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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Alternative to the GT-31

Created by Tony Polony > 9 months ago, 11 Feb 2015
VIC, 6155 posts
27 May 2015 7:01PM
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jamesf said..
Here is the link to download GPSLogit - up to version 1.11 now

I have installed in on a $49 Sony Experia E1 and the app seems to work well but haven't used it on the water yet.

The 920XT Garmin watch looks nice and solid, but $549 price tag put me off. The Vivoactive one is cheaper but doesn't do 1sec logging.

It that the total cost to obtain one of those Sony phones? If so I will certainly get one tomorrow! Are there any catches?

WA, 12464 posts
27 May 2015 6:27PM
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sailquik said..

jamesf said..
Here is the link to download GPSLogit - up to version 1.11 now

I have installed in on a $49 Sony Experia E1 and the app seems to work well but haven't used it on the water yet.

The 920XT Garmin watch looks nice and solid, but $549 price tag put me off. The Vivoactive one is cheaper but doesn't do 1sec logging.

It that the total cost to obtain one of those Sony phones? If so I will certainly get one tomorrow! Are there any catches?

Andrew, as I mentioned above, it's a $30/month prepaid package, so I assume you have to buy the first month at an extra $30 + sim card, although if you're a fast talker you may be able to talk your way around this.
Let us know how you go, as you say, if $49 is all you need to pay there's not much to loose!

837 posts
28 May 2015 9:52AM
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Another session with GPSLogit 1.2, bloody amazing how it allows you to tune for the optimum course angle and speed by listening to the audio readout. Can't imagine not sailing without it anymore, lets you maximise your sessions without looking at the screen. Check it once an hour to see the 5 x 10s average. Even better when you can play all the greatest Aussie hits from the last 40 years through the earphones. Somehow the music motivates you to go faster and the speed readout confirms that you are! Mega app Manfred, well done for all your hard work creating it. I'm using a X-1 Audio Amphibx waterproof armband to keep the phone dry, no problems so far.

shear tip
NSW, 1125 posts
28 May 2015 12:33PM
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We can't sail with headphones in Botany Bay. Obviously port gives way to starboard, power gives way to sail, and windsurfers give way to jetskis.

NSW, 995 posts
28 May 2015 1:39PM
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Roo, i'll have to try the headphones on the water. good idea.

The phone was $49 outright. It did include an optus sim card but i havent bothered activating it. The phone runs fine without a sim card but obviously you can't make calls/sms etc! I hooked it up to wifi at home to download the app, and transferred the GPS log file across to my PC via USB cable.

I bought it at the local Dick Smith, but looks like you can buy online as well.

WA, 1646 posts
28 May 2015 12:10PM
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Roo said..
Another session with GPSLogit 1.2, bloody amazing how it allows you to tune for the optimum course angle and speed by listening to the audio readout. Can't imagine not sailing without it anymore, lets you maximise your sessions without looking at the screen. Check it once an hour to see the 5 x 10s average. Even better when you can play all the greatest Aussie hits from the last 40 years through the earphones. Somehow the music motivates you to go faster and the speed readout confirms that you are! Mega app Manfred, well done for all your hard work creating it. I'm using a X-1 Audio Amphibx waterproof armband to keep the phone dry, no problems so far.

looks a great option. It was interesting reading the amazon reviews which seemed to alternate between 1 star and 5 stars with nothing in between. Basically those who stuffed their phones and those that didn't. Not sure if there is a bit of luck involved if you get a pouch with a good seal or if those who gave it 5 stars took care to make sure it had a good seal and the 1 star guys and girls were less careful.

VIC, 6155 posts
28 May 2015 3:35PM
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I just got back from the local Dick Smith shop with my very own Sony Experia E.

I was about to activate it but now I won't bother. At least not now.

This may be a bit of a learning curve for an Apple phone user but I can't be much dumber than the average.

I will report on how I go.

Roo's report of the usefulness of the earphones speed talking is one of the holey grail features we talked about years ago. Despite trying really hard, Tom could not interest Locosys in it at all. In many ways, these phone devices are far ahead of the dedicated GPS's abilities in many ways. It's a pity none use a GPS chip that records the accuracy data (that I know of), but it stucj me that it might be possible to use a 5hz or 10hz Bluetooth UBlox based dongle to get the GPS input in the way that Roo and Chris did in the past with Palm Pilot computers. That would be really something!

837 posts
28 May 2015 1:36PM
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The key is making sure the catch is locked down properly, it's not intuitive and the instructions don't really explain it well. Also once sealed its very hard to open which is good on the water. I bought an extra one today so I have a spare. Their waterproof earphones work very well and have been going strong for two years now along with the case. I use their flex ones

Put together a mix of your favorite tunes to play over the phone, Ride of the Valkyries could be perfect on those epic days at the speed strip when it's blowing 60.

I hope Manfred can tweek the app to use an external gps via bluetooth but this is a great start.


WA, 12464 posts
28 May 2015 7:44PM
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James and Roo, you're making a very good case between you, guess I'm going to have to join you.

WA, 1646 posts
29 May 2015 2:50PM
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boardsurfr said..
I looked into the GP102 .fit files some more. It turned out to be rather easy with the FIT SDK that can be downloaded from The SDK contains an executable jar file to create text files in .csv format from .fit files (FitCSVTool.jar in the java folder). Here's an example of what the result looks like:

So the files contain latitude and longitude data. They are encoded as 32-bit ints (which is what the "semicircles" means), which gives a granularity of about 1 cm, more than enough. Kind of cool to get the .csv file so easily, lets you play around with the data. For the file in the upload I mentioned earlier, the median difference between positional speed and doppler speed is 0.59 km/h. The maximum is 44.2 km/h, which was a spike in the positional data after a crash where the GPS lost reception for about 10 seconds. Doppler speeds during this time were < 1 knot.

One thing I have noted with the Canmore is that whilst being spatially very accurate the timestamps on the files are about 13-16 seconds later than those on it's own display and the timestamps for the Navi which matches the displayed (correct) time. Mike noticed this as well with the Canmore he borrowed from Ross.

When you load tracks from the Navi and Canmore into GPSAR you get this...

Seems the logged data is the actual time from the chip plus ~15 seconds !! This regardless of the software used to convert .FIT to .GPX

Canway and GPSBabel give same timestamp result although the "Canway" software only gives 6 decimal places on Lat/long whilst GPSBabel gives 9. But that doesn't really make a lot of difference looking at the tracks.

Roo might be able to enlighten us all on what is going on here.

WA, 2441 posts
29 May 2015 9:57PM
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The 15 second difference seems to be from leap seconds. The GPS time was defined in 1982. Since then, 15 or 16 leap seconds have been added, so the "raw" GPS time is 16 seconds ahead of the correct time. Seems the Canmore does the leap second correction for the displayed time, but not when writing data files. Seems Android phones have had a similar problem for a number of years (see

If you want a better overlay of the tracks in GPS Action Replay Pro, you can use the "Time Shifting" function in the "Tracks Toolbox".

VIC, 6155 posts
30 May 2015 12:05AM
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Thanks Boardsurfr.

Good research and explanation.

I think it is important to note that it should not affect any results for us unless maybe trying to open, compare and average two files at once. Even then I am not sure it will be an issue.

WA, 12464 posts
29 May 2015 10:09PM
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Only if you're doing a "regata" in gpsarpro.

VIC, 851 posts
30 May 2015 12:31PM
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Roo said..
Another session with GPSLogit 1.2, bloody amazing how it allows you to tune for the optimum course angle and speed by listening to the audio readout. Can't imagine not sailing without it anymore, lets you maximise your sessions without looking at the screen. Check it once an hour to see the 5 x 10s average. Even better when you can play all the greatest Aussie hits from the last 40 years through the earphones. Somehow the music motivates you to go faster and the speed readout confirms that you are! Mega app Manfred, well done for all your hard work creating it. I'm using a X-1 Audio Amphibx waterproof armband to keep the phone dry, no problems so far.

Roo - are you using the regular "Amphibx Fit Waterproof Armband" that you've linked to or the heavier-duty "Amphibx Waterproof Armband" listed further down that page?

For such a low entry cost of Xperia E1 + GPSLogit + waterproof armband and headphones why wouldn't you give it a crack!!

837 posts
30 May 2015 11:52AM
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I'm using the regular one that I linked to, just ordered another and headphones to have as spares. No brainer getting this setup, more features than the stand alone gps we've been using for years.


VIC, 6155 posts
14 Aug 2015 10:24PM
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Thingsee One finally released for general sale.


I am not sure yet where the GPS-Speedsurfing software developers are up to


Up to 10hz logging with SDOP values and all the other essential data. It should be very accurate and easily pass WGPSSRC standards for GPS records and high level competitions.

Internal SD card storage.

Connectivity - Bluetooth, Wireless, Phone networking

Apparently reasonably water resistant (but I don't think I would risk it without a case or housing until proven)

Purpose built software for GPS speed sailing

Possibility of further custom software - open source

Long battery life.

Many other interesting built in sensors.


Relatively expensive at US$299

Small screen. (about the same as GT-31)

Unproven water proofing as yet.

I expect more information soon from the GPS-Speedsurfing developers.

NSW, 995 posts
14 Aug 2015 11:35PM
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Saw this on facebook:
Available for pre-order - 299 euros - 450 AUD.

From the website:
The Thingsee One GP3S Edition V1 is based on the Thingsee One. It has two important feautures to make it suitable for
- It run's a custom firmware developed by enabling 10Hz RAW Data-logging in .UBX file format. The data stored in this format has the highest quality for Speedsurfing and containts 10x more data-points than the GT-31.
- The Custom firmware will show your AVG Speed (5x10s, 2s, 100M, 250M, 500M, Nautical Mile, Distance, Time) on the display so you can check your progress on the water easy
- When connecting the USB cable to your Windows or Mac computer you simply access it like a remote USB device and just upload the .UBX directly to
- The GP3S has a custom display, this display makes it possible to read the data on the water even in sunlight an mosty conditions (The standard Thingsee has a much darker display, makes it harder to read it on the water)

The development of the firmware will continue in the months to come, and we will publish new builds on a frequent base, enabling new features like Wifi-upload, Live tracking by Mobile Data and others.Please note that the Thingsee is Weatherproof and you need an aquapack or equivelant to use it on the water.More info about the Thingsee can be found at
Pre-orders will be shipped in 6-8 weeks


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Alternative to the GT-31" started by Tony Polony