Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

A GPS track on google maps?

Created by Nesty > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2016
NSW, 48 posts
25 Jun 2016 10:45AM
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Hi there,

At the risk of disclosing some technology ignorance , I will ask a question - how do you create those awesome images which look like your sailing tracks have been posted to google maps?

Do I start with buying a GPS watch? Then what...?

Stoked to be getting into the sport more regularly now. Any tech tips appreciated!


VIC, 6094 posts
25 Jun 2016 12:56PM
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Welcome to the fun Nesty!

Yes, the first step is to get a GPS device to record your session. The best approved one for GPS-Team Challenge at the moment is the Locosys GW-52, or if you can get a used one, a GT-31.

But almost any GPS file, preferably written at a minimum 1 second intervals, will be able to be converted into a trackmap on a Google earth background in a number of different ways.

Like this:

This one was created using a free web based program called GPS-Visualiser.


Here is how I input the data:

Note that I have only made changes to some inputs.

1. Give it a name if you like
2. select 'Google aerial/satellite imagery' from the drop down menu
3. Insert 10 in the time offset space for Australian East coast time.
4. Select 'Nautical' in the Units drop down menu for Knots.
5. Select 100% in the 'Track Opacity' drop down menu.
6. Type 1mm in the Line Width window - this seems to work best.
7. In the 'colourise by' drop down menu select 'speed'

Those are the only ones I change.

8. Then on the right hit the 'choose file' button and select the GPS file you want to map from your computer file system (normally one of these types: .sbn .sbp .gpx. but there are many other GPS files types depending on the particular GPS it comes from)

9. Next hit the Draw the Map button and wait a few seconds to a minute or so.

A new tab will open in your browser like this:

You can either take a screen print of this image or download it from the green highlighted links at the top.

Note that there is a drop down menu in the top of the image that allows you to open your tracks over different types of maps and images. It can be quite interesting to play with.

Using KA72

Another easy way to view your tracks on a sat map is to upload your tracks to where you can also see your speed and distance analysis and post your results to GPS-Teamchallenge.

Hope this helps.

NSW, 48 posts
25 Jun 2016 3:00PM
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Thanks sail quick for the prompt and detailed reply! Will look into it and hopefully post a few nice long tacks!

WA, 2286 posts
25 Jun 2016 1:17PM
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Canmore GPS from Clueysolutions $77 posted.

Join KA72 and start posting. There is even an icon on 'my tracks' which takes you to a google Earth map.

Very simple and plenty of help here too

NSW, 48 posts
11 Jul 2016 8:27PM
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Hey guys,

Ok so now organised and uploading some tracks to KA72, finally :-)

Headed to Bonna Point today after lunch based on the forecast, but with a little more west in the wind than I expected, and also a lot stronger, I stuck to Quibray Bay rather than Kurnell/Botany. Managed the chop and got enough control and confidence to point down wind a lot more (eventually!), and had some flatter water runs towards the mangroves.

Thanks sailquik and BSN101 to help get me started!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"A GPS track on google maps?" started by Nesty