I am so sick of the Sydney wind I am going to a real winter wonderland tomorrow, Japan. Weather permitting I should be shloosing down the slopes, having snowball fights and making a snowman on Monday. I will top it off by having a bath with some snow monkeys
is andrew simons going to be there? [}:)]
the forecast for tomorrow....
Saturday: NW/SW winds 15/20 knots freshening to 20/25 knots during the morning.
A 20/30 knot S/SE change in the afternoon. Seas 1.1 metres rising to 1.5 metres
with the change.
i'll suggest that seeing that the breeze is coming from the west, then sail on the western side of the point so that you get blown back to land rather than out to sea, well that'd be my preference anyway
it is not possible really to sail the eastern side in a westerly as it is in a huge wind shadow,
the western side along the bank is the go in a westerly, if it does end up being strong and from the NW then there will be lots of chop around at high tide.
it is a very strange timne of year to get a NW-W-SW wind so hopefully it happens.
wello rocks in those wind conditions.
I've got jobs to do today but am looking at going to Manly tomorrow around high tide unless wind swings to SE then I will go to Vic Point.
It's been a while since they've precdicted wind, and it hasn't come
Damn no kite today it seems, and first aid course all day tomorrow [}:)]
Nice idea originally Justin. =]
took the kids to wello for a swim anyways. dead calm water was a lake.
the car is still packed so when this southerly vhange hits later this arvo i'm goin to VP.
i can't believe the bom could be so wrong. how can a 15-20 knot increasing to 20-25 forecast see us get 2 knots.
Nah Vando a few more knots would've been sweet.
haha i hit the point, as did most of the guys, and 2 very exp. guys went out on a 6m, and seeing I have a 6.5m as my smallest, I didn't want to push it!
The windy's were holding on aye. Zebb had the speed on you guys