I'm going to be spending few days over Xmass at North Stradbroke. Are there any good sailing locations there?
Is it worth taking my gear over from WA?
If yes, what gear should I take?
Mistral Syncro 91 l + suitable sails
Mistral Syncro Fish 78 l + suitable sails
or both (2 boards + 5 sails + booms and masts)
Yeah Nth Straddie has some fun sailing spots so it is worth taking your gear. You can find somewhere to sail in pretty much any wind direction (as long as you take a car over there). Easterly, small wave sailing at Flinders beach. Southerly , Main Beach,waves a little biffer but usually not to heavy. Northerley you can sail at 1 mile, there is a sand bank so water stays pretty flat (watch out for the tigers tho).
Dont bother even thinking about sailing on any of the lakes, the wind never comes through clean.
hi gs12, if you are staying at straddy then it's a great spot for windsurfing around christmas, with the normal northerlies you can rig up at the northern tip beach at amity and sail across the channel to those sandbanks which have some great speed runs and small swells in crystal clear waist deep water to the western side.
sure there might be some big fish in the deep channel which is a few hundred metres across (don't spend extended periods of time swimming around) but i have sailed around amity for a few decades and i wouldn't be too bothered if your skill levels are reasonable and you dont sail at dawn or dusk.
cylinder beach is also great on a northerly and with not too big a swell (rare in december)and it's onshore you should get some good sailing in.remember absolutely heaps of crew surf there! and take your larger gear as it's normally 15-18 knots.
regards ian