First time on here. I want to get into some gps speedsailing and need to get a gps of some sort I don't have huge amounts to spend. What is the best bang for buck and reliable and will last for years?
I also suggest the minimotion , but you can't see what's happening until you download . On the other end , GW60 is a watch and is good to see what's happening on the water . It is expensive and fragile , $400 ish . There are others in between. Just make sure it is approved for speed sites , if that's what you want to do . I would suggest that . There are many cheaper non approved watches if it's just for you .
Mini motion and if you want on water feedback a garmin forerunner or similar watch that will take the gpstc data fields... suitable garmin watches can be picked up on good sales... AND you only need the motion if you'll want to post data to certain speed sites... my garmin is always very close to my motion - motion is always faster for the 2 second peaks but slower for nautical miles
GW60 is probably easiest. The strap on my second one has been good for a couple of years. Both are still working.
I love my coros, but it is only approved for gpsspeedsurfing.com
Battery lift must be at least 5-10 times better than my old garmin, also it auto uploads to gpsspeedsurfing.com
Considering your first post, just buy a cheap second-hand whatever-you-like and see if you like the discipline first. (I make them Motions)
There's been a few threads in the last year or so on this, if you do a search using the button above (eg search on "watch") you'll find a lot of information on gps devices, suggestions on cheaper ones (Timex $100 I think, or Garmin models, starting around $250)
where do you sail? There may be others in your area that can help you decide on what one to go for
Yes there are GPS's and GPS's. Most are used for positioning and recording of tracks, but don't worry too much about speed accuracy. Positional accuracy can be boosted by the use of accelerometers, compasses, etc, that don't help speed accuracy. A high acquisition rate is also not needed for positional stuff, once a second is adequate.
But if you want an accurate 2s average, 5 or 10 times a second is better. Then there's doppler, this is the most accurate way of measuring speed, not all devices output this in their files.
Are you wanting to join/participate in the GPS Team Challenge? I am amazed that no one bothered to ask that question.
If yes, then your options are extremely limited. If no, then you have a multitude of devices you can use. It has been discussed/debated adnauseum as to the accuracy of watches but they are far and above the easiest devices to use if you want on water immediate feedback. If you just want a general and pretty close idea of how far/fast you go then just grab yourself a gps watch.
otherwise i just bought a couple of gt 31s off asymuth
these used to be the go to units for gps sailing shoot me a pm if you would like one
happy to hand one over at what it cost me.