Forums > Windsurfing General

Windsurfing in the Year 3000.

Created by leto Saturday, 29 Jun 2024
270 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 12:31AM
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Hi Mates. I feel we need to brainstorm some futuristic windsurfing ideas to give brands some thoughts on the windsurfing digital future...

Somehow I feel brands are close to exhausting all selling shpil and shape permutations in the last 20 years. Now I feel what's coming is microchip tech built into the boards core as it gets smaller and smaller. It's ton of volume there to embed interesting stuff plus walls that don't reflect any waves/signal... So starting with board trackers, iWatch connectors, mp3 banks, gps tech, micro gyroscopes/paper thin solar panels to generate electricity, some core water sensors, you name it ... Let me make it another thread to throw some silly ideas around... which brands may start implementing in say 10 years...

1524 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 2:31AM
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leto said..
Hi Mates. I feel we need to brainstorm some futuristic windsurfing ideas to give brands some thoughts on the windsurfing digital future...

Somehow I feel brands are close to exhausting all selling shpil and shape permutations in the last 20 years. Now I feel what's coming is microchip tech built into the boards core as it gets smaller and smaller. It's ton of volume there to embed interesting stuff plus walls that don't reflect any waves/signal... So starting with board trackers, iWatch connectors, mp3 banks, gps tech, micro gyroscopes/paper thin solar panels to generate electricity, some core water sensors, you name it ... Let me make it another thread to throw some silly ideas around... which brands may start implementing in say 10 years...

Morphing board that can extend/retract a daggerboard, fin, and foil and adjust straps/mast base

QLD, 4610 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 6:50AM
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Virtual reality windsurfing
That way you can do it in the comfort of your bed.

QLD, 14275 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 9:58AM
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How about an e-windsurfer

QLD, 4610 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 12:47PM
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With Bluetooth.

QLD, 14275 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 1:30PM
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Imax1 said..
With Bluetooth.

So Bluetooth with an e-pace and e-ride it exists

QLD, 14275 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 1:42PM
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Or whack a sail on an awake Ravik 3 or Ben buckler kahe



QLD, 4610 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 2:00PM
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Id just like some wind to do it old fashioned style. It's been a wind drought.

QLD, 14275 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 2:07PM
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Yup. This time of year it's the doldrums. Fishing, mountain biking, sup'ing and LT weather time. I've even started sorting my dvd collection, going for long walks with the wife and dreaming of windsurfing for futurists.

its ok. Pwa starts again this weekend, we can get back to arguing online

Mr Keen
QLD, 536 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 2:15PM
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Imax1 said..
Id just like some wind to do it old fashioned style. It's been a wind drought.

Get ya foil out and join me at Woorim tomorrow

QLD, 4610 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 3:24PM
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Mr Keen said..

Imax1 said..
Id just like some wind to do it old fashioned style. It's been a wind drought.

Get ya foil out and join me at Woorim tomorrow

In the predicted 8 kts ?

NSW, 7952 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 4:15PM
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Imax1 said..
Virtual reality windsurfing
That way you can do it in the comfort of your bed.

Yep.. the way things are going..

Mr Keen
QLD, 536 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 4:21PM
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Imax1 said..

Mr Keen said..

Imax1 said..
Id just like some wind to do it old fashioned style. It's been a wind drought.

Get ya foil out and join me at Woorim tomorrow

In the predicted 8 kts ?

In the year 3000 all forecasts will be accurate. In the meantime I will go with windfinder on this occasion

QLD, 14275 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 5:11PM
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Here I was thinking accurate forecast was a thing of the past

Mr Keen
QLD, 536 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 5:19PM
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In this so called wind drought, the longest I have gone without a decent session is 2 weeks (once)! Look and be willing to travel, sometimes early morning in winter. There is usually a good chance of a session. They didn't call me Mr Keen for nothing

QLD, 14275 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 5:25PM
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Yes. Truth is with the right gear every day is a windsurfing day even decades before the 3000's

QLD, 4610 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 10:53PM
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sboardcrazy said..

Imax1 said..
Virtual reality windsurfing
That way you can do it in the comfort of your bed.

Yep.. the way things are going..

Do kids skin their knees nowadays ? Do they still sell bandaids nowadays ?

Or is there a scratch app on phones ?

QLD, 4610 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 10:54PM
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Remember gravel rash ?

NSW, 272 posts
Saturday , 29 Jun 2024 11:16PM
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The most futuristic part of it will be the bionic cyborg sailor. Gear will stay basic, the sailors minds will have morphed to a state of no fear, and ocean crossing sessions will be the norm. Hand callous will not have changed and will mean there will be no virtual sailing for sailors as their hands won't be able to tap buttons.

WA, 851 posts
Monday , 1 Jul 2024 10:06AM
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QLD, 3092 posts
Monday , 1 Jul 2024 12:20PM
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You'll be able to purchase and upload skills, eg forward loops, spocks etc, instead of having to learn them the hard way.

WA, 8710 posts
Monday , 1 Jul 2024 10:31AM
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In the year 3000?

926 years in the future so there's a chance of advancing technology.

A full windsurfing kit which can be easily carried in your pocket and assembled by thought, without costing a months pay.

The kit would need to have full filtration as I imagine all our water ways will be seriously polluted.

That is if the human race hasn't found a clever way to kill itself off or over population has people falling of the edge of the disc.

In the next 20 years, I'd like to be still sailing, whether or not windsurfing is still around then is yet to be seen.

an accurate forecast is just in the realms of science fiction or to be less specific just old fashioned fiction

NSW, 7952 posts
Monday , 1 Jul 2024 1:30PM
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John340 said..
You'll be able to purchase and upload skills, eg forward loops, spocks etc, instead of having to learn them the hard way.

I wish..

QLD, 165 posts
Today , 2 Jul 2024 8:31AM
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elmo said..
In the year 3000?

926 years in the future so there's a chance of advancing technology.

A full windsurfing kit which can be easily carried in your pocket and assembled by thought, without costing a months pay.

The kit would need to have full filtration as I imagine all our water ways will be seriously polluted.

an accurate forecast is just in the realms of science fiction or to be less specific just old fashioned fiction

I doubt whether you'd need a forecast nor any of those other features you mentioned, as sport will be something you do in a virtual reality simulator in the air-conditioned comfort and safety of your apartment.
Chances are you wouldn't survive long in the not-so-great outdoors!
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John340 said..
You'll be able to purchase and upload skills, eg forward loops, spocks etc, instead of having to learn them the hard way.

Or, if you choose to learn tricks the hard way, at least the virtual crashes won't hurt like the real ones!

SA, 12 posts
1 hour ago , 2 Jul 2024 2:59PM
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What about Augmented Reality glasses so you could race against yourself or a few Pro's?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Windsurfing in the Year 3000." started by leto