Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Speed Sunday at PB City

Created by elmo > 9 months ago, 31 Dec 2007
WA, 8726 posts
31 Dec 2007 8:26AM
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Once again Hardies run turned it on for what Decrep called "Speed Sunday at PB City"

Heres some of the Damage (PB's) from the session


  • 2 sec.....41.095 Fastest speed on the run so far, 41.15 on the Navi dial
  • 5x10......39.693
  • Nm........35.2

  • 2 sec.....38.64
  • 5x10......37.51
  • Alpha.... 26.584***
  • Nm........32.23

  • 2 sec..... 38.95
  • 5x10.......36.54
  • Nm........ 27.78

  • 2 sec..... 39.366
  • 5x10.......36.163
  • Alpha.... 24.867
  • Nm........32.037

  • 2 sec.....35.597
  • 5x10.......33.905
  • Alpha....20.183
  • Nm........ 30.459

  • 2 sec.....35.322
  • 5x10.......34.187
  • Nm........30.749 [PB]

John N (added)
  • 2 sec.....37.278
  • 5x10.......34.951

Matt (added)
  • 2 sec.....32.13

Will add the others when they've posted (PM me if I've missed you).

It was a truly Fantastic Day with a great crew, which I wish our holidaying team mates could have appreciated it as well.

To all those that made the Journey, Congrats and well done.

The butterfly's are already to launch for the next one

VIC, 6094 posts
31 Dec 2007 11:18AM
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WOW! Great session!
What was the wind strength and direction (angle)?
I guess you guys can get a straight run Nautical Mile. Not many places to do that...

WA, 6277 posts
31 Dec 2007 9:33AM
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Elmo, you forgot this:


  • 5x10 sec: 38.028

  • Nm: 34.619

Or maybe you were just being modest... I won't let you forget though

Hi Sailquik,

Wind was 20-25 with occasional gusts to 30, perfect direction for Hardies as well (SSW? SW?)

Yep with the nautical mile run at Hardies it's straight, and you can basically pick your direction (within reason) without getting into too much chop.

WA, 8726 posts
31 Dec 2007 9:40AM
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The wind was approx 20-30 SSW

Hardie has found a straight line Nm which has a nice consistent bear away over the full run of about 2km, it's a bit softer angle than the straight speed run but more consistent over the distance.

The wind angle can change a bit as we don't have to run next to a sand bank, ours is open water weed flats, so you can pretty much pick your spot to attack when you see the gust coming.

The down side's we have is that you have to use weed fins, the waters shallow (some guys were depth checking with 30cm fins), for the uninitiated it can be a bit daunting blasting along seeing fin trails through the weed banks.

WA, 1730 posts
31 Dec 2007 10:18AM
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pics are up in windsurfing..

WA, 323 posts
31 Dec 2007 10:46AM
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Awesome run you lot

Elmo don't be so modest bloody good run mate I would be very proud of the 38's

WA, 8726 posts
31 Dec 2007 10:56AM
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graceman said...

Awesome run you lot

Elmo don't be so modest bloody good run mate I would be very proud of the 38's

Sorry can't beat my own drum.

Shame you couldn't make it Tony, it went orf!

Have uploaded track image for those interested in where we were running on Hardies

The wind is from bottom of image.
The runs are from left to right.
There are only 2 Nm attempts in there and they start at the lH side near the launch point and pretty much run parallel to the shore.
The speed runs are in the middle and bear away far more for a good 500+ mtrs

WA, 323 posts
31 Dec 2007 11:41AM
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Mate you must have perfected the fine art of tacking looking at the tracks.

WA, 8726 posts
31 Dec 2007 11:47AM
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graceman said...

Mate you must have perfected the fine art of tacking looking at the tracks.

Nope "German Gybes"

WA, 1646 posts
31 Dec 2007 12:33PM
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Elmo , congrats. Pity you could not have got another 0.2 on the dial and same goes for Pete.. he came so close to knocking Slowie back to 2nd as fastest gun in the west.

WA, 6277 posts
31 Dec 2007 12:37PM
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My track for comparison...
Only did one Nm attempt, was confident I'd cracked 30 so didn't try for any more. Was also worried about the boats charging around at the end of the run!

WA, 1730 posts
1 Jan 2008 12:09AM
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ummm nebs great effort! if you can allow me to offer a tip? sail broader...more often

p.s-power gives way to sail unless its a commercial vessel like a ferry or similar

WA, 8726 posts
1 Jan 2008 12:15AM
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snides8 said...

ummm nebs great effort! if you can allow me to offer a tip? sail broader...more often

p.s-power gives way to sail unless its a commercial vessel like a ferry or similar

Or put on a 14kg weight belt

WA, 1730 posts
1 Jan 2008 12:22AM
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Select to expand quote

Or put on a 14kg weight belt

now that would be interesting to see how you would make it buoyant!! you would have to strap a bean bag to something...i struggle with 9 but does it make a difference

disclaimer-doctor snides recomends you do not strap lead to yourself when you go sailing...clinical studies suggest it may not be good for ones general well being when immersed.

WA, 323 posts
1 Jan 2008 10:58AM
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I dunno 14kg strapped on would make for a pretty attractive crab bait/pot.
They seem to like Elmo without any extra weight

Just wait for Nebb's to stop and then hang around for the crabs while he is stuck in the knee high weeds unable to remount. I am sure a good catch would be had

WA, 4082 posts
2 Jan 2008 6:32PM
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Special day, spewing I missed it.......

Congrats to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's on the map now, hope it doesn't get spoiled???


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Speed Sunday at PB City" started by elmo