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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk


Created by kato > 9 months ago, 5 Jan 2009
VIC, 3455 posts
5 Jan 2009 6:59PM
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Found this today while working on the coast. Amazing what you find in your own backyard,should work in an Easterly and North Westerly and its 10 mins from home.

Just runs the wrong way for my Assy fins Might have to get me a KA/Slowly fin . The line is 2.2km and should give us a new NM and one hr spot with flat water to fight the SRM/MM If it works ?????

Now i have to wait for a good Easterly and low tide

VIC, 6154 posts
5 Jan 2009 7:59PM
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Hmmm... also southerly and we can use our assys! We have probably had our one strong southerly for the season though.

VIC, 417 posts
5 Jan 2009 10:42PM
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Is there a boat ramp at the end of Mahers Landing Road
(at 38 38' 18.93S 145 47' 28.22E)?

When everywhere else is "full" (ie summer) I have crashed out in the car park there. Great place for catching prawns too.

How "low" of a tide was that picture taken?

awesome find!

VIC, 3455 posts
5 Jan 2009 10:51PM
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Won,t work in a Southerly,no wind in there. Took the photo at 3pm, so an hour after a .35 low tide so it should work with most lows. The access via the boat ramp should work,just have to miss the rocks.

QLD, 133 posts
6 Jan 2009 9:16AM
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I'm excited!!!!! Give the call up and I'm keen to come for a look. especially seeing as it's closer to PI & easier for a leave pass.

QLD, 2064 posts
6 Jan 2009 10:47AM
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During the easterlies, how much south/north is in it? if there is any north in it, we'd be sailing from bank to bank.

VIC, 3455 posts
6 Jan 2009 5:48PM
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mathew said...

During the easterlies, how much south/north is in it? if there is any north in it, we'd be sailing from bank to bank.

Matt we,ll be sailing along the line(banks) East will be broard and fast,NW square

VIC, 6154 posts
6 Jan 2009 9:24PM
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kato said...

mathew said...

During the easterlies, how much south/north is in it? if there is any north in it, we'd be sailing from bank to bank.

Matt we,ll be sailing along the line(banks) East will be broard and fast,NW square

Probably too broad unless there is a bit of SE in it...........

VIC, 3455 posts
6 Jan 2009 9:38PM
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sailquik said...

kato said...

mathew said...

During the easterlies, how much south/north is in it? if there is any north in it, we'd be sailing from bank to bank.

Matt we,ll be sailing along the line(banks) East will be broard and fast,NW square

Probably too broad unless there is a bit of SE in it...........

Could be but there,s only one way to find out and theres a hint of an easterly next week

NSW, 2016 posts
6 Jan 2009 11:02PM
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kato said...

sailquik said...

kato said...

mathew said...

During the easterlies, how much south/north is in it? if there is any north in it, we'd be sailing from bank to bank.

Matt we,ll be sailing along the line(banks) East will be broard and fast,NW square

Probably too broad unless there is a bit of SE in it...........

Could be but there,s only one way to find out and theres a hint of an easterly next week

take your eski cos if your relying on the longrange wind forcast, with a hint of nth or east and a touch of south and maybe a bit of west, as well as 25knts or 5/8 weather ,your stuck there and dont foreget the bangers and barby cos they havent got it rite in th last few days

VIC, 3455 posts
7 Jan 2009 12:03AM
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Cynic [}:)]

VIC, 6154 posts
7 Jan 2009 2:15AM
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PiT crew. I have sussed out another strong NM spot that I know will work on our most common and frustrating wind. The west with just a touch too much north in it. Also the SW with just a touch too much south in it to get a good run on the main channel.

WA, 1731 posts
7 Jan 2009 8:52AM
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if spotty can pull a 35 at the pit why would you look anywhere else?

VIC, 6154 posts
7 Jan 2009 11:42AM
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snides8 said...

if spotty can pull a 35 at the pit why would you look anywhere else?

'cause spotty is a madman who just levels out the chop like bulldozer. Looking for somewhere a little flatter.

WA, 1731 posts
7 Jan 2009 10:02AM
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sailquik said...

snides8 said...

if spotty can pull a 35 at the pit why would you look anywhere else?

'cause spotty is a madman who just levels out the chop like bulldozer. Looking for somewhere a little flatter.

fair enough! we have 1 of those D9's here as well..his handle is 'slowboat' see his numbers for yesterday compared to every one else in the same location

QLD, 2064 posts
7 Jan 2009 1:43PM
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snides8 said...
fair enough! we have 1 of those D9's here as well..his handle is 'slowboat' see his numbers for yesterday compared to every one else in the same location

I had the privelidge of watching the 50kn run - was stading on the shore at about the point he hit 50. The chop was about a foot high (or a bit more) and very closly spaced, which was interesting as I could see the whole fin in the troughs...

VIC, 5477 posts
7 Jan 2009 5:45PM
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Could be good. I noticed this bank when I sailed a south easterly breeze there last Easter but thought it was too far up the channel to be accessible. I ended up sailing in the surf that day and playing a bit in the estuary. I'm keen! The 'easterly' should be good because it's actually more an east south easterly at Inverloch due I guess to the funnelling effect up the beach and estuary.

Kato was that photo taken from the boat ramp?

VIC, 3455 posts
7 Jan 2009 6:06PM
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snides8 said...

if spotty can pull a 35 at the pit why would you look anywhere else?

And why use speed boards when Spottys wave board can do 41 [}:)]

The photo was taken from the Bluff

VIC, 5477 posts
7 Jan 2009 8:09PM
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kato said...

snides8 said...

if spotty can pull a 35 at the pit why would you look anywhere else?

And why use speed boards when Spottys wave board can do 41 [}:)]

The photo was taken from the Bluff

Yeh maybe a little broad for a seabreeze. This is the line I've sailed in a few easterlies before. Kato what do you reckon?

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
7 Jan 2009 9:15PM
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The tide can run a fair speed down there which could be good and bad

VIC, 3455 posts
7 Jan 2009 9:20PM
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"Yeh maybe a little broad for a seabreeze. This is the line I've sailed in a few easterlies before. Kato what do you reckon?"

Thats a good fun line. Nice,flat and square, straight into jump city.Use to run out there on my old Bic speed board. Huge jumps,just had to make sure that you did sail out too far and run into NO wind. High tide out there is also good.

VIC, 5477 posts
7 Jan 2009 10:49PM
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Yeh it sure is fun + wave rides down the line into the beach. But is that direction pretty typical? If so, I don't reckon Kato's Bank will work all that well....mmm

VIC, 6154 posts
8 Jan 2009 12:40AM
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Looking at some models of easterly wind this morning and I am seeing a bend in the wind direction as it goes from ENE at Sandy to ESE at Andersons Inlet as it bend around the coast. Is this a pattern you have seen regularly Kato? If so it looks promising indeed.

VIC, 5477 posts
8 Jan 2009 9:13AM
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sailquik said...

Looking at some models of easterly wind this morning and I am seeing a bend in the wind direction as it goes from ENE at Sandy to ESE at Andersons Inlet as it bend around the coast. Is this a pattern you have seen regularly Kato? If so it looks promising indeed.

Well yes that's what seems to happen at Inverloch. Kato? That aerial I posted is a beam reach in an easterly, which if translated to Kato's Bank would be a very fast and broad reach (about 125-130deg.) as Kato says.

VIC, 3455 posts
8 Jan 2009 5:59PM
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Bonominator said...

sailquik said...

Looking at some models of easterly wind this morning and I am seeing a bend in the wind direction as it goes from ENE at Sandy to ESE at Andersons Inlet as it bend around the coast. Is this a pattern you have seen regularly Kato? If so it looks promising indeed.

Well yes that's what seems to happen at Inverloch. Kato? That aerial I posted is a beam reach in an easterly, which if translated to Kato's Bank would be a very fast and broad reach (about 125-130deg.) as Kato says.

It does bend a bit to the ESE and gets compressed by the headland making for a fun sail. Had some of my best days on an Easterly.

VIC, 5477 posts
10 Jan 2009 9:46AM
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I've worked out your pic finally. It's the sand bank in the distance including the channel, not the near one right? Looks like a hard edged sandbank.....which means next time I come down for an easterly it will be via Inverloch

I've also looked quickly at wind direction, potential sailing pattern and how I think the easterly bends up the coast locally with Shallow Inlet in the background. The distance between the two red dots is 1600m according to Google.

VIC, 3455 posts
10 Jan 2009 1:49PM
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Yep thats the one. It will depend on how much the wind bends,but i think that it could be broard and fast . NW has potential too


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Surprises" started by kato