Hi all
Wondering if anyone knows where I would be able to get a new mast car for my 2002 mistral prodigy. Been sailing this board for 20 years without a problem and today there was a decent breeze and I would not be needing the sliding mast track so I had the bright idea of putting a standard one bolt mast base into the 8mm threaded section behind the normal hole where the pin base locks in. BIG MISTAKE, its obviously not meant for mast bases and it cracked the car in half. As its not an expendable part Im extremely worried that I will not be able to replace it. Its a very detailed piece of engineering so I doubt I would even be able to get one made. See below photos.
There is a group on Facebook called "old school mistral owners club" I was helped by a great guy in the UK with finding an original centreboard for a superlight 2. Posted it to Brisbane for me. The mast car would be a much more common part, I think you may be able to find one by posting on there
Thanks for the info guys. Wind power didn't have it listed on their site but I sent them a message anyway also messaged old school mistral owners fingers crossed I'll find one.