Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Lilacs Feb 2

Created by Flex2 > 9 months ago, 11 Feb 2022
WA, 302 posts
11 Feb 2022 6:25PM
Thumbs Up

Posted this vid on GPSTC earlier but easy to miss and a pile on non GPSTC sailors present on this epic day. This is mainly for them. A few others urging me to post to Seabreeze as well. Was epic day with near perfect tide/wind combo. Didn't plan to take footage as knew this was day of all days so was going to focus on sailing. 3 or so hrs in it seemed it was a good excuse to take a break every hour or so to fly the drone. Drone is an oldie but a goodie but can only fly at 60Km/hr or so. With the wind and all sailors exceeding this speed at all times it was purely luck who got in the shot..It was next to pointless trying to get in position to frame any shot. There is a bit of weird stuff going on with the Picture in Picture NM stuff but you can read the video description what's going on there if you care for such stuff. I only labeled sailors who I knew for sure. There were many sailors so sorry for those anyone missed.

Edit: its 4k vid so if you have **** internet like most of WA you can choose to wait or watch in pixelated 80's

WA, 12133 posts
11 Feb 2022 9:46PM
Thumbs Up

Great stuff Jim, it was indeed a magic day!!!!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Lilacs Feb 2" started by Flex2