise and fall and is effectively seawater. Very little fresh water flows in from the Barwon and certainly none when the river is in Algal bloom. Its nice clean water in the lake despite the appearance of the black mud. At present there is a massive weed growth in the lake . This weed washes up on the Northern shore and does become quite putrid along the shore but once out 20-30 metres its clean enough. I have systematically pulled all the starpickets from the Northern shore area but there is still a number of timber piles at the end of Ash Rd and Mollers Lane, these are clearly visible.
You might as well use the lake as its pretty handy, ands you could get your stuff down there by bike.
Thanks Red
thanks for the offer to lend me a weedie! I will give you a call when I head down your way next.
Outta action since sunday arvo, tweaked my back - hit some weird chop over the reef and had a massive catapult. Feeling pretty peev'd off cause I know I will be out of the water for a few weeks.
Dougy and Kurt were sailing out at willy tonight, apparently they nearly took out a pretty big big banjo shark off the groin! Might be time to start sailing altona more...
ok thanks everyone. But im not sure how i would get a 13 foot longboard, 1 peice fibreglass mast, 3 cam salom sail, clip on boom, etc down to the lake on my bike lol.
Just had a great sail and learnt to use the harness, although i think i was a bit overpowered i got planing fo the fiirst time too. Sooooo much fun!
Where on the lake do you sail from? I went for a look the other day, and it must've been the wrong spot (north eastern end carpark?!?) walked out about 30m and still not knee depth, although I wasn't aware that it was tidal.
As for Pt. Henry.....I hope to spend some time there this year, got my hands on some 'cheap' accom. in Geelong, a unit with lockable garage! woo-hoo! as opposed to caravan pk cabins all last year! Should be able to store some gear there, 'stuck' in Geelong for 5 days (full-time student), but end up with a full day off on thursdays, and 2 half days!
Just to add, where around Geelong/Torquay is a good spot to sail for an inter. to experience a few waves, and not 'get in the way' of the hardcore guys?
I launched the other day from the end of brinsmeads lane, (the north eastern end) its just not very deep for a fair way. Its good once you get out though!
You can also launch from the end on Mollers Lane (street before Brinsmeads Lane) .. its a bit of a track at the end but quite drivable. Not quite as much weed to start with but still fairly shallow.
And yeah it is tidal lol.
Was there today but wind was only about 15 knots
Well I dont have a weed fin so I just have to stop every so often if the fin gets clogged.
Once you get out and a little more westerly of the launch area there is a lot less weed.
With any luck the wind will be up again tomorrow about the same. Its a shame all I have is a 5.8 sail. I am going to try the race fin I have tomorrow..its a little longer but there was a guy using one today that seemed to get a few good runs.
i dont think the board i sail would run whats known as a weed fin. I think i was hitting the high 7 knot range the other day though on a set of standard fins, 25 year old board, fibreglass mast and a 5.7 metre sail and i didnt have a problem with weed.