Nice pics, looks like good conditions, but the heading of ARIAL jam was miss leading, where is the arial??
^^^^lol thanks dude, sooo I am a useful
Just asken, cant seem to see any AIR between the water and the sailor???? unless I zoom in 200% on my computer machine to try and spot the air Nice looking winds though.
Was hoping the ARIAL JAM pics were of some sort of big air thats all? Kinds like a heading saying " HOT HETROSEXUAL PORN" and then posting some kiteboarders vid. lol
Just in case Lotofsh!t is not trolling as he usually does and was actually asking......
An "aerial" refers to a wave riding manouever where on the top turn one leaves the wave and lands back on the face. NOT a jump (heading out) with loop or whatever...... same as if a surfer leaves the wave on the top turn
It is therefore rather difficult as it requires boardspeed and the right angle hitting the lip etc. EG how many surfers do you see busting out air off the top tun and then landing on the face to continue on..?
That is cos we do not have natural lift dragging us upwards any time we choose.
So a few pics above show aerials (a couple are only just taking off, or right on landing) and the one with the board vertical is halfway thru a 360 which is crazy difficult.
u always get angry with name calling, attack the ball not the man dude,,or is that too crazy difficult
Chillax old timer, you dont need to attack everytime time I post something, gets a bit predictably platitude.
^^ hey man just helping out the one who is so old he can't see the air between wave and board in over half of those pics without zooming in to 200%.
Cos of course you would post what u really think, not just write crap to get a reaction, right....?
Chillax dude.
Mike was ripping it up yesterday, three airs on one wave perfect timing, easily the best sailer out there, we'll done Mike.