I paid $79 delivered from Asia, about a month or so ago for a Canmore. From Fleabay. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/221674939173?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
My reasoning was that I could not find a gt31 and wanted to wait for the new device.
It's great for now. But does have a small display.
I had been thinking about what the perfect design would be and wondered if the gps recording should be separated from the controller / display.
Make the recorder with just one button for off/on and "connect", use a bluetooth or NFC connection to any android / ios device that does all the display and control functions in an app. That way the satellite receiver could be in a helmet mount or arm/ shoulder and the display/control would be on your wrist or arm or in the car where its safe (possibly on the mast where you could see it if you wanted that sort of function).
You can get a cheap android phone that would still have a much larger display than the GT31, it could then be used by us vision challenged sailors
I can only read the big numbers on the GT31 by holding it in the sun at the right angle and squinting a lot and still struggle to see the difference between some numbers. the little ones are just a blur, I could get some glasses to wear while sailing, and might one day but if i went for long distance ones so I could find my way back to the launch spot then reading close up is still tricky.
The "recorder" would just need some storage so it could be used without any controller, and then connected when back on the beach. Im sure that would make the waterproofing simpler as there wouldnt need to be a card slot. if they could do contactless charging like some things do now you wouldnt need any plugs or openings in the case at all.
Just my 2c worth after reading some of the other comments (particularly Sailquik's comments on accuracy and the fact that even arm/shoulder mounting is not very good for accuracy).
One of the guys from GPS-SS has been looking into that and sent me some of the data from a watch. Unfortunately, it does not meet out needs at all, the main issue being that the position data is only saved every 5 or 10 seconds from memory. Error data is not saved either. He is having further talks with them to se what can be done but as I understand it the main issue is data recording capacity, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
Has a new/revised release date been mentioned for the Thingsee or the new Locosys? I can't see that they are available yet. Or when.
It will be at least a few months before we see the first of either on sale I think.
Software for the Thingsee is being written now by the GPS-SS team but they had a few issues with the hardware specs that Thingsee had to adjust which delayed them a bit. They say the quality of the hardware is top notch though and the Thingsee team are very helpful and responsive.
The Locosys is being improved after feedback from the community. I gather this is mainly upgrading to IPx7 water resistance, but I am hopeful there may be other improvements to memory and battery life as well.
Many have talked about it, but now someone is doing it!
Manfred Fuchs, (GPS-Results) has written an App for Android Smartphones for GPS Windsurfing/Kitesurfing/Icesailing etc.
It is in the testing stage at the moment but is apparently working quite well (I have not tested it yet as we have a house full of iPhones , but I am trying to find a modestly priced Android to buy and try).
It can show you the things that the GT-31 shows after each run and a few more things. It can't do Alphas yet, but I gather Manfred has that in mind.
quote from Manfred:
"You can install it on any recent Android cell phone (preferably >= 4.2.2) with at lest 480 x 800 pixels screen resolution.
The default saved file-format is SBP that can be processed by GPSResults and uploaded to GP3S, however, for other purposes GPX- and NMEA-format is possible as well.
For the last run categories (max, 2s, 10s, 250m, 500m) the speed has first to raise above the Min. speed (red line in the graphics, selected units apply) and then drop below that speed to produce a value. The settings are saved and read before the next start of the app.
The line graphics displays the last 10min (600s) of valid points. The whole view can be zoomed and dragged as usual with two respectively one finger(s).
As mentioned earlier the App records Dopplerspeeds from the GPS-chipsets that are implemented in all recent smartphones, so the accuracy is comparable to a GT11, the only missing item is the Dopplerspeed-error (SDOP) that only the GT31/GW52 or ublox-based units support. So for record purposes it is not suited, however, for fun rankings it is way better than e.g. positional data from Garmin etc. units. The SBP-file could be posted directly from the smartphone to GP3S or processed by the GPSResults App. I plan to integrate both Apps, but that should be enough for the moment..."
No info in price at this stage or release date, but I assume it will be on sale soon.
All you really need now is a really, really reliable waterproof receptacle in which to wear it!
Anyhow, as the fable goes, a picture is worth a thousand words: (Screen picture of Beta):
Now we are talking !
It is 2015 , IMO if you want to do something that involves computers and technology it MUST be on an APP, simple as that.
The fact that the App gps may not be As accurate as a 'dopler' style GPS pails into insignificance as 99% of users wont be pushing for world records, if you 'keep it real' and use GPS as 'fun measurement and training tool' it will go a long way to pushing the sport forward!
I'll be the first subscriber to an App system'
Plenty of water proof covers that work , needs to be Apple as well as android.
Good luck to the clever people that make the App, it's the way forward.
Trial Version 1.1 Now has Alpha!
Expected to sell for 15 Euro. First release coming next week.
Now there is a Zoomed in view with bigger Numbers:
Whats the significance of the green and red histograms at the bottom of the top third of the 1st screen?
GPS Logit V1.1 Trial is now available for download on Manfred's Website: gps-speed.com/download_e.html
If you try it, please share you experience and comments.
EDIT: I found I could not edit the post above, so here is the updated info:
The App needs Android 4.2.2 to work correctly according to Manfred's website.
Just tried to download, went to website clicked on (GPSLogltV1.1trial.apk) it down loaded but when I tried to open down load, it reads 'this archive is corrupted' The phone is a, HTC ONE M8, android version 4.4.4. Is the latest version the Problem?
Just did exactly the same, but mine came up with a "once only" option to install from an unauthorised site.
I plan to give it a try tomorrow, and compare results with GT31.
I've used Paqua midis now for several years, and yes when they are worn out, there is a very small weep. But it's very easy to tell when that happens. There's a couple of plastic strips just inside the opening, that the opening is rolled up on. It's the membrane over these strips that wears out first. Just keep an eye on them and replace the unit when it starts to split. Even after the two strips have both fallen out, the bag only gets damp inside.
I've had relatively new aqua packs burst at the seams in a wipe out, I'll never use one of them again.
Did a little test on the school run this afternoon but damned if I can find the recorded file in my phone. Does anyone know where I can locate it or doesn't this trial version save the files after turning app off?