How many people using this site?
Some of the speeds that are being done here in Aust are right up there. A few Aus posts but way less than GPSTC.
Anyone looked into the GPS SS family.
Most Aussie GPSers used GPSSS before GPSTC came along, but we all seemed to like the social aspect of GPSTC better - lots of chit-chat, encouragement and feeling like you know people all over the country.
I used GPSSS for a while, but pretty much stopped once we had a team on GPSTC . I got to know a bunch of great people here in the US through GPSTC. It sometimes feels a bit like trying to herd cats, especially since we are spread out through the US, but the days when I get to sail with team mates are great. Going for a longer trip to Australia to check out some spots and meet speed surfers is on my bucket list.