This year we trialled the Motion Mini with 25 of the 100+ competitors at Weymouth Speed Week; pro fleet windsurfers and kiters. The server code that I wrote for automatic downloads allowed us to retrieve OAO files from the 25 Motions in about two minutes.
I did a little demo of my server prior to the event and before making some final improvements to my code but it gives you an idea of how it works -
Results were published promptly each evening to GitHub Pages using some custom reporting code that I also wrote in Python. The same code has actually re-published all of the daily and weekly results going back to 1998. - Wireless Motions were way easier than GT-31s and the associated processes that we've been using since 2010. Next year the whole fleet will be using the Motion Mini. It's a perfect device for such an event; low cost, accurate, waterproof, automatic downloads and wireless charging. People simply use their regular personal GPS devices for approximate speeds and on-the-water feedback.
It was quite a busy week for me... competing on the windsurfer, windfoil, wingfoil and doing the tech / results. :D