GW60 utility says it's connected ( the disconnect button is highlighted). The watch display shows it's connected to the computer but
it's saying
USB-COM-MTN connection failed???
I've had issues with the connection prongs playing up . One pin sticking down. I use tweezers to pull it out but they look ok today and I don't think it's the issue?
Anyone know how to fix it?
I left it plugged in to the computer , didn't do anything else, came back and had another go and it worked..go figure..
It happens sometimes when the connecting cable does not make a good connection the fist time.
It is usually solved for me by disconnecting the cable, quitting the app, cleaning the watch contacts and starting again.
Sue, clean the watch contacts with any lube and use a old toothbrush it makes a amazing difference.
It only takes a minute film of salt to stop a good contact.
Pete, so thats one guys version of Dielectric grease uses. As usual there are many views on the interweb.
Permatex makes a Dielectric grease which they RECOMMEND using on CONDUCTIVE parts. Check it out. Ive used it for many years on marine n mining situations with NO degredation to electrical signal nor contact surfaces. Just saying....
^^ Ian i only have a Canmore. Its all i need. Dont care to join the IM BETTER THAN YOU MENTALITY which you guys thrive on n want to force upon everyone who windsurfs. Theres a lot more to windsurfing than that 0.02 kt you are chasing.Its called ENJOYMENT. No matter what level youre at its all about ENJOYMENT.
My original point of posting was to highlight there are products suitable for preventing corrosion without any ill side effects.
Ive got no beef with either You or Pete. But you seem to like making it a personal attack. Why is that?
Ever since I started giving the watch contacts a small squirt of Inox before connecting to laptop, I haven't had any problems.
^^ Im with you on this one Ian.
Inox has the least side effects of the water dispersing sprays if used on rubber. Wd40 after long term use often makes natural rubbers swell n perish prematurely.
I don't think the GW 60 has any "natural" rubber. . Yes inox is the least nasty of all the WDs.
Tiny squirt, hardly any gets on black bits,
what does gets wiped off with paper towel.
An update..generally no hassles since the new lead but sometimes trying to upload after a session I have issues with it saying port error. It seems to be the battery charge is too low .Once it's charged and I try again it works first go.
If you are having trouble with it not connecting try charging it first.
I had a lot of problems connecting GW60 to my computer, but it is a lot better now because I wash the contacts in fresh water after each sail.