Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Kato's WR distance attempt

Created by sausage > 9 months ago, 19 Feb 2018
QLD, 4873 posts
19 Feb 2018 11:59AM
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Any news coming out of Lake George yet? He is a machine!

NSW, 925 posts
19 Feb 2018 3:40PM
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He's still going, it's a big wind day with some high speeds and PBs being reported on the beach, and guys changing down to 5/5.4s

QLD, 4873 posts
19 Feb 2018 9:13PM
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Don't want to steal Craig's thunder, but just read he punched out a lazy 690+kms

WA, 2286 posts
19 Feb 2018 7:55PM
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It's not on GPSTC yet? Anyone know what's happening.
**** he's still out there and everyone's gone back to camp.

QLD, 6806 posts
19 Feb 2018 9:59PM
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BSN101 said..
It's not on GPSTC yet? Anyone know what's happening.
**** he's still out there and everyone's gone back to camp.

Well, two hours left till midnight. Worth few more km Hopefully, Kato has good flashlight and batteryAnyway I want to be first to congratulate

QLD, 1052 posts
20 Feb 2018 3:51AM
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Found this... Kato's earlier (2013) world record. Helps us mortals comprehend the task he has faced.

VIC, 3400 posts
20 Feb 2018 11:44AM
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Hi all, thanks for the words and sorry about the lack of details as I only have a phone here. Daffy has processed the tracks and they will be sent off for checking. The distance is currently 659.7km.
I sailed from 9pm till 7.30pm ish when I ran out of wind.
I'II write up the day when I get home and post all the tracks. There will be a heap of The Pit Crew sessions on the page

SA, 235 posts
20 Feb 2018 11:17AM
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Great effort Kato, if not a bit crazy too. Stoked I could be there on the day. Well done mate.

NSW, 1684 posts
20 Feb 2018 11:59AM
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Incredible effort: no sleep, sailing at night, and for a few hours it was over 30 knts and had to do distance on a speedboard !

WA, 6277 posts
20 Feb 2018 10:43AM
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You are amazing!

I just can't comprehend that sort of stamina.

WA, 8725 posts
20 Feb 2018 10:53AM
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Awesome effort once again Craig

VIC, 131 posts
20 Feb 2018 2:09PM
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Brilliant stuff Craig

QLD, 1083 posts
20 Feb 2018 7:56PM
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Hit Nurofen and No Doze up for some sponsorship!!!

Insane effort, well done... how the fk, do you not run into stuff when it's dark?!
This should be front page news in the 'general section' , and or main stream media, it's simply outstanding.

TAS, 2433 posts
20 Feb 2018 9:08PM
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Congratulations Craig, certainly another massive effort. Such an emotionally draining thing to do any endurance in any sport. Well done, maximum respect for putting your mind and body through that.

VIC, 6094 posts
20 Feb 2018 11:20PM
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Craig has a position light on the mast tip. He also has lights on his helmet, but he turned them off after a while and used the glow from his mast light. He has a stick with a bright LED light on each side of the lake to aim at and gybe around. Not even a hint of moonlight during the night! The water is pretty flat, especially on the sides of the lake where he is gybing. Small chop in the centre but he is running across it.
Superhuman effort!

6 posts
20 Feb 2018 9:01PM
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An amazing achievement Craig.

24 hr figthing the Elements is a hard battle both physically and mentally, well done.

TAS, 1992 posts
21 Feb 2018 6:59AM
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Well done Craig, that's a fantastic effort. You have certainly taken it up another notch!

VIC, 1619 posts
21 Feb 2018 8:03AM
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nebbian said..
You are amazing!

I just can't comprehend that sort of stamina.

we don't want to comprehend that sort of wild stallion stamina in Kato's bedroom either

Awesome effort Kato !!!

Even the Ka team back at the loft are celebrating after hearing of this WR on the special LG edition Ka's they built you. That LG wind, water data and weed we sent them for R&D really worked.......

...But has upset the loft management and other manufacturers so they crashed the party where all were relaxing and taking in this great achievement of yours. One of the team was doing some awesome dancing and had also put the LG weed samples to another use. The music was firing but word had got out and the upset party poopers were given a serve and a right ol slap up, watch on, this is how it went down......

mr love
VIC, 2352 posts
21 Feb 2018 12:50PM
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It amazes me how your brain works Spotti !!!

Awesome effort Kato...machine. We are not going to have to contact WADA are we, is that a stash of Horny Goat Weed in the trailer??

VIC, 1619 posts
21 Feb 2018 5:39PM
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Where Kato was sending it during his marathon effort, not only did the body take a beating but a few crayons as well... Frame it and put it in the pool room

WA, 3619 posts
21 Feb 2018 9:52PM
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What a legend you are! Well done mate

WA, 319 posts
22 Feb 2018 4:54AM
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Magnificent effort Craig!
how is that tennis elbow going now?

11206 posts
22 Feb 2018 5:10AM
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17km short of 600! Pfff!

Oh I see, you swapped the 3 and the 8 and changed it from 538 to 583!

Nah seriously I grovel before thee Sir Sail Much Further Than Me.

Look forward to sailing with ya soon.

VIC, 3400 posts
22 Feb 2018 9:22AM
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25 said..
Magnificent effort Craig!
how is that tennis elbow going now?

Great, stoped playing tennis . PRP worked a treat

QLD, 571 posts
22 Feb 2018 9:25AM
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Well done and it was a great pleasure seeing you start at 9am then sail with you the next day and witness the record being made and seeing a smile on your face throughout it.
It was also great getting to know you well over the week on the water and at happy hours most arvos at the camp grounds.
Glynn and Sue

WA, 2286 posts
22 Feb 2018 7:32AM
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Spotty said..
Where Kato was sending it during his marathon effort, not only did the body take a beating but a few crayons as well... Frame it and put it in the pool room

How many gybes? And how long were the runs.
Did anyone else brave the dark with him.
Well done Kato & support team.

WA, 2321 posts
22 Feb 2018 8:27AM
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BSN101 said..

How many gybes? And how long were the runs.
Did anyone else brave the dark with him.
Well done Kato & support team.

Your questions raised my curiosity, so I had to go and download the tracks from
GPSAR shows 236 jibes over 660 km, which gives an average run length of about 3 km. I'm not sure what's more mind-boggling: 120 jibes with a minimum speed above 10 knots; sailing almost 23 hours with minimal breaks; or hitting 40 knots after sailing for 17 hours. Truly amazing!

VIC, 3400 posts
22 Feb 2018 12:22PM
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Thanks everyone
Made most of my jibes on the Slalom boards. Made one on the longboard , so clearly I need more practice in this area . On the speedboard , it was about 1/2 as either the weed griped the fin and stopped me, I crashed or the wind died.
If I had some extra mast lights anyone could have had a play but there wasn't a lot of wind. Very frustrating when time is marching along.
The lights I use on the helmet are the AY-UP Lights that you use on bikes.
The sport Gels worked very well and I did pop a few nerofen latter in the day as the lower back was getting a bit stiff.
As Dennis mentioned, this sort of stuff is a mental game and about staying relaxed, knowing your body and pushing at the right time.
Apart from the holes in the feet , the body pulled up really well and I went for a short sail the next day to collect some of the equipment that was left at the lake.
Dennis I guess it's you turn again

NSW, 323 posts
22 Feb 2018 2:30PM
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I'm a bit confused...

1. GPSTC posting showing *only* 583km
2. ABC Gippsland reporting 659km.
3. Analysis above around 660kms.

Kato - I'd hate to think you undersold your achievement on GPSTC by the distance that most of us mere mortals manage on a good day!!

VIC, 6094 posts
22 Feb 2018 3:01PM
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BSN101 said..

Spotty said..
Where Kato was sending it during his marathon effort, not only did the body take a beating but a few crayons as well... Frame it and put it in the pool room

How many gybes? And how long were the runs.
Did anyone else brave the dark with him.
Well done Kato & support team.

Gybes? LOT's!!

Ahhhhh..... we sat on the side of the lake in the dark and watched his mast tip light moving around. For a while... till we fell asleep.

VIC, 6094 posts
22 Feb 2018 3:07PM
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eckas said..
I'm a bit confused...

1. GPSTC posting showing *only* 583km
2. ABC Gippsland reporting 659km.
3. Analysis above around 660kms.

Kato - I'd hate to think you undersold your achievement on GPSTC by the distance that most of us mere mortals manage on a good day!!

Distance shown on GT31 screen: 662 Km
Distance from combined files in software analysis: 660.2KM
Distance of claimed record with error adjustment: 651.3km

Craig Holling 2018 LG Record claim summery: 24hours [km/h]
Total Km: 660.199.
Average speed of two devices = 27.508+/-0.370 (GPS#1 27.511+/-0.493 GPS#2 27.506+/-0.553)
After error deduction: 27.138 Km/h Record claimed average speed
= 651.312 Km Record claimed distance.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Kato's WR distance attempt" started by sausage