Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GW60 MAC problem

Created by decrepit > 9 months ago, 21 Jun 2017
WA, 12139 posts
21 Jun 2017 9:43PM
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Slugger has a new MAC, when he imports the .SBP file it gets slapped with and "EXEC" icon with a padlock symbol, that in the past hast prevented loading to KA72.

Looks like some sort of security thing to me, but I know nothing about MACs

Anybody else seen anything like this?

WA, 1569 posts
21 Jun 2017 9:54PM
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My thought is that the Mac OS is taking a guess that the file is possibly an executable, and Slugger may have an untrusted / permissions / no app assigned to deal with the file type. What app is trying to open the file? ( Gpsresults opens .sbp on my Mac with no drama) Slugger, a if you ping me the file and I can take a look.

VIC, 6094 posts
22 Jun 2017 12:22AM
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Happens to me every time. AFAIK it is 'normal', and yes, I think it is a security measure with an unknown binary file type.

Just have to go to Command/Apple 'I' keys to 'get info' on the file. It opens a window where you see the file properties an then untick the box that says 'locked'.

You can do it just as easily with a two fingered tap on the trackpad (equivalent to 'right click' on a mouse), then 'get info' to open the file properties etc.

WA, 2322 posts
22 Jun 2017 12:53AM
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The lock simply indicates that the file is write-protected on the USB drive. Locosys made that so, probably so nobody can accidentally mess with the file and screw up the file system (as is possible on the Canmore).

The "exec" icon is an indication that the "executable" file permission is set. There's absolutely no need for it to be set, but it does not hurt, nor does it really mean anything.

Neither issue is a security feature, nor does it prevent uploading to

Note that OS X generally preserves as much as possible when copying a file, including file permissions. So copying the file onto the hard drive will also give you a locked file with the executable flag set - it will look exactly the same as on the USB drive (the watch in UMS mode). The thing to do is to open the "Get Info" dialog for the copied file, uncheck the "Locked" box, and then rename the file.

If you absolutely don't want to see the "EXEC" icon, you can remove the executable flag for the copied file from the terminal (e.g. "chmod a-x GPSLOG.SBP"). Usually, there's no reason to do so, but if there are actual security warnings about the file, that may get rid of them.

WA, 12139 posts
22 Jun 2017 9:45AM
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Thanks mate that gets rid of that problem


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GW60 MAC problem" started by decrepit