I switched my Motion off yesterday and then decided to go back out so there are 2 files.
I Googled how to do it but Real speed doesn't seem to recognise that type of file and won't upload?
It wasn't much of a session but it would be nice to know how to do it.
yes realspeed is too old to have OAO support. You need to download GPSSpeedreader.
payment is beer money.
You can either coalesce the second log minus its first 512 bytes to the end of the first log with an hexadecimal file editor,
or email me the files and I'll reply with the coalesced log: julien@motion-gps.com
You can either coalesce the second log minus its first 512 bytes to the end of the first log with an hexadecimal file editor,
or email me the files and I'll reply with the coalesced log: julien@motion-gps.com
I can't understand the method so I'll email you the files. thanks.