Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

How to check a board for defects?

Created by Pipington 4 months ago, 9 Apr 2024
31 posts
9 Apr 2024 3:41PM
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Im really struggling with a new board I've given it a good go nearly 600km/7 sessions it still seems really odd. Too much drag not releasing properly & really harsh over chop. The power I'd expect to get 2 knots more in it just seems to block.
I had the model from some years ago gave me good/bench mark speeds.
I've tried different fins, foot strap, mast foot positions etc.
I've got the bigger board too which seems great, better than anticipated really free & progressive I've been faster on the 85 than the 73!!!

What can I measure & how to check if there is something wrong with the board to rule that out?
fin box straightness, rocker etc please?
Can I use any sort of diy laser level or just a 1m straight edge etc?

I need to rule out if I just don't like it, if there is something wrong, wether to persevere or just move on.

Super thanks for any advice!

WA, 12092 posts
9 Apr 2024 5:40PM
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As the post above, check for negative rocker just in front of the fin. That can cause all the problems you describe.
Use a straight edge, and sight underneath it. I wouldn't be surprised if you discovered a 2mm gap or more.

If the rocker looks fine, then where are the footstraps? move them all the way back if you can.

31 posts
9 Apr 2024 6:09PM
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Thank you!
I'm not sure what you mean by negative rocker?
I'm dUte I'm being a bit thick!
I've got the foot straps all the the way back atm!
thanks again!!!

31 posts
9 Apr 2024 6:09PM
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Thank you!
I'm not sure what you mean by negative rocker?
I'm dUte I'm being a bit thick!
I've got the foot straps all the the way back atm!
thanks again!!!

WA, 12092 posts
9 Apr 2024 9:39PM
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negative rocker, is where the rocker line is convex instead of concave. There's a thread about it here.

Mark _australia
WA, 22337 posts
9 Apr 2024 9:39PM
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Negative rocker is like a hollow in front of finbox when a straightedge is put along the centreline

BTW, ruler is not a good straightedge for this use as if it is bowed even a little it will misdiagnose. ... you need a bit of square steel or a perfect brickies level. Lasers no good as the curved board =curved line. Hard to explain


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"How to check a board for defects?" started by Pipington