Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Using the GT-11/31 Toggle in a waterproof bag

Created by sailquik > 9 months ago, 15 Jan 2015
VIC, 6090 posts
16 Jan 2015 12:09AM
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I see from posts that there are still people using the Toggle lock on their GPS's when using in a waterproof bag.

I think there is a much better way. It is not a new idea and was shown to me by Tom Chalko, but here it is again for those who missed it.

Find a piece of nylon tube that is roughly 10.5mm OD and 6.5mm ID. Slice a 2.5mm - 3mm section off it with a Stanley knife or similar (careful of your fingers!) It needs to stand flush with the top of the toggle. A bit of trial and error will get it just right.

Push the 'ring' over the toggle, (it should fit snugly) and you have a toggle that can't be accidentally pressed by the pressure of the bag, but can be pressed through the bag and manipulated easily when you want to.

A simple and very effective system that we have been using successfully for quite a few years.

Carry a handful of spare 'rings' in a plastic zip lock bag and hand them out to your friends!

NSW, 20 posts
26 Feb 2015 4:19PM
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Dear Andrew,

It is Chris here, as in Chris and Gabe from the Marauders and at Lake George last week. I wanted to thank you so much again for the lend of your sail and help in getting my 2 second PB. I forgot to thank you in my post as I was very rushed in doing it, but I am sure that I would not have achieved the speed I did without your sail. It was a very special and unexpected moment for me and quite beyond any expectations I had for my holiday at Lake George. I hope to build on the things I learned there over time so that when I come to Lake George again I am better prepared to go for it. I am definitely going to ditch my remaining Gaastras and complete my KA quiver.

Gabe mentioned that you have the correct downhaul and outhaul settings for some of the KA's. If it is no problem would it be possible for you to send these to me, as after using your sail I realise I have been setting mine with way too much downhaul (and possibly outhaul as well!). Gabe said to use less but I tend to need something more precise to work with.

Thank you once again for all your help - it has really helped my gybing as well!!!


Chris Kelemen

NSW, 696 posts
28 Feb 2015 4:35PM
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What a great idea Andrew. Thanks for sharing this.

VIC, 6090 posts
28 Feb 2015 9:40PM
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Not sure if this is the best place for this but here it is anyway.


- Downhaul settings are given in the industry standard way. From the bottom of the downhaul pull, to the top of the mast. (measure mast length plus from the bottom of the mast to the bottom of the pulleys.)

-Although I still find some people over downhauling the Koncepts, by far the most common mistake is way too much outhaul. They work best set as deep as possible for speed and most general sailing. I actually find that many newish booms are far too narrow to set the sails deep enough in the smaller sizes, especially those faddish tear drop shaped ones! If you have a choice, use the widest booms you have and set so the sail is pretty well touching it to about half way.

-Settings for 2014-2015 are the same, or only vary as much as do individual sails.

- The blank sizes are the ones I don't have myself. I will try to get some numbers from some of the other guys. The blank boom length settings are just my slackness! Generally, they are around 5cm less than the boom length on the bag. (see my description above).

- Downhaul settings will vary only slightly (a few mm) with different mast types, and may be slightly more (<5mm?) for a sail after it has been "stretched in".

WA, 685 posts
28 Feb 2015 8:40PM
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Hi Andrew, thanks for posting this, although I use a different brand of sail it is very interesting to see your luff/ boom length measurements vs bag quote size. I have always struggled to get what I think is the right shape (twist mainly being a problem) and still get the sails to rotate. Fo my chosen brand I think the issue is with different mast curves over the years for their own masts. I could be wrong but using the specified masts I still get the top of the sail twisting back towards the sailor.

VIC, 6090 posts
1 Mar 2015 3:53PM
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The discrepancy between measurements on the bag, and the best settings, is just an issue with the Koncepts. The other KA models are correct as far as I know.

Sometimes, with a different mast, the top of the mast is a bit tight in the luff sleeve and prevents full rotation at the head. A bit of Teflon spray or silicon spray on the mast and sleeve is probably worth a try.

NSW, 503 posts
3 Mar 2015 10:18PM
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You can just hold the button down for 5 seconds and lock all the buttons. just go to settings and put the button lock on.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Using the GT-11/31 Toggle in a waterproof bag" started by sailquik