Just broke 30kts and someone suggested I take a photo but how do I get into the GPS to do that?
I've come home and uploaded things but haven't deleted any thing although the thing has been playing up and has created a few files of the trip home etc since.
Yep like that.I should have taken one when it happened but i didn't have the camera with me.I can't work out how to get the display back up.
Well done Sboardcrazy!
If you use speed genie.
Go to Speed menu.
Toggle to Max speed.
Press in the big button
Toggle to restore
Press in the button
Toggle to the speed you want
Press the big button.
Your speed should now be on the display.
30.41 is your 2 sec average speed which will be slightly lower than your 1sec max speed on the display. Can be as much as 0.5 knot if your peak speed was really brief.
Ps - My speed was pretty pathetic compared to a lot of the guys .Heaps got PB's.. I'm still happy though..
fantastic Sue its great to see crew so stocked to get 30. I was privileged to be with Herby when he got his 30 here at lake George last summer was a special day.
well done Sue especially on a wave board:)
The pocket is great board but is still slow compared to a similar size slalom.
When i was in maui i rode them for about 2 weeks straight and almost never got it above 30 knots !
On a related tack..... I am pretty sure there is a way to take a screen shot of any GT-31 (or GT-11) display. This is what is used in Manuals and reviews. I even think I have done it in the past a long time ago, but I can't seem to find any reference to the method. Does anyone remember?