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Forums > Windsurfing General

Winter gut luggage

Created by Cluffy > 9 months ago, 15 Sep 2014
NSW, 415 posts
15 Sep 2014 11:06AM
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How much weight did you gain over winter and how's it going getting rid of it? My sailing weight is 80 kilo's as I believe for my strength and fitness level it gives me a good balance between getting planning early and power in the windy stuff. As of September 1st I was ballooned out to 83 kilo's mainly due to recreational eating combined with a few beers. 3 kilo's might not sound like much but I'm a type 1 diabetic and 3 kilo's is a catastrophe lol. I've cut out the nasty foods(mostly) which enables me to reduce my insulin dose and combined with some stand up paddling and busting a gut on the formula board I'm back down to 81 kilo's. That 1 kilo will be difficult but I'll get the bastard don't worry lol.

What do you guys do to get rid of the winter blubber?

NSW, 264 posts
15 Sep 2014 11:38AM
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Breakfast - Lots of water, 2x vitabrits
Lunch - 1 x 95 gm can tuna, 2x apple, 1 orange
Daily - 6 x extra strength coffees and lots of water

WA, 4642 posts
15 Sep 2014 11:04AM
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Don't eat carbs after lunch time.
They take 8 hours to convert and by then you're sleeping in bed.
You wake up wearing them on your belly.

Eat all the vegies you want, boiled or otherwise. Flavour them up with spices and a bit of sweet chilli source if you want. (but not too much sweet)

And most of all, if you're not doing physical work, then eat less of everything.
All easy to say,.. but much harder to do.

NSW, 1104 posts
15 Sep 2014 1:09PM
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Usually 75 kg, puffed up to 81 kg now.

My weight reduction method / plan- sail heaps! I'll be back 75 kg- and a whole lot fitter- around Xmas I reckon.

NSW, 1733 posts
15 Sep 2014 2:26PM
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Get a digital scale and weigh yourself every day, it's much easier to prevent gaining weight than reduce it.

QLD, 5610 posts
15 Sep 2014 3:00PM
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My waist harness shrinks every winter....

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
15 Sep 2014 3:06PM
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Just going to drop this here :P

WA, 533 posts
15 Sep 2014 3:15PM
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Cluffy said..
How much weight did you gain over winter and how's it going getting rid of it? My sailing weight is 80 kilo's as I believe for my strength and fitness level it gives me a good balance between getting planning early and power in the windy stuff. As of September 1st I was ballooned out to 83 kilo's mainly due to recreational eating combined with a few beers. 3 kilo's might not sound like much but I'm a type 1 diabetic and 3 kilo's is a catastrophe lol. I've cut out the nasty foods(mostly) which enables me to reduce my insulin dose and combined with some stand up paddling and busting a gut on the formula board I'm back down to 81 kilo's. That 1 kilo will be difficult but I'll get the bastard don't worry lol.
What do you guys do to get rid of the winter blubber?

Get a bigger kite.

NSW, 1871 posts
15 Sep 2014 7:50PM
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I bumped into an old colleague of mine a few months ago and he mentioned fasting a couple of days a week. I thought it sounded extreme and didn't give it further thought. then I saw programme last night last night espousing the benefits of fasting and the 5-2 approach.

Essentially you fast for 2 days a week then normal the rest. They claimed that when your fasting your body is not processing food but us free to repair and rebuild cells. As a result, in addition to weight loss there we're a range of other health benefits, eg curing diseases. They also claimed that best results from exercise were doing intense bursts. So don't spend an hour jogging, doable 3 min sprint instead.

QLD, 3235 posts
15 Sep 2014 7:52PM
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Was 87, got to 93, now 89, targeting 80 by years end. I fast 2 days a week when I eat less than 500 cals. I also don't drink when I'm on site.

VIC, 1234 posts
18 Sep 2014 12:05AM
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Cluffy said..
How much weight did you gain over winter and how's it going getting rid of it? My sailing weight is 80 kilo's as I believe for my strength and fitness level it gives me a good balance between getting planning early and power in the windy stuff. As of September 1st I was ballooned out to 83 kilo's mainly due to recreational eating combined with a few beers. 3 kilo's might not sound like much but I'm a type 1 diabetic and 3 kilo's is a catastrophe lol. I've cut out the nasty foods(mostly) which enables me to reduce my insulin dose and combined with some stand up paddling and busting a gut on the formula board I'm back down to 81 kilo's. That 1 kilo will be difficult but I'll get the bastard don't worry lol.

What do you guys do to get rid of the winter blubber?

Exercise is a scam. (OK, not really, but you'd have to spend a lot of time on the treadmill to make up for a few Tim Tams). The only thing that works is "caloric restriction". You should be somewhat hungry after every meal. Wait 20 minutes and you will feel full. Don't drink any calories, only water. Stuff yourself with rough unprocessed food (fruit and veg). Feed the gut bacteria:

NSW, 1733 posts
18 Sep 2014 7:20AM
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It may work to lose wait, but it is known that an overweight person that exercises is healthier than a lean person that does not

NSW, 8074 posts
18 Sep 2014 1:00PM
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Cut out the junk - sugar and sail 2 x a week does it for me.. 61kgs summer up to 65 in winter..
I usually go XCD skiing for a week and find after that I lose all excess weight and am fit as.. Nothing like 5 days of 6- 8hrs skiing + climbing mountains to get you fit ( or kill you)
It didn't work this year as too many health issues to get out on trips.. only lost a kilo odd then sedentary with head cold for last 2 weeks..

NSW, 8074 posts
18 Sep 2014 1:02PM
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MrCranky said..

Cluffy said..
How much weight did you gain over winter and how's it going getting rid of it? My sailing weight is 80 kilo's as I believe for my strength and fitness level it gives me a good balance between getting planning early and power in the windy stuff. As of September 1st I was ballooned out to 83 kilo's mainly due to recreational eating combined with a few beers. 3 kilo's might not sound like much but I'm a type 1 diabetic and 3 kilo's is a catastrophe lol. I've cut out the nasty foods(mostly) which enables me to reduce my insulin dose and combined with some stand up paddling and busting a gut on the formula board I'm back down to 81 kilo's. That 1 kilo will be difficult but I'll get the bastard don't worry lol.

What do you guys do to get rid of the winter blubber?

Exercise is a scam. (OK, not really, but you'd have to spend a lot of time on the treadmill to make up for a few Tim Tams). The only thing that works is "caloric restriction". You should be somewhat hungry after every meal. Wait 20 minutes and you will feel full. Don't drink any calories, only water. Stuff yourself with rough unprocessed food (fruit and veg). Feed the gut bacteria:

Sorry no way - if you diet without exercise your body goes into conservation mode and becomes more efficient at storing fat so you get fat on less food! Eat less exercise more..

NSW, 3082 posts
18 Sep 2014 1:08PM
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No has mentioned beer as a food so thats all good!!

QLD, 169 posts
18 Sep 2014 1:44PM
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Eat normally for a day then skip a day. Repeat for 2 weeks and watch the weight fall off.
Note: you can stop skipping for toilet breaks and a bit of sleep.

NSW, 8074 posts
18 Sep 2014 2:51PM
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ka43 said..
No has mentioned beer as a food so thats all good!!

Sorry beer and wine are full of sugar and calories..

NSW, 8074 posts
18 Sep 2014 2:54PM
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PhilSWR said..
Usually 75 kg, puffed up to 81 kg now.

My weight reduction method / plan- sail heaps! I'll be back 75 kg- and a whole lot fitter- around Xmas I reckon.

Mine too- only problem is it relies on the wind blowing and being able to get out..

NSW, 405 posts
18 Sep 2014 3:37PM
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I do a lot of cycling. I started as I was not getting as much exercise from other sports (including sailing) as I used to with family commitments. I started just commuting to work (takes about the same amount of time, but I can stay fit rather than sit in traffic). I liked it so much that I quickly started fitting a long ride in early on a Saturday morning for around 200kms a week (around 7-8 hours a week). I did not change my eating habits, and lost around 10kgs over around 6 months and was still losing weight. I then increased my eating to stabilise my weight around 70kg which seems about right for me.

I really enjoy being able to eat whatever I want and stay at a good weight for my health (my wife makes sure I eat fairly healthy food, as I would be happy with burgers and fries and do eat a lot of that too!!).

Just adding in here, as I think that exercise is a great option for losing weight and at the same time keeping fit. I personally much prefer to feel great, stay fit and not be hungry then to battle myself from eating. It benefits my windsurfing also, as I will be sailing fit very quickly when I start up again for the summer (after 6 months off sailing). Normally I can pretty much straight away go out and do 100+km sessions.

NSW, 8074 posts
18 Sep 2014 9:33PM
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vosadrian said..
I do a lot of cycling. I started as I was not getting as much exercise from other sports (including sailing) as I used to with family commitments. I started just commuting to work (takes about the same amount of time, but I can stay fit rather than sit in traffic). I liked it so much that I quickly started fitting a long ride in early on a Saturday morning for around 200kms a week (around 7-8 hours a week). I did not change my eating habits, and lost around 10kgs over around 6 months and was still losing weight. I then increased my eating to stabilise my weight around 70kg which seems about right for me.

I really enjoy being able to eat whatever I want and stay at a good weight for my health (my wife makes sure I eat fairly healthy food, as I would be happy with burgers and fries and do eat a lot of that too!!).

Just adding in here, as I think that exercise is a great option for losing weight and at the same time keeping fit. I personally much prefer to feel great, stay fit and not be hungry then to battle myself from eating. It benefits my windsurfing also, as I will be sailing fit very quickly when I start up again for the summer (after 6 months off sailing). Normally I can pretty much straight away go out and do 100+km sessions.

Yep. Do something you enjoy and that fits into your lifestyle. I've never really been a gym person. I used to commute by cycle then on a weekend I'd do 30-50km dayrides or o/n rides out in beautiful quiet countryside or bushwalks , kayaking etc etc..( get to see new country, fun + gets you fit and you can eat heaps and not get fat..)
Problem is when you get slack and stop doing it..

VIC, 666 posts
20 Sep 2014 12:10AM
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Tips to get and maintain that six pack:
1. Don't drink callaries
2. Cycle 3 hours a week with mates. You won't keep it up without mates.
3. Have a goal. (Mine is to be fit and strong for a big upcoming windsurf trip)
4. Short burst exercise. My daily 20min routine is: 60 push-ups. 25 shoulder side, front then back raises. 25 military press. 25 chin-ups. 50 sit-ups. Keep the dumb bells under the coffee table and watch TV doing it.
5. Don't eat until you are full

QLD, 3424 posts
20 Sep 2014 7:32AM
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Yuppy said..
Tips to get and maintain that six pack:

5. Don't eat until you are full

That's the hardest part.....


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Winter gut luggage" started by Cluffy