Forums > Windsurfing General

more scabs video

Created by Paul > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2012
WA, 346 posts
20 Feb 2012 8:18PM
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Not much to jump up and down about, but everyone was happy to get wet after the spell without wind. I was mucking around with crap when all the good action was going on, and everyone stuggled to find a wave when the camera was aiming at them.

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
20 Feb 2012 9:07PM
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nice effort Paul -and thanks for taking the time to shoot and edit this piece.

Top music choice - what is it ?

What lens where you on ?

nice of huey to build in a polariser with the clouds to kill the glare.

This shows how ridiculously mobile Ben Arthur is at Scarbs. Stoked he got a wave three on such a marginal day - top effort.

WA, 7608 posts
20 Feb 2012 9:40PM
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Reflex Films said...

Top music choice - what is it?

Yeha Noha, wishes of happiness

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
20 Feb 2012 11:21PM
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Reflex Films said...

This shows how ridiculously mobile Ben Arthur is at Scarbs. Stoked he got a wave three on such a marginal day - top effort.

He knows how to make the most of it, but your no slouch either

Another entertaining video Paul, big fan, love your work.

WA, 647 posts
21 Feb 2012 4:28PM
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Mr. No-one said...

Reflex Films said...

This shows how ridiculously mobile Ben Arthur is at Scarbs. Stoked he got a wave three on such a marginal day - top effort.

He knows how to make the most of it, but your no slouch either

Another entertaining video Paul, big fan, love your work.

Fully agree, top effort

NSW, 1016 posts
21 Feb 2012 9:14PM
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freakin awesome standard of wave sailing.I am hanging to get off my "L"plates and into some wave action!!
Loved it fully

WA, 1461 posts
21 Feb 2012 6:18PM
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Go Paul ! Your artistic abilities are shining through. More more more! oh but if your filming then you don't get to sail hmmmm
PS Paul Sun was cr4p I didn't bother

WA, 725 posts
21 Feb 2012 9:32PM
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I enjoyed that - sort of made up for being off the water with the injured hand (dream on).


Robert Snijders
25 posts
21 Feb 2012 9:48PM
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Cheers mate, nice shots ; ) keeps me running ;)

WA, 346 posts
22 Feb 2012 12:22AM
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Thanks guys but it is not that good.

Reflex was nailing plenty of loops and lip smacks but I was distracted every time and just caught the end them. Ben also nailed plenty of better jumps but I missed them too.

There is so much more to putting a flick together like Relfex's and then not boring everyone to death with mediocrity. Reflex, the lens was the sigma 50-500, too soft for clean pics with my lack of knowledge but not bad for film.
I promise to get the rest of the boys in the next one. I may have to film more before I can sail again but not by choice.

The doc said another two weeks before I can sail again, I said no way it is the end of the season and I can't miss anymore. So I will have to wrap the hand up in a sealed glove or something now that the finger will work a bit.

After a week of antibiotics the doc said it was a white tail spider with the venom trying to kill off my hand. Luckily I did go the the doc's after all and it is only my finger and not the whole hand in trouble.

SA, 4032 posts
22 Feb 2012 12:45PM
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^ how long did it take for your finger to look like that?

NSW, 696 posts
22 Feb 2012 3:35PM
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enjoyed the vid - great view

sorry to hear about the white tail spider Paul - nasty bastards they are - and the thing is, they are everywhere and hardly anyone knows about them or how nasty their bites are.

Everybody: Check your bed sheets, under your pillows in your shoes etc. Sounds fear mongering, but seriously, get bitten in the wrong spot and you could be up for loss of a limb worst case. Scared the hell out of me when I got a bite on my big toe when I got into bed one night. I had a client get bitten on the shin and he was still fighting to keep his leg two years later. A very long healing process

WA, 74 posts
22 Feb 2012 1:19PM
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your finger looks bad and may get worse
if you dont remember a spider bite to precipitate this then it could be an atypical bacterial infection that may not respond to routine antibiotics
I recommend seeing an infectious disease specialist and getting swabs to identify the organism

NSW, 214 posts
22 Feb 2012 6:01PM
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looks like celulitus, keep hard on the anti-bodies, 60 years ago you would have lost your whole forearm.. hectic thought eh!!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"more scabs video" started by Paul