Forums > Windsurfing General

have i done this right?

Created by Willy Sailor > 9 months ago, 12 Apr 2012
Willy Sailor
242 posts
12 Apr 2012 10:59AM
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moby gave me a 5m sail ,
5m , 430 luff , boom 165

i have set it on my 455 ( old ebay 1 piece mast) with a 10 cm gap on top
boom say"165-210" so i set it on the lowest setting

should it be lower or higher on the mast ?

should i set it on my newer 460 2 piece mast (

when i pull the ropes in , the batten are pushing pass the mast

down-haul - (base) went left to right ,(sail) closest to the mast , other side then middle

is this correct ? more out-haul ?

just don't want to break my new toy :(

Willy Sailor
242 posts
12 Apr 2012 11:04AM
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what does it mean ?

mcs 24-26 ?
IMCS 22-27 ?

and what does it mean Ideal mast
sailwork EP 460/25

so it that fine on my 455..... what does the 25 mean???

NSW, 9029 posts
12 Apr 2012 1:22PM
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Thats looking okay. It needs more downhaul though. Wrap the downhaul around a bar or screwdriver and then use it to downhaul, rather than holding onto the rope. Try to minimise the gap between the sail pullies and the base pullies.

It probably needs a little outhaul too. Shorten your boom and let the sail touch the boom end. I wouldn't give it too much outhaul though as it will flatten the sail too much.

Those numbers are about the mast index. Its a crazy subject and seems to be open to interpretation. The ideal mast is a mast made by Sailworks however as this sail is about 14 years old that mast probably doesn't exist. Try it on both your masts and see how it goes on them. You will have to adjust either the top strap or the mast extension.

Man I could have used that sail last Tuesday. I haven't need a 5m for about 3 years but that day I did.

WA, 4014 posts
12 Apr 2012 11:32AM
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Good job with the threading to get no crossovers.
Agree more downhaul required. Aim to finish with the batten above the boom halfway across the mast.
You may need more outhaul, increase your downhaul first. Have your boom shorter so the clew end of the sail is touching the boom when fully outhauled.

Best idea is to rig where there are other windsurfers and ask one to help you with getting it right.

NSW, 9202 posts
12 Apr 2012 1:50PM
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Firstly: You won't break it! Seriously.

(I've never seen a sail that is best with a mast longer than the luff, but I'm kinda new.)
Ignoring that, if your mast is 430, and the luff is 436 - 439 you need to set your extension between 6cm and 9cm, as a starting point. 430 + 6 = 436. It looks like your extension is on 0cm. This is why it also looks like you need more downhaul.

Luff, by the way, is the length of the sail from top to bottom, when set correctly. Boom is, well, boom length.

These numbers are a suggestion and are often out by a couple of cm, for a number of reasons I won't go into.

Downhaul all the way until your pulley is about next to the black extension setting thingy. Yes, that far. No, you won't break anything.

You want the second panel at the top of the sail to be floppy up till about half way across the sail. More for more control, less for more power. It depends on the conditions. Experiment.

You also want to pull the outhaul all the way out, once you've set the boom to the recommended length. Again, the numbers are a suggestion, rarely perfectly accurate. You want the battens above the boom to be lying about half way across your mast, or less. It has to be easy to flip the sail, the batten will move across to the other side of the mast when this happens.

That's about all there is to rigging, the rest is fine tuning.


Short version:

1. Set your extension to 8cm. (mast 430cm + 8cm = 438cm = approx the luff)
2. Set your boom length to 165cm
3. Downhaul allllll the way to the bottom, leave say a 1-2cm gap. (tip: use harness hook and your legs)
4. Outhaul alllllll the way to the end of the boom.

This is a good starting point. Now fine tune.

Willy Sailor
242 posts
12 Apr 2012 12:09PM
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i put my foot on the mast and boom and pulled with a metal rod ( 5 cm )

made a huge different :)

so no matter how hard i pull , i cant break the sail ?

what the best way too loop the outhaul

found it get lock up , should i feed the rope up the same way .

do new sail have outhaul pully like the downhaul pully ?

thx for the help

going to the surf shop to get some boots , and i am going to try it out :)

WA, 304 posts
12 Apr 2012 12:20PM
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Generally yes, evlPanda, however, one of the pictures shows that the sail has an extended "variotop". The luff spec applies with the top set to 0, and it's clearly not, and cannot be, with such a long mast - 455 cm.

So, I'd set the base for the least extension (looks like zero is possible with this one), and add 18cm to the top of the sail, using the variotop, then downhaul all the way down, leaving about an inch gap. The idea is to minimise the mast extension on top of the sail. When downhauling, use the harness spreader bar for now, but in future, try to source one of those helper tools with a cleat that used to be called "Easy Rig" - they are cheap and invaluable.

The pulley threading is great (Edit: well, on a second look, it is a bit cross-threaded and can be done in a better way), but a lot more downhaul is required, as universally agreed. Once downhaul is correct, outhaul can be done as per boom measurements.

WA, 304 posts
12 Apr 2012 12:35PM
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billyboy402 said...
do new sail have outhaul pully like the downhaul pully ?

No, they just have an eyelet like your current one. The 4x purchase you are getting from the loop is already plenty enough. There is a lot less pressure on the outhaul. Many people use 2 fingers to pull the outhaul rope until it feels tight. This is considered "neutral". One usually adds or subtracts just a few centimetres from this point.

NSW, 8019 posts
12 Apr 2012 2:47PM
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With a sail that old it may not go floppy/twist at the top?
I used my 4.2m sailworks for the first time Tues & it had a turban.I don't think its designed to go floppy..they must have been too early and the twist off designs came later?

NSW, 9029 posts
12 Apr 2012 3:08PM
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sboardcrazy said...

With a sail that old it may not go floppy/twist at the top?
I used my 4.2m sailworks for the first time Tues & it had a turban.I don't think its designed to go floppy..they must have been too early and the twist off designs came later?

Yeah I never rigged this sail with a floppy leech like modern sails. However it could be that it was always rigged on too firm a mast. Anyway its not a bad sail for learning and getting going on.

WA, 4014 posts
12 Apr 2012 1:37PM
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I wouldn't expect a sail of that age to be designed to twist off. It may go floppy at the top if overdownhauled. Just aim to have the batten above the boom half way across the mast. Less = no shape in the sail, more = hard to flip across.

NSW, 1499 posts
12 Apr 2012 3:37PM
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Windxtasy said...

Good job with the threading to get no crossovers.

To me, on the the first pic, looks like the lines are crossed from the sails centre pully's to the base pullies.

264 posts
12 Apr 2012 2:51PM
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DavMen said...

Windxtasy said...

Good job with the threading to get no crossovers.

To me, on the the first pic, looks like the lines are crossed from the sails centre pully's to the base pullies.

I agree with DavMen, Possibly that middle should be threaded to the outside not inside and then continue that way it might smooth the downhaul pulling of the rope which may give you another few centimeters maybe.

Kind Regards

Willy Sailor
242 posts
12 Apr 2012 3:02PM
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Mobydisc said...

Man I could have used that sail last Tuesday. I haven't need a 5m for about 3 years but that day I did.

Mate you know where i live . welcome any time
i will leave it where you left it

Willy Sailor
242 posts
12 Apr 2012 3:10PM
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d1 said...

Generally yes, evlPanda, however, one of the pictures shows that the sail has an extended "variotop". The luff spec applies with the top set to 0, and it's clearly not, and cannot be, with such a long mast - 455 cm.

So, I'd set the base for the least extension (looks like zero is possible with this one), and add 18cm to the top of the sail, using the variotop, then downhaul all the way down, leaving about an inch gap.

thanks , i learn a new word "variotop"

ok , so 18 cm from the top and pull all the way
( by the way , how did you get 18 cm ??)

i thought it would be better to put the sail high so the mast can flex more ( thinner at the top)

and why do i want the batten to sit on the mast 50% , wont this reck the batten flicking back and forth when i change wind side

Willy Sailor
242 posts
12 Apr 2012 3:14PM
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Mobydisc said...

sboardcrazy said...

With a sail that old it may not go floppy/twist at the top?
I used my 4.2m sailworks for the first time Tues & it had a turban.I don't think its designed to go floppy..they must have been too early and the twist off designs came later?

Yeah I never rigged this sail with a floppy leech like modern sails. However it could be that it was always rigged on too firm a mast. Anyway its not a bad sail for learning and getting going on.

what is a "floppy leech" and "twist off"

i think it great sail first sail i had with batten . and see through

got on it today , made such a different . the water just run off and feel light

wont be long until i will be giving it to the next beginner ( i hope )

just thought -

should i be able to push the sail down and touch the back of the boom . i couldn't - is that too tight ?

WA, 304 posts
12 Apr 2012 3:34PM
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billyboy402 said...
ok , so 18 cm from the top and pull all the way
( by the way , how did you get 18 cm ??)

i thought it would be better to put the sail high so the mast can flex more ( thinner at the top)

and why do i want the batten to sit on the mast 50% , wont this reck the batten flicking back and forth when i change wind side

Here is the calculation: The luff of the sail is given as 436-439. So extending the sail at the top by around 18 cm will give you a luff of 454-457. Your mast is 455 - so it's a good fit for a mast base with zero extension.

The sail should sit as low on the mast+extension as possible, keeping the centre of effort (CoE) low. It's easier to sail like this. 18 cm of top extension is normal for this setup - the sail's recommended mast is a 460 anyway.

A traditional "rule of thumb" is that the batten ends should be halfway on the mast when you outhaul the sail correctly and it is flat on the ground. Once the wind fills the sail it all looks a lot better. The battens are quite tough and usually outlast the other parts of the sail, especially the monofilm - don't worry about wrecking them.

NSW, 1016 posts
12 Apr 2012 9:18PM
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goodonya Moby,legend

10 posts
12 Apr 2012 11:54PM
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The best threading on your extension is as follows...

Pulleys on the sail we'll call A,B & C. A being closest to the mast.
Pulleys on the extension we'll call 1,2 & 3, from left to right. 3 isn't used in this case.

From the start, thread left to right over A and through the inside (mast side) of 2.
From the outside of 2, right to left over C to outside of 1.
From the inside of 1, left to right over B and into the cleat.

You can experiment with switching 2 to 3, or 1&2 to 2&3 to find the method with the least resistance.

NSW, 625 posts
13 Apr 2012 2:16AM
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Mungo said...

The best threading on your extension is as follows...

Pulleys on the sail we'll call A,B & C. A being closest to the mast.
Pulleys on the extension we'll call 1,2 & 3, from left to right. 3 isn't used in this case.

From the start, thread left to right over A and through the inside (mast side) of 2.
From the outside of 2, right to left over C to outside of 1.
From the inside of 1, left to right over B and into the cleat.

You can experiment with switching 2 to 3, or 1&2 to 2&3 to find the method with the least resistance.

That lost me........ pics please


Forums > Windsurfing General

"have i done this right?" started by Willy Sailor