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Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

jellybeans again

Created by keef > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2014
NSW, 2016 posts
15 Jul 2014 1:15PM
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this subject has been discussed before ,

as you can see rob gets the jellybeans for the lower scores
on this occasion both sailors receive a full bag of beans , i'ts a bit confusing

QLD, 4873 posts
15 Jul 2014 2:40PM
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Irrespective of someone's speeds, if they happen to contribute to the best average (of the two fastest sailors) for that session/month they will hold the jellybean for that respective category i.e. just say if you and Bristol from your team sail on the same day, you get 31knots and he gets 35knots (5x10)your session average speed is 33knots ((31 + 35) /2 =33). If this is the highest average for the month for the 5x10 in your team you and Bristol will have the 5x10 jellybean. Now if Formulanova and Ian Knight go out the next day and get 29kns and 39kn respectively so their average speed is 34knots, bad luck you and Bristol lose your jelly bean even though Formulanova sailed slower he was a contributor to the best average speed for your team.

Now I assume you don't need me to provide examples for all the other categories based on extrapolating the above information.

PS - I think it's about high time you stop sniffing that epoxy resin Keef!

NSW, 2016 posts
15 Jul 2014 3:57PM
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sausage said..
Irrespective of someone's speeds, if they happen to contribute to the best average (of the two fastest sailors) for that session/month they will hold the jellybean for that respective category i.e. just say if you and Bristol from your team sail on the same day, you get 31knots and he gets 35knots (5x10)your session average speed is 33knots ((31 + 35) /2 =33). If this is the highest average for the month for the 5x10 in your team you and Bristol will have the 5x10 jellybean. Now if Formulanova and Ian Knight go out the next day and get 29kns and 39kn respectively so their average speed is 34knots, bad luck you and Bristol lose your jelly bean even though Formulanova sailed slower he was a contributor to the best average speed for your team.

Now I assume you don't need me to provide examples for all the other categories based on extrapolating the above information.

PS - I think it's about high time you stop sniffing that epoxy resin Keef!

thank's for the explanation snag's , I have a major wager with a Mexican and i'm losing badly , get it right BRIAN it's called polyurethane

ACT, 344 posts
15 Jul 2014 4:18PM
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sausage said..
. . . and Bristol . . gets 35knots . . .

That would be deemed a typographical error on my part, sausage.

Thanks for the flattery and the very clear explanation.

NSW, 8088 posts
15 Jul 2014 5:51PM
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sausage said..
Irrespective of someone's speeds, if they happen to contribute to the best average (of the two fastest sailors) for that session/month they will hold the jellybean for that respective category i.e. just say if you and Bristol from your team sail on the same day, you get 31knots and he gets 35knots (5x10)your session average speed is 33knots ((31 + 35) /2 =33). If this is the highest average for the month for the 5x10 in your team you and Bristol will have the 5x10 jellybean. Now if Formulanova and Ian Knight go out the next day and get 29kns and 39kn respectively so their average speed is 34knots, bad luck you and Bristol lose your jelly bean even though Formulanova sailed slower he was a contributor to the best average speed for your team.

Now I assume you don't need me to provide examples for all the other categories based on extrapolating the above information.

PS - I think it's about high time you stop sniffing that epoxy resin Keef!

That's why I take a print screen of the rare occasions I get any..before they disappear!

NSW, 2016 posts
15 Jul 2014 6:45PM
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haven't noticed if they disappear, once I have posted I don't check out the previous posts , i'm happy to concede unless a miracle happens , i'm - 20 jelly's down so far with 4 months to go

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
15 Jul 2014 8:55PM
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hey Keef don,t let that nasty Mexican get you down. perhaps we need a" cunning plan" to bring him unstuck

NSW, 2016 posts
15 Jul 2014 10:03PM
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Old Salty said..
hey Keef don,t let that nasty Mexican get you down. perhaps we need a" cunning plan" to bring him unstuck

Old Salty said..

hey Keef don,t let that nasty Mexican get you down. perhaps we need a" cunning plan" to bring him unstuck

Doug thanks mate i'm not sure if you can help because he's on your team , dam it 20+ beans is a big bag of beans and he's such a cocky bugga ,

VIC, 3455 posts
16 Jul 2014 8:44AM
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I'd be happy to slow the "Mexican " down Keef and he's not on my bribes will not be accepted but fins will be

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
16 Jul 2014 10:12AM
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keef said..

Old Salty said..
hey Keef don,t let that nasty Mexican get you down. perhaps we need a" cunning plan" to bring him unstuck

Old Salty said..

hey Keef don,t let that nasty Mexican get you down. perhaps we need a" cunning plan" to bring him unstuck

Doug thanks mate i'm not sure if you can help because he's on your team , dam it 20+ beans is a big bag of beans and he's such a cocky bugga ,

Hey Keef, I know who it is and even though he is on my team it would be nice if he shared those beans around. BTW he is only a cocky bugga because he knew the odds would be in his favour before he made the bet!!

NSW, 2016 posts
16 Jul 2014 10:45AM
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kato said..
I'd be happy to slow the "Mexican " down Keef and he's not on my bribes will not be accepted but fins will be

mmmmmmmmmmmm kato I smell another rat, it's taken almost 10,000 klms to understand the system ,I have just realized my problems are compounding, it's not only Dazza it's arky (ka360) he posts once a month and blows the pants off me and pushes the monthly average up , to be honest I think it's a bit rude considering it's my gear , modified naish sp60 & keef weedy, I'll leave it home next time and see how he goes on his freestyle gear
back to Dazza , the cunning bugga is at it again with another 2 jellies for july , he definitely knows how to rattle my cage oops just noticed formula nova hasn't posted in months and bagged 4 jellies for june my bet is Dazza paid him off too post or posted him a gps sneeky little rat kato i'm working on a new fin if you can slow him down your bribe will be considered
i'm not sure what the red thumbs are about but ill take them as ive got more red thumbs than jellybeans

NSW, 1176 posts
16 Jul 2014 10:56AM
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keef said..

kato said..
I'd be happy to slow the "Mexican " down Keef and he's not on my bribes will not be accepted but fins will be

to be honest I think it's a bit rude considering it's my gear , modified naish sp60 & keef weedy,

mmmmmm, the boards good.....................maybe try a better fin

NSW, 2016 posts
16 Jul 2014 11:08AM
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Milsy said..

keef said..

kato said..
I'd be happy to slow the "Mexican " down Keef and he's not on my bribes will not be accepted but fins will be

to be honest I think it's a bit rude considering it's my gear , modified naish sp60 & keef weedy,

mmmmmm, the boards good.....................maybe try a better fin

yer he'll stick a freestyle fin in the naish and really smash me but just for the record milsy he did a 36.4 with a 4.6 sail no flat water , he's a bloody good sailor but ill take some credit for the fin

VIC, 10 posts
16 Jul 2014 4:37PM
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es bueno ser el rey!!!!!!!

NSW, 1222 posts
17 Jul 2014 7:08PM
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I've got heaps, you can have some if you want.

NSW, 125 posts
17 Jul 2014 8:34PM
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I didn't know that having a gps could cause cravings for lollies.

NSW, 8088 posts
29 Jul 2014 5:15PM
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waterpistol said..
I didn't know that having a gps could cause cravings for lollies.

Yep.. especially when you don't get them very often and someone snatches them back off !

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
10 Aug 2014 11:15PM
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Pinched a couple of jelly beans off him today Keef. Not sure this has helped your cause tho

VIC, 286 posts
11 Aug 2014 10:58AM
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Old Salty said..
Pinched a couple of jelly beans off him today Keef. Not sure this has helped your cause tho

No you didn't Doug. You took them off Postie & contributed to Daz having 2 more!!

NSW, 2016 posts
11 Aug 2014 12:21PM
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Old Salty said..
Pinched a couple of jelly beans off him today Keef. Not sure this has helped your cause tho

DanP said..

Old Salty said..
Pinched a couple of jelly beans off him today Keef. Not sure this has helped your cause tho

No you didn't Doug. You took them off Postie & contributed to Daz having 2 more!!

thanks Doug, I know you meant well I can imagine him pissing himself reading this post with another 5 to the tally
hey Dan are you coming up this year

VIC, 10 posts
2 Sep 2014 9:23PM
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Hola Keef! (BTW Mexicans speak Spanish not Mexican) The count is 36 to 11 with 2 months (a possible 12 JB's ) to go. Shall we call this little 'wager' over?!
That bag of Jelly Beans will be sooooo sweet ---------- literally!

NSW, 2016 posts
4 Sep 2014 12:00AM
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thank you for reminding me Dazza you kicked my butt 36 to 11 is one big arse kicking , the last couple of times I could have sailed it was too dam cold brrrrrrrrrr

VIC, 286 posts
4 Sep 2014 12:34PM
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Should have checked the make up of our team before getting yourself into a bet like that Keef!!! haha.

Here's a 6mth sample (first 3 months of 2014 & last 3 of 2013), I haven't GPS sailed since the 1st of March at LG (we've had no wind, only 2 light wind wave sails since then) so i cant claim to have helped Daz these past few months.

VIC, 10 posts
8 Nov 2014 2:42PM
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keef said..

sausage said..
Irrespective of someone's speeds, if they happen to contribute to the best average (of the two fastest sailors) for that session/month they will hold the jellybean for that respective category i.e. just say if you and Bristol from your team sail on the same day, you get 31knots and he gets 35knots (5x10)your session average speed is 33knots ((31 + 35) /2 =33). If this is the highest average for the month for the 5x10 in your team you and Bristol will have the 5x10 jellybean. Now if Formulanova and Ian Knight go out the next day and get 29kns and 39kn respectively so their average speed is 34knots, bad luck you and Bristol lose your jelly bean even though Formulanova sailed slower he was a contributor to the best average speed for your team.

Now I assume you don't need me to provide examples for all the other categories based on extrapolating the above information.

PS - I think it's about high time you stop sniffing that epoxy resin Keef!

thank's for the explanation snag's , I have a major wager with a Mexican and i'm losing badly , get it right BRIAN it's called polyurethane

Now Keef, it was a pleasure doing business with you 47 vs 20. Thank you for the effort in producing the Jelly Bean Trophy - you are the TRUE master!!!!!
Chalk one up for the Mexicans!!

VIC, 10 posts
8 Nov 2014 2:50PM
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kato said..

I'd be happy to slow the "Mexican " down Keef and he's not on my bribes will not be accepted but fins will be

Speaking of fins, thanks Keef for the "real" trophy fin. It's now fitted and ready to go!!!!!!

NSW, 2016 posts
9 Nov 2014 9:49AM
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DazzaJ said..

Now Keef, it was a pleasure doing business with you 47 vs 20. Thank you for the effort in producing the Jelly Bean Trophy - you are the TRUE master!!!!!
Chalk one up for the Mexicans!!

dazza with a new hairstyle

NSW, 2016 posts
9 Nov 2014 9:52AM
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NSW, 8088 posts
9 Nov 2014 3:03PM
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DazzaJ said..

keef said..

sausage said..
Irrespective of someone's speeds, if they happen to contribute to the best average (of the two fastest sailors) for that session/month they will hold the jellybean for that respective category i.e. just say if you and Bristol from your team sail on the same day, you get 31knots and he gets 35knots (5x10)your session average speed is 33knots ((31 + 35) /2 =33). If this is the highest average for the month for the 5x10 in your team you and Bristol will have the 5x10 jellybean. Now if Formulanova and Ian Knight go out the next day and get 29kns and 39kn respectively so their average speed is 34knots, bad luck you and Bristol lose your jelly bean even though Formulanova sailed slower he was a contributor to the best average speed for your team.

Now I assume you don't need me to provide examples for all the other categories based on extrapolating the above information.

PS - I think it's about high time you stop sniffing that epoxy resin Keef!

thank's for the explanation snag's , I have a major wager with a Mexican and i'm losing badly , get it right BRIAN it's called polyurethane

Now Keef, it was a pleasure doing business with you 47 vs 20. Thank you for the effort in producing the Jelly Bean Trophy - you are the TRUE master!!!!!
Chalk one up for the Mexicans!!

But how fast does this go and does it point ok?
Wow! I thought it was just photo shopped in.. Impressive! And when you run low with the blood sugar you can open it and recharge..

NSW, 2016 posts
9 Nov 2014 7:55PM
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sboardcrazy said..

DazzaJ said..

sausage said..

PS - I think it's about high time you stop sniffing that epoxy resin Keef!

Now Keef, it was a pleasure doing business with you 47 vs 20. Thank you for the effort in producing the Jelly Bean Trophy - you are the TRUE master!!!!!
Chalk one up for the Mexicans!!

But how fast does this go and does it point ok?
Wow! I thought it was just photo shopped in.. Impressive! And when you run low with the blood sugar you can open it and recharge..

hey Dazza 47vs20 shhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm trying to keep it quiet don't tell me the trophy is screwed to the wall
sue the trophy is a different fin to the real deal but very sweet without the jelly beans ,
I took Brains advice and got off the resin pot and onto the beans , the only trouble is I find im a bit hypo with the red ones


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"jellybeans again" started by keef