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Forums > Windsurfing General

mistral maui

Created by nils reinert > 9 months ago, 27 Aug 2009
nils reinert
4 posts
27 Aug 2009 2:49AM
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Hello , i am new to this sport and have a Mistral Maui board on hand , will it be a good board for me ?

VIC, 753 posts
27 Aug 2009 8:20AM
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Hello, Nils,

You might care to tell us how old you are, are you sailing in the sea or on fresh water and how big the sail is (might be 5 squ. mtrs or 6 squ. mtrs). Are you sailing by yourself or are there others around you (who can give you help)?

The board you own is from the mid-eighties and it will do the job, but you will have to learn to balance it as you uphaul the sail (modern boards are much wider and more stable).

When you are learning, look for a wind forecast of 10 - 15 kts and try to get on to water that is flat. Keep away from water that is breaking over a sand bar (very difficult to balance and uphaul at the same time). Make sure the dagger board is fully down (increases stability).

I'd suggest that you remove the footstraps so that the deck is less cluttered and I'd suggest taking your wishbone boom to a windsurf shop and buy a modern boom with a quick-fit front end on it (so that the boom can be fitted to the mast quickly). As a suggestion, you might consider a Neil Pryde X3 boom. Also, whilst you are at the windsurf shop, you might try and get a "beginner" DVD to help you or go to your local library and find out what books they have.

Hope this helps,


NSW, 8080 posts
27 Aug 2009 10:11AM
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I found it a good board for its day but I learnt to waterstart early as being a woman I found the rig too heavy to uphaul. Had a lot of fun on it.

NSW, 9205 posts
27 Aug 2009 11:52AM
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... and take note of what the tide is doing. Don't be learning on an outgoing tide where you may be swept out to sea, a major shipping channel or anything like that.

I learnt on a similar board only 3 years ago. It is fine for a beginner board, since you will likely progress to an intermediate board within 6 months (or even 6 days).

What sail do you have there?

Ben 555
NSW, 455 posts
27 Aug 2009 2:06PM
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Sorry to drop in on your thread nils - but great photos sbc - they have inspired me to get out our recently purchased mint condition (used twice in twenty years) maui with a formula sail.

QLD, 123 posts
27 Aug 2009 2:30PM
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My dad had one (I think it's in his garage still). From memory it was wider than many of its day, and with the dagger down it was pretty stable. I used to SUP on it as a kid and learned the basics.

I remember it as a fun board, but the deck - at least on dad's - was _very_ slippery, even when new. If yours is similar, it may be worthwhile improving the grip. Other than that, I think it's a great old board.

I'm pretty sure you can retro-fit new mast bases into it's sliding track too, so you could run a brand new rig if you wanted to. Check with your local store if you have one.


nils reinert
4 posts
27 Aug 2009 9:02PM
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Thank you for all the replies ,Very useful. I am a 1. 87m tall man ,28 years old , and will be surfing on a norwegian fjord , (i am norwegian).
The sail is 6 sqm.

I have not bought it yet , but it is the cheapest i can find , and i dont want to use a lot of money in the start.

WA, 331 posts
27 Aug 2009 9:43PM
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I don't know if this is relevant, but the spot where the photo is taken looks like a fairly challenging spot to rig up, and thats on a quiet day!

QLD, 5283 posts
28 Aug 2009 1:11AM
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nils reinert said...

Thank you for all the replies ,Very useful. I am a 1. 87m tall man ,28 years old , and will be surfing on a norwegian fjord , (i am norwegian).

i do not mean to be disrespectful in any way........but are there people in norway that you could have asked?!?!

evlPanda is getting RSI from all this!

anyway holden is better than fjord.

nils reinert
4 posts
28 Aug 2009 12:45AM
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i live long way out from the town , and i like to use online forums where there is many user so i can get a fast answer . this one was the first i found , although i was trying to find an american forum .

nils reinert
4 posts
28 Aug 2009 12:50AM
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is this one an ok board for a beginner

VIC, 753 posts
28 Aug 2009 8:03AM
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Hello, Nils,

Both boards will be OK for learning, but I suggest you remove the footstraps. Both booms are "first generation" and are difficult to attach to the mast. You may need to find a book in a library to show you how to fit the boom to the mast, otherwise I suggest you replace them with current "quick connect" types.

Also suggest that you try and link up with other windsurfers in your area, particularly those who are learning.



NSW, 8080 posts
28 Aug 2009 8:16PM
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Sorry to drop in on your thread nils - but great photos sbc - they have inspired me to get out our recently purchased mint condition (used twice in twenty years) maui with a formula sail.
It would be weird sailing one again.A modern rig would certainly help.
I remember it as a fun board, but the deck - at least on dad's - was _very_ slippery, even when new.
Yes I think mine was too.Thats probably where I first got my heavy reliance on footstraps..


Forums > Windsurfing General

"mistral maui" started by nils reinert