Has anyone tried speed sailing at 1770 Central Queensland in the channel where the Round Hill creek runs out to the ocean? I use to live up there back in the 80's before I started windsurfing.
There is a big long sand bank protecting the channel. I would say it would work on West to NE winds.
i wanted to try some small wave sailing on the bank.
nice spot.
i figure sep/oct with the northerlies being the best. i don't believe the place will work in a SE
In the SE winds you could sail in Bustard Bay up the beach to Bustard Head. There are 2 creeks and sand bars up the beach to Bustard Head you could do small wave sailing on. I don't think anyone has ever sailed up there !
Looking at the Google Earth overlay the NE winds would be perfect for speed runs inside the river on the flat water. That photo is taken at high tide! The sand bank shelters the channel better between mid & low tide. I've seen really big waves braking alot further out just past the tip of the Headland on the outer sand bank at Mid to Low tide. When the SE swells comes in between Sandy Cap ( Frazier Island ) and the southern tip of the Barrier Reef.
very nice.
looks like the NW would be a good wind out at the mouth. a question would be whether the hills lift the wind to high at the bank.
i really want to go there. last year i almost headed up there after the burrum visit, the back beach looks good too and march is the swell and wind season.
nice spot.
Hi Gestalt,
I use to own land at Agnes Water from 1988 to 2001. I use to go down there every weekend from Gladstone where I lived. I've seen the NE winds 20 knots plus in the river there many times. The hills on the Headland didn't affect the winds strength if anything I think it made it stronger to what i remember. I never windsurfed then only dreamed about it. I use to surf Agnes Point and the Springs point in the SE swells. It's a great place to have a holiday. The road now is sealed all the way from the Bruce Highway from about 2000. Back in the 80's it was 75 kms off dirt road plus no power back then.
NIce pics Bolabog, looks good. Actually I was looking through Noel Patricks 'Curtis Coast' book yesterday and I reackon there lots of potential spots around. What about all those channels in Gladstone Harbour? Surely there's a smooth run to be had there too. Also the Kolan River Mouth North of Bundy???
Too many spots....not enough holidays
Hi sailpilot,
There would be some good channels in Gladstone harbour but you would need a boat to get to them. The tide in the Harbour is really strong and if the wind died or you broke some gear you would be in alot of trouble. Plus the ships going in and out all the time of the Harbour.I use to race in the sailing club there on a 45 Foot Tri. The currents run really fast out between Curtis Is & Facing Is. There would be some good spots Near south end. You can catch a ferry over there.May be get the Ferry to Quion Island and sail from there. You can stay on the Island. They have a beach on the Island where they use to hire Hobbie Cats & old one design sailboards.
I haven't been to Kolan River Mouth.
I think if you check out google earth you can see some good spots between Turkey Beach & Pancake Creek ( Just North of Bustard Head) You would need a boat to get in there. You can drive through private properties but need a 4WD plus a good map. To get to the beaches.
What Sausage is saying is right about the SE winds. They don't get into the river up at 1770 . I think some guys up there sail on the Awoonga Dam at Benaraby & Tanium Sand. I don't know what winds would be best? Here is a picture of Quion Island in Gladstone harbour where the resort is.You could get speed runs both sides of the Island in NE & SE Winds >
Spent 6 months living in Gladstone / Tannum Sands and sailed the dam a few times in Westerlies - might be OK for a nautical mile - I used to slide down the concrete boat ramp to get in the water - don't know what it's like in other wind directions
you know the closer i look up that way the more there seems to be....
anyone for speed sailing one day wave sailing the next?
I think Lady Musgrave Island would be better. You are allowed to camp on the Island ( 50 People Max at a time camping on the Island.) Have to get a permit to camp there plus its about $3.50 per Night per person. It has a big Lagoon about 2 kms long shelter by reef all the way around it. You be perfect in any wind direction. You can catch a Boat from 1770 which takes about 45 mins to get there depending on the weather conditions.
Amazing photos !!
Had a dive holiday on Lady Elliot IS Feb 1985-remember the wind blowing all week & talk on the Island Then re Sailboarding Lady Musgrave -looks amazing on that aerial photo...
Must be dozens of similar looking spots off the FNQ coast -any one for 6/12 of Speed Run exploration ??!!
I think later this year I might head up to 1770 & go try sailing at Lady Musgrave Island & 1770. As soon as someone sails in that Lagoon and post good sessions people will start going there to sail. There is about 3 or more Lagoons like that one in the Bunker Island croup! Here is a picture of the Lagoon at One Tree Island south of Heron Island
I've sailed in the channel in a 20-25knot SEerly. I launched from the first point seaward of the boat ramp - I think this is NE of it. From memory it was a bit gusty around the edges but a fairly solid wind seemed to pump up the creek. I origonally tried to launch just north of the point but there was no wind and I looked like a dill trying to get to the wind on my 89l board.
I've stayed on Heron (in the bunker group) and having surveyed the lagoon - quite literally - I spent a one week field trip there while studying geology and saw much of the lagoon through the bottom of a glass bottom bucket, it would be pretty good for windsurfing. You would want to watch out for bommies and coral heads though.
The channel into the island may even be good in either a SE or NEerly. There is a bund wall on either side (along with a couple of sunken wrecks) designed to keep the water in at low tide (after the stuffed the reef up by digging a channel that drains the water off at low tide exposing the reef). This would be a good speed strip at low tide perhaps
The sailing wasn't too bad that day excpet I was pretty overpowered. I rigged a 6.2m and used all of my 63kg at the time to hold it down. There was another guy out that day as well on a 5.5.
1770 is a nice place to kick back. i imagnine the sailing in a NE would be pretty good.
Going down in a few weeks time, i will sus it all out!!!
There is some good accomadation there as well with storage ( pets allowed too)
Here are some pictures
from the 1770 camping grounds web site.
Lots of information on that site.
Nice place to stay right on the water
GCMOZ don't
forget to let us know how your trip went.
Scoped it out today!!!
SE - Go for the open beach
Westerly-NE - Go for the chanels but only half to full tide. Was very low tide and zig zag between the banks.
Want to try it when the NE is blowing!!!
As for a speed run - has to be the perfect alignments(wind, tide and coiincide with my days off)
Damm nice place though!!! When i go again i will take the waveboard and the freeride board
Middle Creek has a good set up for speed and wave sailing and handles all wind directions but is a bit of a mission, about 45 min from Agnes on dirt track and once you get there it is fair way to lug your gear as the camping area and car park is in the lee of a hill. The kite guys have been known to go up by jet ski. Wreck rock is the pick for wave sailing when its s/se. Martin Cooper from Gladstone sailed from Tannum to Agnes back in the day, not a bad downwinder.