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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Speed boards for 105kg

Created by olskool > 9 months ago, 30 Sep 2018
QLD, 2455 posts
30 Sep 2018 5:36PM
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Looking to go faster as always. A bit of forward thinking. Im 105kg. Intermediate skills. Ive got an old board lying around SPEED World Cup Slalom 270 x 54wide. Looks about 105 - 110 litre. Mastrack measures 135cm from tail.
Flat into V underside.Rails are more like chines, square n sharp. Would this ol thing be suitable as a speed board for my 105kg? Im guessing 6.5-7.5m sails. Pointer fins around 30- 40cm.
Whatcha reckon?

QLD, 5103 posts
30 Sep 2018 6:58PM
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What speed you looking for OLDSKOOL.

I might be talking out of turn ,but you might find a modern bigger board might be faster..and easier to get you to a good speed
.eg..125 tabou rocket ..i've had 31 knots out of mine .There are many other bigger boards out there as well that can get 30 knot s too,

But then again ,theres only one way to find out .

QLD, 2455 posts
30 Sep 2018 8:38PM
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Had it lying around mate. Dunno what its capable of. Maybe it should stay hangin. Saw someone riding a Mistral version of a toothpick recently. Scaled up for my weight thought theyd be similar in design. Yeah its old. But looks straight line fast.

VIC, 3453 posts
30 Sep 2018 9:45PM
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Narrow tail, should be good for mid 35+ on a flat track. Mast track might be a bit too forward but give it a go

QLD, 2315 posts
1 Oct 2018 1:31PM
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Hah I had one of those a long time ago, 9'0 glass epoxy. I think mast track was back in normal spot. I would have used it with finworks 31-35cm (35cm in below vid light wind day with 6.5 sail). Can't recall it being overly trippy, actually was one of my favourite boards from back then.

I much preferred it to the 8'11 carbon no nose Speed that 2hc using, which I later owned then he got again, pretty sure he used it in early garmin foretrex gps days, for some reason around 34 knots comes to mind (the 9'0 was as fast as the 8'11 but much easier). I reckon you'd easily top that on the Speed at somewhere like Burrum.

VIC, 6152 posts
1 Oct 2018 2:37PM
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Nice board mate!

Yes, they were quite fast in their day and still would be. Well worth a shot. That mast track position should be fine with most modern slalom sails.

I still have a 9' Speed Slalom in my Museum. It's in excellent nick. I should get it out again for some nostelgic fun.

Mate had the 8'8" version which was definitely faster in stronger winds for us small guys and would still be competitive IMHO. I used the 9' more as a light wind slalom board.

The biggest difference between this and most modern boards is the long nose sticking out in front of the mast track, but that should not make much, if any difference on flattish water.

I dont see any reason you could not get mid to high 30's out of it at your size on a good speed strip, maybe even more. The fin will be important to tune to your sail size, local conditions, etc. But it is Tuttle so lots of choices abound.

QLD, 2455 posts
1 Oct 2018 8:41PM
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Mkseven, what you weigh back then? Just tryin to gauge fin size for my 105kg. Generally im using 7-10cm longer pointer to the lightweight crew n +
1-1.5m sail. This board is 8'10" OFO 30cm. Currently liking Vmax fins for my heavy rear foot. Havnt ridden this ol Speed. Just going thru the numbers n gettin an idea of whats reqd n achievable.
Any fin recommendations would be great. All ive got at present is era correct finworks pointer 30cm. Guessin thats not enough for my current skill set or weight. Is it big Fangy fin time?

QLD, 2455 posts
1 Oct 2018 8:53PM
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Sailquik n Kato, thanks for the positive info guys. Im probably a long way off rippin it up over 30kts But keen to push my comfort levels.Any tuning advice appreciated. Fins sails etc.

WA, 2332 posts
1 Oct 2018 7:27PM
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olskool said..
Sailquik n Kato, thanks for the positive info guys. Im probably a long way off rippin it up over 30kts But keen to push my comfort levels.Any tuning advice appreciated. Fins sails etc.

Hi Oldskool. im 92keg and my speed boards are 78 & 84 litres, 54 & 55 wide. It should be fine for you get get out & gauge if it goes back to the wall or not. Get into it!! woohoo!

QLD, 2315 posts
1 Oct 2018 9:51PM
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About half what I do now Nah back then I was about 82kg. I'd only been sailing about 6 months in the vid so was still rather foot heavy, I also had the 375? finworks but that was too big even with 7.2 sail I later changed to- those old boards are pretty narrow. The 30cm fin you have should be about right with a 6.0 which is was what I considered sweet spot sail wise for that board. The other speed 8'11 in the vid was actually owned by vando prior, wierd constant rocker wide tail no nose thing very different to your 8'11.

QLD, 2455 posts
1 Oct 2018 10:11PM
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^OFO One Foot Off. A measurement of board width 'One Foot Off' tail. Used as a guide for fin size starting point. Agreed fin obsession is addictive. The right fin definately improves the boards performance. PITA theyre so expensive n cant be 'evaluated' without testing many times first!!! Its such a personal feel thing.

QLD, 2315 posts
1 Oct 2018 10:24PM
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yeah I know what ofo is, sorry I didn't read you already posted it 30cm so I edited.

QLD, 2455 posts
1 Oct 2018 10:34PM
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Tardy said..
What speed you looking for OLDSKOOL.

Top Speed Dude
Top Speed.... We ALL aspire to 40kts+, im sure...... Dunno how or when, but sign me up. Im a keen starter to PB GLORY.

QLD, 2315 posts
1 Oct 2018 10:43PM
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olskool said..
^OFO One Foot Off. A measurement of board width 'One Foot Off' tail. Used as a guide for fin size starting point. Agreed fin obsession is addictive. The right fin definately improves the boards performance. PITA theyre so expensive n cant be 'evaluated' without testing many times first!!! Its such a personal feel thing.

Solution to that- feed your fin obsession

QLD, 2315 posts
1 Oct 2018 11:49PM
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Just touching on your thread title (since im similar weight- actually plus a couple of 6 packs & a pizza at the moment). If you are serious about improving your numbers the best speed board for you to have in se qld at that weight is one of the 70w slaloms, one that can take 6.2-7.8 in whatever brand is your flavor, 34 -38 fin. They are 40 knots capable, have probably higher average speed than your Speed & most importantly you get to use it alot. The Speed would be great for some nostalgia fun though!

QLD, 2455 posts
2 Oct 2018 6:34AM
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Solution to that- feed your fin obsession

Yep, you are definately well fed!!

Te Hau
489 posts
2 Oct 2018 5:51PM
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Talking about speed boards for 105kg.
I'd like to know how those Dutch fellas get on.
All the fast guys are big and heavy and they all use the JP45cm, 53 litre speed board.
How do they do that ?

VIC, 6152 posts
2 Oct 2018 8:04PM
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Te Hau said..
Talking about speed boards for 105kg.
I'd like to know how those Dutch fellas get on.
All the fast guys are big and heavy and they all use the JP45cm, 53 litre speed board.
How do they do that ?

Thats a good point!

I think the answer is that when it is blowing 30Knots+, Litres don't really matter much. You have so much lift and power that it's usually just step on and go. At least that is my experience, but I am 75Kg (Probably well over 80Kg kitted up) and my CA40cm says it's 60 Litres. On the other hand, I actually don't find it any harder to start my ol 50L Isonic speed. It may even be slightly easier sometimes as it is a bit wider at 46cm,

In the "Old Days' when we used the old 'Speed Needles', some as narrow as 30cm! we didn't have too much trouble starting them in a proper gale, even though they would be lucky to be 40L and had extremly narrow, thin tails.

So I don't think Litres matter that much with true high wind speed boards.

QLD, 2315 posts
2 Oct 2018 8:44PM
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sailquik said..

Te Hau said..
Talking about speed boards for 105kg.
I'd like to know how those Dutch fellas get on.
All the fast guys are big and heavy and they all use the JP45cm, 53 litre speed board.
How do they do that ?

Thats a good point!

I think the answer is that when it is blowing 30Knots+, Litres don't really matter much. You have so much lift and power that it's usually just step on and go. At least that is my experience, but I am 75Kg (Probably well over 80Kg kitted up) and my CA40cm says it's 60 Litres. On the other hand, I actually don't find it any harder to start my ol 50L Isonic speed. It may even be slightly easier sometimes as it is a bit wider at 46cm,

In the "Old Days' when we used the old 'Speed Needles', some as narrow as 30cm! we didn't have too much trouble starting them in a proper gale, even though they would be lucky to be 40L and had extremly narrow, thin tails.

So I don't think Litres matter that much with true high wind speed boards.

Yep, in constant 25+ I can sail anything from my 107L down to my 63L speedboard though it does take a bit more to wind the little gear up to properly sitting on tail.

Provided there is constant wind litres don't matter in regards to getting going but they do make gybing a hell of alot easier.

VIC, 3453 posts
2 Oct 2018 8:50PM
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I'm 87kg and the smallest I've sailed is a 53lt +10kg lead with no issues. Just have to do the run and jump technique to get going , oh ..... it also has to be 30kts

WA, 2332 posts
2 Oct 2018 10:26PM
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mkseven said..

olskool said..
^OFO One Foot Off. A measurement of board width 'One Foot Off' tail. Used as a guide for fin size starting point. Agreed fin obsession is addictive. The right fin definately improves the boards performance. PITA theyre so expensive n cant be 'evaluated' without testing many times first!!! Its such a personal feel thing.

Solution to that- feed your fin obsession

That makes our board collection look lame!?? will get the fins out next.

Awesome collection

QLD, 2315 posts
3 Oct 2018 12:57AM
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BSN101 said..

mkseven said..

olskool said..
^OFO One Foot Off. A measurement of board width 'One Foot Off' tail. Used as a guide for fin size starting point. Agreed fin obsession is addictive. The right fin definately improves the boards performance. PITA theyre so expensive n cant be 'evaluated' without testing many times first!!! Its such a personal feel thing.

Solution to that- feed your fin obsession

That makes our board collection look lame!?? will get the fins out next.

Awesome collection

I'd photo the board collection but my lawn isn't as nice as yours

WA, 2332 posts
4 Oct 2018 12:24PM
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mkseven said..

BSN101 said..

mkseven said..

olskool said..
^OFO One Foot Off. A measurement of board width 'One Foot Off' tail. Used as a guide for fin size starting point. Agreed fin obsession is addictive. The right fin definately improves the boards performance. PITA theyre so expensive n cant be 'evaluated' without testing many times first!!! Its such a personal feel thing.

Solution to that- feed your fin obsession

That makes our board collection look lame!?? will get the fins out next.

Awesome collection

I'd photo the board collection but my lawn isn't as nice as yours

awe shucks! Steve will be proud as a button

203 posts
5 Oct 2018 7:08PM
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Shorten the nose a bit and move the mast track back....should be good to go.

QLD, 2455 posts
8 Oct 2018 5:44AM
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^^ Definately no choppin or hacking at this ol Speed board. Everything is just where its meant to be.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Speed boards for 105kg" started by olskool