Haven't used my GPS for a few months but when I used GPS Results today the numbers appear washed out or half missing, anyone got any idea how I can fix this, thanks
43kn peak -You're just showing off now that you turned 49 today
Maybe you should put your glasses on too.
that must be an issue with your video card, try and reinstall the drivers. did you change anything since last time you used it?
I'm not familiar with gpsresults, but can you "grab" the edges of the text display panels and enlarge them?
Probably won't make any difference but it could be worth a try.
Looks like you've changed to "Large Font" size. To change it:
1. Right-click an empty area of the desktop and choose "Properties".
2. When the "Display Properties" multi-tabbed dialog box appears, click the "Appearance" tab.
3. Underneath "Font Size", choose your desired size:
* Normal (this is the smallest)
* Large Fonts
* Extra Large Fonts
4. Click "OK" to save your settings.