Forums > Windsurfing General

dinosaur mast base

Created by tassiesnafu > 9 months ago, 12 Feb 2017
5 posts
12 Feb 2017 5:33AM
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I liberated this Jurassic age Windrush Fun 11 from the local tip. It's in reasonable condition and I'd like to get up and running. I've got a mast but the base fitting doesn't match the sliding fitting on the board.
Perhaps someone might be able to help me get hold of a suitable fitting.

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
12 Feb 2017 1:20PM
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I reckon best to just use a new style one where the nut slides in the mast track - just a bigger nut.
If you cant find one, its easy enough to get a bit of scrap stainless plate and tap a thread thru it

WA, 3372 posts
12 Feb 2017 5:25PM
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I had this brass fitting made up many years ago when you couldn't buy the plastic ones any longer. I probably should upgrade.

5 posts
12 Feb 2017 6:19PM
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Thanks for that Agrid, now I understand what one looks like and how it works. I might just get some high density plastic and spin one up on a lathe.

VIC, 23 posts
12 Feb 2017 9:37PM
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Looks like a similar track to a Mistral One design. I have one and use a standard euro pin mast base and brass plate with a thread that you can either make or buy

Can't adjust it while sailing but I'm not that technical a sailor to need that anyway. I just hold it in with a finger while screwing the mast base in.

joe windsurf
1481 posts
12 Feb 2017 8:17PM
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originally tried to post about Fanatic CAT mast base - same as this one
that is difficult to find tho ...
as people have suggested, with that track you can make a metal plate with a hole in it
NO thread required - bolt standard Chinook base through the hole
did that with my Mistral Equipe One

WA, 3372 posts
12 Feb 2017 9:51PM
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I can measure if you like.

5 posts
13 Feb 2017 4:34AM
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That would be great if you could measure it for me.

WA, 3372 posts
13 Feb 2017 2:18PM
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This any help? Mine is pretty worn but still stays in. The plastic ones never used to last that long so I had one made up in brass.

5 posts
13 Feb 2017 6:38PM
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That looks great. I think I'll go for a metal one as well.
Will be nice to get back into's only been around 30 years!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"dinosaur mast base" started by tassiesnafu