Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

NZ far south speed spot?

Created by sailquik > 9 months ago, 24 Nov 2017
VIC, 6094 posts
24 Nov 2017 11:02PM
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I think I asked about this one years ago. My memory is that some of the South Island sailors may have had a look, but it is a long way for most of them to get to so none had sailed it AFAIK.

Nevertheless, I wonder if anyone had checked it out lately, It would seem to be an ideal set up for a WSW to W wind, which should be very common and very strong at times in that part of the world. It reminds me of the Henty setup in Tassie.

Tewaenae Bay:

Photos from Google Earth:

WA, 4083 posts
24 Nov 2017 11:48PM
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Andrew, if only you used your spare time for good instead of evil

QLD, 291 posts
25 Nov 2017 4:31AM
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Hi Andrew although l have not sailed Te Waenae Bay l have sailed Colac Bay (awsome wave spot) and Awarua Bay which is near Bluff. Awarua is a great spot and the wind is ballistic l was very overpowered on a 4m and had to stop. The bay is good on an incoming tide and slack water but on run out tide its like ski moguls in the middle. I will be doing a trip down that way in January and will check out Te Waenae Bay. I will be catching up with some of the older guys tomorrow in Dunedin and will make some enquiries, l am sure some of them would have tried it and get some contact details for you. The only problem maybe due to being a river system coming fron very steep bush country there maybe lots of trees, stumps and other debris.

QLD, 291 posts
29 Nov 2017 5:19PM
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I spoke to some people who have tried here but they said the banks are too high for windsurfing but the kiters love the place.Its a pity because the wind really howls down there. But I will be down that way in Jan so will check it out.

VIC, 6094 posts
29 Nov 2017 7:48PM
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Some of the photos I have seen also suggest that. I wonder how much it changes over time though?

QLD, 1961 posts
30 Nov 2017 7:57PM
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Lake Ellesmere in Christchurch?

VIC, 6094 posts
1 Dec 2017 10:06PM
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Shifu said..
Lake Ellesmere in Christchurch?

May not be oriented well for commonest strong winds? Has anyone posted from there?

WA, 2335 posts
1 Dec 2017 10:37PM
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Some of the pictures show vegetation, which could be an issue if it is on the windward side of the run. We have a few spots in marshes where you can sail right next to reed islands. There, wind strength and quality depend a lot on tide levels. The wind gets much stronger and more consistent when the reed islands are just flooded, so the reeds barely stick out of the water. Unfortunately, that's usually a very short time, then it gets too deep and gets choppy. At lower tide, these spots are very gusty and slower. Probably, the reeds that are half a meter or a meter high create so much turbulence that it affects the wind a lot. Spots with gradually sloping sand bars without any vegetation usually are much steadier, and the wind is closer to the meter readings (the meters are on 5-10 m poles). Unfortunately, we have fewer sand bar spots, and they are much further away.

QLD, 291 posts
2 Dec 2017 4:22AM
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Yes Dan M and Dan in the One Eyed Cantabrians sail Lake Ellesmere although the depth there changes quite a bit.

10 posts
17 Dec 2017 2:50PM
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Lake Ellesmere some pretty amazing spots, the best is Greenpark huts sandbar. Dan W and Mike have manged to sail there in some really good breeze and get some good speeds.
Greenpark huts is in the North Eastern Corner of the lake, where the Halswel River drains into lake. Getting down to the water can be a challenge, nearly got stuck last time I was there. It takes about 1hr to drive out there form home, but worth the drive when the conditions are right.
This speed strip works in both in the northeast (Our most common breeze) and the norwest. The north-easter easily has 10+ knots on any other spot around town, wind funnels down Lyttelton Harbour over Gebbies pass and is windier when it gets to the lake.
The spot is only waist deep when sailable, but often the wind literally blows all the water away. The wind can affect the lake level by +/- 1 meter, depending what side of lake you are standing on.
The other challenge we have is that the lake is mechanically opened to lower the water level to prevent flooding to surrounding farms.
It has been frustrating last few years with lake being opened in September October not enough rain to get it back to a level for us to use the sandbar.
We have been hoping for some rain to fill lake up a bit but because of how dry it is already this summer it might be March / April before we can sail here again. That time of year usually there is not as much wind around :(
I have only sailed here twice each time not very windy, but still managing to get my PB's for speed. I can't wait to give it a go on a speed board on some decent breeze.
I think a good sailor on here in the right conditions this spot has potential to get 45+ knots!!!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"NZ far south speed spot?" started by sailquik