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Flying Fangy and Fangtastic Five Trophy race is on again

Created by fangman > 9 months ago, 27 Sep 2017
WA, 1775 posts
27 Sep 2017 10:12PM
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It's back with more rule changes than ever to skew it in my favour.
For newcomers, there are two glass trophies designed and made by Windxtasy up for grabs.
The Flying Fangy 5x10 Trophy goes to the best 5x10 recorded at Fangyland over a sailing season. The length of the season is decided by me and maybe cut short if ever I am leading. There may be some other rules that I haven't thought of yet, that will be designed to ensure it goes on my mantlepiece this time. I might let you peeps know what they are depending how I am going.

The Fangtastic Five trophy awarded to the sailor who has the highest accumulated score across any five of the GPSTC disciplines on any day at Fangyland. That is, your best score in any five disciplines will be added together to give your total. This means you can get your paws on the trophy simply by having an epic distance session whilst not being particularly fast on the day. I am hoping this will mean that the sailors who churn out some big distance can seriously challenge those who can lock in big speeds.

Being completely unreliable when it comes to figures and record keeping, the onus will be on you to send me a tally of your day and I will attempt to get a ladder going. Of course, if I am not well placed on the ladder I will probably change the rules.

General rules :
You can only have one trophy per season, not both.
If you you win the trophy, the next season you are handicapped by 10%, the year after 5%.
Women receive an additional 10% on their score if they wish. (Sorry fellas, but having manboobs does not qualify you as a woman)
If you have a repeated letter in your Avatar you are probably disqualified unless your bribe is epic and brilliant.
You have to return the trophy at the end of the season.

As you might have guessed, most importantly, this is for fun. Don't get too serious, just get sailing and have a blast

QLD, 2456 posts
28 Sep 2017 5:17AM
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Hey, you West Oz crew take it to the next level of friendly competition. Great to see. Havnt heard or seen any such East coast action. Nice work Fangman! Keepin the vibe alive..

WA, 456 posts
28 Sep 2017 10:18AM
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All sounds totally fair and unbiased to me. Will 10 % be enough for any of us to beat the current champ. Maybe you should have another review of the rules.

WA, 1775 posts
28 Sep 2017 10:51AM
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rogerswin said..
All sounds totally fair and unbiased to me. Will 10 % be enough for any of us to beat the current champ. Maybe you should have another review of the rules.

1. The 'Doubled letter' rule takes out a lot of the competition - Stroppo, Lunny, JJ, Slugger, Sammy, GirlSpeed and Wazza to name just a few.
2. Only Cap'n Calm's fruit cake is ever drug tested. (We run out of funding by the time they have finished analysing it)
3. Best Manboobs or Psuedo-Pregnancy carried for the term of the season might get you an extra 10 %
4. '...insert new rule here...'

WA, 3159 posts
28 Sep 2017 1:01PM
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WA, 12445 posts
28 Sep 2017 3:13PM
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Could be a few more contestants this year now the weed is back!

Going to have to learn Swindy's "jump the rope" trick though to get over the tethered weed burgs.

WA, 12445 posts
28 Sep 2017 5:08PM
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Just so we all know where the bar's at, it would be nice to keep an update here.
So Slugger has set a medium fantastic five bar at 212.973
And Swindy has set a lowish 5x10 bar at 30.212kts

WA, 456 posts
28 Sep 2017 5:25PM
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fangman said..

rogerswin said..
All sounds totally fair and unbiased to me. Will 10 % be enough for any of us to beat the current champ. Maybe you should have another review of the rules.

1. The 'Doubled letter' rule takes out a lot of the competition - Stroppo, Lunny, JJ, Slugger, Sammy, GirlSpeed and Wazza to name just a few.
2. Only Cap'n Calm's fruit cake is ever drug tested. (We run out of funding by the time they have finished analysing it)
3. Best Manboobs or Psuedo-Pregnancy carried for the term of the season might get you an extra 10 %
4. '...insert new rule here...'

Missed the double letter rule, sounding fairer by the minute. As long as eating doughnuts doesn't incur a penalty I should stand a chance.

WA, 456 posts
28 Sep 2017 5:38PM
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olskool said..
Hey, you West Oz crew take it to the next level of friendly competition. Great to see. Havnt heard or seen any such East coast action. Nice work Fangman! Keepin the vibe alive..

You haven't seen our manbra mob cheerleading squad in action, Firie still hasn't made it to the top of the human pyramid though.

WA, 1775 posts
29 Sep 2017 9:39AM
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decrepit said..
"...And Swindy has set a lowish bar..."

Never a truer word has been said.

WA, 456 posts
29 Sep 2017 5:28PM
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fangman said..

decrepit said..
"...And Swindy has set a lowish bar..."

Never a truer word has been said.

Now that is low

WA, 12445 posts
12 Nov 2017 8:49PM
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Ok I've raised the bar a bit today, but not quite as much as I hoped. It's now set at 329.487

WA, 1775 posts
13 Nov 2017 11:19AM
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That was a massive Decrepit performance yesterday Mike. Huge respect man.
If anyone manages to top that they will need to be drug tested!
So currently Stretch has his hands on the 5x10 Trophy and Decrepit probably has both hands on the Fangtastic Five trophy. That's a big start given we haven't even got into summer yet!

WA, 12445 posts
13 Nov 2017 5:55PM
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fangman said..
That was a massive Decrepit performance yesterday Mike. Huge respect man.
If anyone manages to top that they will need to be drug tested!
So currently Stretch has his hands on the 5x10 Trophy and Decrepit probably has both hands on the Fangtastic Five trophy. That's a big start given we haven't even got into summer yet!

Thanks mate, but I'm sure there's plenty of sailors who can do a lot better. F'rinstance I think on a good day Stretch could do 400

WA, 12445 posts
9 Feb 2018 7:52PM
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Well my effort today was 346.208.
But slugger is better, he has a score of 360.527
Has anybody else done some distance in the last 3 months?

WA, 77 posts
9 Feb 2018 9:46PM
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Pas has a score of about 300 from today which I would of thought puts him in 3rd place too.

WA, 12445 posts
9 Feb 2018 10:03PM
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Jonski said..
Pas has a score of about 300 from today which I would of thought puts him in 3rd place too.

My calculator says, 291.215, so you may well be right.

WA, 77 posts
9 Feb 2018 10:17PM
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fangman said..
That was a massive Decrepit performance yesterday Mike. Huge respect man.
If anyone manages to top that they will need to be drug tested!
So currently Stretch has his hands on the 5x10 Trophy and Decrepit probably has both hands on the Fangtastic Five trophy. That's a big start given we haven't even got into summer yet!

Drug testing for Slugger now this could be interesting

WA, 1775 posts
10 Feb 2018 8:31AM
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A massive crack from Decrepit and Sludge yesterday. After calculator dust has settled, as Decrepit has posted, Sludge now has got a hand on the Fangtastic Five Trophy and Stretch on the 5x10.
Thanks for doing the number crunching Decrepit, and don't worry, there is no chance Sludge will get past the drug testing round!

WA, 19 posts
17 Feb 2018 9:13AM
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fangman said..
A massive crack from Decrepit and Sludge yesterday. After calculator dust has settled, as Decrepit has posted, Sludge now has got a hand on the Fangtastic Five Trophy and Stretch on the 5x10.
Thanks for doing the number crunching Decrepit, and don't worry, there is no chance Sludge will get past the drug testing round!

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fangman said..
A massive crack from Decrepit and Sludge yesterday. After calculator dust has settled, as Decrepit has posted, Sludge now has got a hand on the Fangtastic Five Trophy and Stretch on the 5x10.
Thanks for doing the number crunching Decrepit, and don't worry, there is no chance Sludge will get past the drug testing round!

Ah haa knowing me Slugger sludge knowing you Fangy fang .
I reckon I could have a good chance at winning the drugs round thing. ??

WA, 4017 posts
17 Feb 2018 2:18PM
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fangman said..
A massive crack from Decrepit and Sludge yesterday. After calculator dust has settled, as Decrepit has posted, Sludge now has got a hand on the Fangtastic Five Trophy and Stretch on the 5x10.
Thanks for doing the number crunching Decrepit, and don't worry, there is no chance Sludge will get past the drug testing round!

last thing I heard, icecream was not an illicit drug

WA, 1775 posts
17 Feb 2018 2:25PM
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slugger68 said..

Ah haa knowing me Slugger sludge knowing you Fangy fang .
I reckon I could have a good chance at winning the drugs round thing. ??

I am not sure what is more tragic;
1 - Sludge singing "Ah haa knowing me Slugger sludge knowing you Fangy fang ." to Abba's 'Knowing Me Knowing You".
2 - Me realising the above.

Windxtasy - if only Sludge just dispensed icecream...Ask him for a 'Choc Bomb' and see what happens

WA, 1775 posts
18 Mar 2018 10:59AM
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Big News from the Kingdom. Queen Sludge had his Fangtastic Five Trophy torn from his grip by a determined, if not slightly unhinged, Johnski. John carved out 260 km's, plus his other top four categories meant he walked away yesterday with a score 370.661 ( or something about there)
Massive effort John, congrats. Queen Sludge is receiving flowers today if you feel inclined.

WA, 19 posts
18 Mar 2018 8:25PM
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fangman said..
Big News from the Kingdom. Queen Sludge had his Fangtastic Five Trophy torn from his grip by a determined, if not slightly unhinged, Johnski. John carved out 260 km's, plus his other top four categories meant he walked away yesterday with a score 370.661 ( or something about there)
Massive effort John, congrats. Queen Sludge is receiving flowers today if you feel inclined.

Big up Jonski , The king is dead all hail the King

WA, 1775 posts
25 Nov 2018 12:32PM
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So what do get if you combine a bunch of fireworks and a Firie who is struggling with 'adulting'? Well, mainly just a whole lot of black burn marks on the lawn and a few bewildered possums. I would like to say the fireworks show was a magnificent and fitting finale to the Mandurah Mobbers Trophy Night, but that would be fake news.

Happily, Firiebob wasn't responsible for catering and as a result of the outstanding generosity of all who attended, no one went home hungry. There was a pile of food other than BBQ stuff, and that was fortunate as I managed to keep my record of 100% BBQ failing while drunk intact. It somehow seems a very fine line between raw meat and charred lumps once I am on the plonk.

In keeping with the past, I did keep the speeches very, very, short and handed over the trophies in a ceremony that lacked almost any pomp and ceremony. Congrats to Rob (Stretch) for taking out the 5x10 with a 40-knot effort and also to John (Jonski) who walked off with the Fangtastic Five Trophy with a score of about 370 to knock the Queen of Coodanup, Slugger into bridesmaid position with a fine but fruitless 360 effort.

Big thanks to Stretch who ensured I gave the right trophy to the right mobber, even at the expense of Slugger giving him the silent treatment for the rest of the night. Sadly, Decrepit missed the occasion due to a bad hair day, but as per usual did leave clear instructions for team strategy for the evening. I was impressed at the lads, it was a fab team effort to collectively ignore the Captain's sole instruction for the night and in the end, we did not take a single worthy photo. But we did burn a fair amount of flammable stuff so that has to count as a Top Ten Fangy Day.

( This season's comp has started and not wanting to give too much away, mainly because I haven't checked the numbers, but I am pretty sure I am 'winning so much right now', I am thinking of getting a bad hair dye experience, orange fake tan and turning the whole place into a golf course )

PS if anyone is bored and wants to check the numbers since September 2018 until now and get the leaderboards sorted for this season that would be fab.

WA, 12445 posts
25 Nov 2018 1:06PM
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So is Thursday looking good for the first 400 FF5

WA, 3159 posts
25 Nov 2018 1:59PM
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Fang you're just lucky I had a quiet night on wine, and what's this 'adulting' you talk about
Great night, thanks Fangster

WA, 1775 posts
25 Nov 2018 2:15PM
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decrepit said..
So is Thursday looking good for the first 400 FF5

Could be, it probably depends on whether Jonski is getting a new hairdo to match The Queen of Coodanup on the day.

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firiebob said..
Fang you're just lucky I had a quiet night on wine, and what's this 'adulting' you talk about
Great night, thanks Fangster

Dunno about the 'adulting' either Firie, both the kids mention it to me when I am failing to meet their expectations, so I guess it's something to do with hormonal teenagers?

WA, 1775 posts
30 Nov 2018 8:55AM
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Yesterday saw some worthy entries for this season's trophies.

Slowie has kicked it off the Flying Fangy with a 40.213 (5x10)
And Stretchy has pipped Jonski for first place on the Fangtastic Five leader board with 297.227

Stay tuned for the next strong sea breeze in the weed...

WA, 456 posts
2 Feb 2019 9:15PM
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You had better start getting the calculater out Mr Fangman. There are a few strong contenders for both trophys over the last week. Also any rule changes you may find advantageous to yourself. Me and T1 were thinking banning boards with flappy tails, but that aint gona happen now, is it.

WA, 182 posts
3 Feb 2019 6:30AM
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Swindy didn't you hear? it's only open to flappy tail boards between 63 and 65 wide now


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Flying Fangy and Fangtastic Five Trophy race is on again" started by fangman