Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Using a cheap smartphone and GPS-Logit

Created by sailquik > 9 months ago, 30 Jun 2016
VIC, 6155 posts
30 Jun 2016 1:22PM
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For on the water feedback, both spoken audio speeds and instant results in all categories on the screen, it is hard to beat a cheap Android smartphone running the GPS-Logit app:

The phone GPS results are not consistent enough, and don't include vital error data for verification so it is not suitable for GPS-TC posting, but it is perfect for just keeping track of your session as you go.

Here is the description, but you need to download it from the Google Play store.

Last I looked, the Alcatel Pixie 3 (4") was still available from Officeworks stores for $19!

There are a couple of excellent cases around for GPS devices, but for phones, especially to use with earphones, the H2OAudio armband case is in a league of it's own. It is really tough and durable, has clear plastic for viewing the screen and has an earphone plug and socket. The armband is very good and easy to adjust and the back of the case has a grippy pad to keep it in position. On top of that, the Alcatel pixie 3 (4") fits perfectly, as do a number of other low cost 4 inch screen Android smartphones. (I would not use an expensive phone in anything near water, no matter how good you think the case is!)

I have a few of these cases available. PM me if you want one.

SA, 850 posts
1 Jul 2016 2:44PM
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How much are they ?

NSW, 90 posts
22 Jul 2016 8:45PM
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Officeworks have sold out of the Alcatel Pixi.
Kmart have them for $29

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NSW, 90 posts
23 Jul 2016 7:53AM
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Aaargh. Bought the Alcatel Pixi 3.5. Didn't know there was any difference.
There is .. Pixi 3 has GPS
Pixi 3.5 has not GPS.

WA, 12453 posts
23 Jul 2016 10:24AM
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mattn said..
Aaargh. Bought the Alcatel Pixi 3.5. Didn't know there was any difference.
There is .. Pixi 3 has GPS
Pixi 3.5 has not GPS.

Wow that is a big trap, who'd a thought.
Good luck at Target

Te Hau
489 posts
26 Jul 2016 5:22PM
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Got myself a Pixi 3 and an H2O bag.
Anybody got info on earphones to handle the water?

WA, 12453 posts
26 Jul 2016 6:22PM
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I've tried 2 blue tooth versions, neither of which lasted all that long, but they do have more volume.
The wired versions with 4 connections that are meant for phones seem more reliable than the 3 connections variety.
I'll try and remember to check what model I'm using, they've lasted fairly well, and aren't causing the music player to switch on and off since I've sealed the connection to the bag with silicon

WA, 2436 posts
26 Jul 2016 9:23PM
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The bag is good, but not fool proof. Make sure that you close if properly. If not, water will get in. I verified that. Of course that happened when I also forgot to double-bag the phone, so it's dead now.

When looking for a replacement here in the US, I found that phones with 4.5 inch screens are cheaper at the local stores; the ones with 4 inch screens are harder to get, and tend to cost more. The cheap Pixi phones I found in the US don't have the screen resolution that GPSLogit needs. The larger phones won't fit the H2 bag, but there are other cheap bags on Amazon that work.

I ended up paying $30 for a Samsung Galaxy J1. Works fine when driving around, but I have not yet tested it while sailing. If I manage to kill that, too, the next one will be waterproof. The cheapest waterproof phone I have found so far costs $70, but that will probably go down further.

VIC, 6155 posts
10 Aug 2016 10:11AM
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The Alcatel Pixie 3.5 is on special again at Australia Post until 4th September at half price - $24.50.

Most Australia Post business centres should have them.

WA, 8777 posts
10 Aug 2016 8:30AM
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sailquik said..
The Alcatel Pixie 3.5 is on special again at Australia Post until 4th September at half price - $24.50.

Most Australia Post business centres should have them.

Mattn posted further up the page that the 3.5 doesn't include inbuilt GPS

WA, 88 posts
11 Aug 2016 11:17AM
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I've tried a few locations to get the Pixie 3 in Perth. Always seems to be out of stock, so got this $30 Telstra ZTE T815 instead (Office works, BIG W). Just took it for a run in the car and seems to be working, so far.

VIC, 6155 posts
11 Aug 2016 8:20PM
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elmo said..
sailquik said..
The Alcatel Pixie 3.5 is on special again at Australia Post until 4th September at half price - $24.50.

Most Australia Post business centres should have them.

Mattn posted further up the page that the 3.5 doesn't include inbuilt GPS

Opps. Didn't notice the different model. :-(

VIC, 6155 posts
11 Aug 2016 8:21PM
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flatchat said..

I've tried a few locations to get the Pixie 3 in Perth. Always seems to be out of stock, so got this $30 Telstra ZTE T815 instead (Office works, BIG W). Just took it for a run in the car and seems to be working, so far.

Looks good! Keep us informed.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Using a cheap smartphone and GPS-Logit" started by sailquik