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Forums > Windsurfing General

windsurfer one design restoration

Created by Gestalt > 9 months ago, 25 May 2015
QLD, 14485 posts
25 May 2015 7:45PM
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have slowly been restoring a modified windsurfer one design I got about 6 or so months back to like new condition. or as new as possible condition.

so far, I've replaced the mast track with a genuine one,
taken a knife to any jagged bits along the rails,
sanded the hull and rails with wet and dry,
glued and set the flaps and added mylar tape along the length,
sprayed he flaps with silicon pray
sanded back the centreboard.
board came with a new fin.

I recently picked up a second hand sail in very good condition and have tidied up the mast with new plugs so the entire setup is working like new.

only thing left to do is to remove the rust stains off the deck.

any ideas. I was thinking bleach? I've read ajax, gumption, clr.

wondering what people have used.

joe windsurf
1481 posts
25 May 2015 7:11PM
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once complete or ready to go - can you do a gear review ??

WA, 734 posts
25 May 2015 7:21PM
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Try Ranex rust buster it should not effect the plastic !

QLD, 14485 posts
25 May 2015 9:24PM
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can confirm that gumption is not going to work.

I've been sailing it since I got it.

review time.

windsurfer one design. - the orginal.

QLD, 14485 posts
25 May 2015 9:24PM
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thanks stroppo

SA, 240 posts
25 May 2015 9:14PM
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Try Septone Drifter Hull and stain Remover. You will need an acid to get rid of the rust stains. And like the above product it shouldn't harm the plastic.

QLD, 302 posts
26 May 2015 1:34AM
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stroppo said..
Try Ranex rust buster it should not effect the plastic !

+1 Stroppo's and PKenny's' comments.
Ranex is's a phosphoric acid.
Septone make one's got some oxalic acid as well as the phosphoric.

Worked a treat on my boat to remove rust stains around the stanchion bases and won't touch plastic.
Old toothbrush to work it into the deck..leave it a few minutes and repeat ..I've just been doing it on my epoxy board!!! Looking good so far.
If you use toothbrush, watch your eyes!

QLD, 14485 posts
26 May 2015 8:45AM
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thanks guys,

will swing by bunnings today and see if they have rainex. it's listed on their website so fingers crossed.

if not i'll be at whitworths this week and they've got the septone products..

SA, 240 posts
26 May 2015 8:25AM
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WazzaYotty said..

stroppo said..
Try Ranex rust buster it should not effect the plastic !

+1 Stroppo's and PKenny's' comments.
Ranex is's a phosphoric acid.
Septone make one's got some oxalic acid as well as the phosphoric.

Worked a treat on my boat to remove rust stains around the stanchion bases and won't touch plastic.
Old toothbrush to work it into the deck..leave it a few minutes and repeat ..I've just been doing it on my epoxy board!!! Looking good so far.
If you use toothbrush, watch your eyes!

Also good for getting the coffee stains off your teeth.

QLD, 14485 posts
26 May 2015 10:24AM
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I gave the ranex a go and it removed a lot of the rust but left a lot behind as well. I then scrubbed the deck with sugar soap as well. it is looking shiny and white now but I need to hit the rust more.

will try the septone next.

WA, 14920 posts
26 May 2015 9:09AM
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Gestalt said..
I gave the rainex a go and it removed a lot of the rust but left a lot behind as well. I then scrubbed the deck with sugar soap as well. it is looking shiny and white now but I need to hit the rust more.

will try the septone next.

I think Stroppo said 'Ranex', not 'Rainex', in case you bought the wrong stuff.

QLD, 14485 posts
26 May 2015 12:09PM
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typo is on my part. I bought the right stuff.

tried to edit it so future people don't get the wrong information.

QLD, 555 posts
26 May 2015 2:27PM
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Sending you a msg re Septone product I have available

QLD, 14485 posts
26 May 2015 2:30PM
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cheers greg,

would love to give it a try. i'll give you a call.

QLD, 7428 posts
26 May 2015 6:26PM
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Did you try lemon juice and salt?

Mark _australia
WA, 22871 posts
26 May 2015 10:14PM
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Gestalt said..
thanks guys,

will swing by bunnings today and see if they have rainex. it's listed on their website so fingers crossed.

if not i'll be at whitworths this week and they've got the septone products..

Rainex - slippery goop to make your windscreen like a skating rink/ No good for boards

Ranex - rust converter - yes.

Just in case somebody doesn't read the whole thread

QLD, 14485 posts
27 May 2015 3:39PM
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I hooked up with Greg this morning and "borrowed" his pack of septone. seems like good stuff and has cleaned the board but hasn't removed the rust stains. They are beyond modern chemical warfare!

Mind you the board is now so white I need to put on sunnies to admire it.

I'll give the ranex one more go. Will make up a compac and apply that. (spelling?)

After that it's lemon juice time!

will take to the hull with some 1200grit wet and dry to finish that before applying some hullkote.

332 posts
27 May 2015 2:13PM
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try toothpaste

ACT, 548 posts
27 May 2015 7:56PM
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Gestalt said..

will take to the hull with some 1200grit wet and dry.....

try a small area first, sanding polyethylene might make it furry...

380 posts
27 May 2015 7:27PM
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calcium lime rust remover

QLD, 14485 posts
28 May 2015 10:12AM
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fjdoug said..

Gestalt said..

will take to the hull with some 1200grit wet and dry.....

try a small area first, sanding polyethylene might make it furry...

I was probably lucky because I didn't give any thought to furring.

I started with 600grit and a block and hand sanded. that worked ok so I switched to the electric pad sander. last night I hand sanded with 1000 grit as a final run. no furring. as you can imagine that plastic sheen has gone.

I was reading some stuff last night on fixing deep scratches. they suggest a hot knife. have never tried it.

I found this site last night as well.

QLD, 14485 posts
28 May 2015 10:13AM
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i'll give the clr, and lemon juice a go.

looking at the board this morning I have certainly removed a lot of the staining with what I've done so far. it is actually starting to look pretty good again.

QLD, 14485 posts
28 May 2015 5:45PM
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I gave the ranex one more go. Left it on for 3 or 4 hours this time and the rust is almost gone now.

Hope it goes faster!

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
29 May 2015 11:49AM
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Gestalt said..
i'll give the clr, and lemon juice a go.

looking at the board this morning I have certainly removed a lot of the staining with what I've done so far. it is actually starting to look pretty good again.

You'd better get squeezing buddy ready for the WOD Nationals at RQ 27-29 November 2015. They will be run together with the Raceboards Nationals.

QLD, 14485 posts
29 May 2015 12:15PM
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thought I might mozy on down to this one.

guess I better start sailing in deep water and get used to running dead downwind in swell.

VIC, 1508 posts
29 May 2015 1:07PM
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Gestalt said..

fjdoug said..

Gestalt said..

will take to the hull with some 1200grit wet and dry.....

try a small area first, sanding polyethylene might make it furry...

I was probably lucky because I didn't give any thought to furring.

I started with 600grit and a block and hand sanded. that worked ok so I switched to the electric pad sander. last night I hand sanded with 1000 grit as a final run. no furring. as you can imagine that plastic sheen has gone.

I was reading some stuff last night on fixing deep scratches. they suggest a hot knife. have never tried it.

I found this site last night as well.

Instead of a hot knife, you might want to try a heat gun with a fine nozzle, very carefully of course. I've used one on polyethylene to reduce the appearance of scratches (one of the seven signs of aging, apparently). You would have better heat control over the softening/melting of the polymer. Obviously, test on a less visible area first. If you did get any furring from sanding, waving the heat gun over the furry bits tidies them up. Just like a waxless Brazilian.

QLD, 14485 posts
29 May 2015 2:06PM
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thanks mikey.

thinking a trip to bunnings may be in order now.

SA, 850 posts
29 May 2015 7:04PM
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CLR, my 2 cents worth, that stuff is useless, they should be sued for misleading advertising. On par with the pictured/advertised burgers the fast food chains sell. Recently posted here on a cleaning agent for general grime marks and found the
'Gumption' ants pants.

NSW, 15 posts
29 May 2015 8:55PM
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da vecta said..

Gestalt said..
i'll give the clr, and lemon juice a go.

looking at the board this morning I have certainly removed a lot of the staining with what I've done so far. it is actually starting to look pretty good again.

You'd better get squeezing buddy ready for the WOD Nationals at RQ 27-29 November 2015. They will be run together with the Raceboards Nationals.

Is this official

ACT, 548 posts
29 May 2015 9:05PM
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IBM said..

da vecta said..

You'd better get squeezing buddy ready for the WOD Nationals at RQ 27-29 November 2015. They will be run together with the Raceboards Nationals.

Is this official

+ 1 ?

QLD, 668 posts
29 May 2015 10:24PM
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go to bcf or bias boating and get some fiberglass hull cleaner make sure you mix with water in strong mixture apply it several times and leave it for 5 minutes each time this will remove rust stains


Forums > Windsurfing General

"windsurfer one design restoration" started by Gestalt