Today, I have not been able to reach the GTSTC web site using the same bookmarks I always used. I get a message that the web site is unreachable, looks like a DNS timeout. I also get DNS timeouts when using public DNS tools. Using the IP address on record ( gives me a "Sorry" default web page.
Does anyone else have this problem? Any idea if/when this will be fixed?
I believe the site has crashed due to too many people using un-approved devices and uploading dodgy times
Apologies for this, I just got a call from the hosting provider, and we've changed DNS servers to work around the issue.
It should be back up in an hour or two.
Can't post from KA72 nor can I access GPS Teams Challenge website not working for me. Keeps telling me the same message as 2 above.
Not sure which web browser you use but often number 1 solution in the link below will work. Just make sure you either have saved all your usernames/passwords somewhere or know them all as afterwards you probably will have to log back into any site you use.
Not sure if it was because I've shut down and rebooted, but firefox and chromium are now getting the GTC
Thanks for letting us know. This host is ridiculous. They migrated my email last night as well, so while my emails were down I wasn't getting messages about the challenge site being down.
Of course, like last time, they gave no warning whatsoever...
*sigh*. I'll sort it out.
OK they've sorted it out now.
It will work when your DNS server requests the new address. (well, actually the old address, but it was wrongly updated).
Apologies for the downtime.
Found my GT31 in the bottom of a rucksack after being offline for year or so, went for a sail, went to KA72, hoping to give the Gustbusters a lift in rankings. I'm still registered, my password works, but no, I can't get it to post either.