Tested it with a Sony Z1 Compact...
Sessions details here:
GT-31 Logit
2s 27.05 27.7
5x10 25.72 25.42
1hr 13.43 12.98
nm 21.83 21.34
alpha 17.04 16.76
with the phone connected to the computer via usb you should see the file
prob something like : computer/phone/sdcard/gpslogit/your file
then it's just as usual with a gps program I suppose
Tried it today with a $70 (US) RCA M1 phone. Results are quite encouraging:
GT-31 Logit
2s 27.49 27.22
5x10 25.36 25.31
1h 15.83 15.56
nm 19.61 19.30
alpha 20.51 19.74
km 58.30 56.66
km>10mph 54.69 53.59
Most numbers are very close, only alpha was a bit lower (but still within the +- range given by GPSResults). Visual inspection of the tracks and doppler speed graphs shows they are very close to each other. I'm planning to do some more comparisons with multiple GPS units, but on first glance, phone GPS accuracy seem to have improved quite a bit over the past 4 years. The app is pretty cool, too, although I had a hard time reading anything until I took the phone out of the bags.
Had a play around with it on my phone while suping, seems good enough. Anyone get the onscreen alpha to work.
GPS-Logit Trial V1.3 is now up here: gps-speed.com/download_e.html
Apparently there are some issues with some phones versions that this version is attempting to address.
I have sent some feedback to the author of GPSLogit, Manfred Fuchs (also the author of GPSResults). He appreciated the feedback, and wrote back:
New Alternative to GT-31...Samsung Galaxy Young GT-S6310T 3G Wifi GPS 1GHz Android Smartphone
Last weekend I used a cheap android phone to record my tracks, since my GT-31 drowned.
I downloaded the app; "Ultra GPS Logger" for $7. It has a host of useful features such as logging per second (not the default!) and outputs to NMEA and GPX.
To view the accuracy, I've run the track through GPS Results software package. http://gps-speed.com/download_e.html. Not GPS-Speed.com also have the package mentioned above, but it failed to install due to old android version installed.
Below is a screen shot of the results. Using the Doppler settings the max speed is shown as 38.4 kts, with 0.5m/s^2 acceleration, so quite reasonable. Without Doppler the peak speed is 39kts with 1.1m/s^2 accel. The 'HDoP' reading of 1 indicates the horizontal (H) position reading is 'excellent'.
The KA72.com website interpereted the same track with a peak speed of 37.9
DOP Value Rating Description
< 1 Ideal Highest possible confidence level to be used for applications demanding the highest possible precision at all times.
1-2 Excellent At this confidence level, positional measurements are considered accurate enough to meet all but the most sensitive applications.
So, considering the cheapy Samsung "GT-S6310T" from Telstra running Android 4.1.2 is just $80, is about as water proof as the Canmore, provides SDOP error levels and satellite count (10 in my example), it appears as a worthwhile contender... unless I'm missing something.
KA 72 speed of 37.9 is 2 second peak, your 38.4 on GPS result is absolute maximum, you need to click on the 2 sec radio button to get the 2 sec peak in gpsresults. I think the issue is not how the files look after you process them with different software, but if the device records the data file with the same accuracy as gt31. The easiest test would be to do a few runs with both devices and compare the output.
For comparison, my previous GT-31 result, which shows lower accuracy! (IN HDOP terms).
Not this is a different day. I don't have a GT31 to compare with anymore!
Only 7 sats, and a less accurate HDoP reading of 2.4.
Just noticed the bottom left quarter, speed results includes mSDoP and min/max details that are not available with the cheapy GPS!
Does anyone know if the Canmore 102+ firmware been updated to include SDoP?
tried it today in the car next to my two canmores
Only issue I had/have is to find the bloody file !! Nowhere to be seen, so the stats you see are from the screen.
Also had an Xperia Active, with GPS speed talker (does doppler)
The Sony is closer in results to the canmores than the asus with logit, but definitely doesn't have all the nice info displayed like the new software.
So all in all quite good app but I still wonder about the cost:
Use a canmore gps in a waterproof bag : approx 100 $
Use an android phone with jelly bean 4.2.2 in a waterproof bag : >+ than 100$ (not much more though if you get a cheapo one with the new android)
You can find cheap phones that'll do the job, but will you use it as your everyday phone ?
If you use your "good" phone, in case of submersion you will still risk drowning an expensive device compared to just wetting a "water resistant" 80$ gps...(that will still work after a trip in the rice bag)
In favor of the logit app, you have access to your results on the beach. I personally don't care as I only check my results once home.
My 2 cents
I did some more testing, comparing my Android phone with GPSLogIt to 5 other GPS units (2 x GT31, 2 x Canmore GP102, 1 x Flysight).
5x10 is very close, but nautical mile and alpha are a bit lower. Looking at the tracks, the phone tends to read low sometimes in curves and when accelerating. Differences are less than 0.6 knots, though, and typically 0.1-0.3 knots. More details at boardsurfr.blogspot.com/2015/04/gps-speedsurfing-with-your-phone.html
I tried downloading the app on a moto g xt1033 this mob meets all the requirements but it just won't open the file I allowed other apps in security settings I even went over to a local tech wiz but the phone just says can't open file.
We tried it on his mobile & it worked.
I give up
boardsurfr said..
A cool thing in the US is that you don't even need a SIM card to call emergency services. Apparently, that's a federal requirement in the US. I have not tried it, but when I switch the phone on, it says "No SIM card - emergency calls only".
Same on my phone, but doesn't work without a sim card here. Too many prank calls, you don't need credit, just the sim so they can trace a number in case....
Played around a bit more with the file transfer Android 4.4.2 -> OS X 10.9.5. Using USB required rebooting the phone a lot, and even then did not always work. Bluetooth seems to work better, once you're through the initial setup (which I find a bit confusing, but I almost never use Bluetooth). Anyway, I found helpful instructions on how to do this at www.howtogeek.com/208365/how-to-use-bluetooth-file-transfer-between-os-x-and-android-5.0-devices/
Instructions are for Android 5, but it seems to work more or less the same on Android 4.4.2.
Driving test yesterday heading up the beach (I didn't post the different Nm's because I turned the app off about 3km before the GT-31 and don't have programme on home computer to delete tracks off GT-31 file. No hour or alpha recorded for either file)
GT-31 - Logit
2sec ........51.56 - 51.75
5x10 ave 40.61 - 40.55
1.(10sec) 51.16 - 51.03
2.(10sec) 47.27 - 47.43
3.(10 sec) 35.43 - 35.04
4.(10 sec) 34.91 - 34.89
5.(10 sec) 34.26 - 34.36
100m peak 51.35 - 51.33
Very surprised with the accuracy of teh Logit app.
If only this was done windsurfing
Yeah have the HTC one XL v 4.2.2.
Just checked the tracks in realspeed and noticed that the trackpoints for the Logit App file have a heap of invalid sections and is not as smooth as per the below screen grab. The GT31 didn't have one invalid trackpoint (second screen grab). Also KA72 gave me two different NMs but Realspeed gave me the same run where I did fastest nm
[Update - realspeed results] (see earlier post for KA72 results)
GT-31 vs Logit
2sec ........51.54 - 51.51
5x10 ave 40.35 - 40.30
1.(10sec) 51.16 - 51.00
2.(10sec) 47.25 - 47.38
3.(10 sec) 35.43 - 35.31
4.(10 sec) 34.06 - 34.09
5.(10 sec) 33.86 - 33.73
100m peak 51.35 - 51.33
250m 51.16 - 51.00
500m 50.9 - 48.02* realspeed picked different 500m sections between GT-31 & Logit file (within the fastest nm though)???
Nm 47.87 - 47.76
Logit file
GT-31 file