Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

lake wollumbolla sunday 19th April

Created by Dezza > 9 months ago, 21 Apr 2015
NSW, 925 posts
21 Apr 2015 8:53AM
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here's my short edit from sunday, the video quality via vimeo not as good as iMovie, need to work out why

interested in any views on what I need to do to go faster, looks like stance isn't right, and harness was riding up, maybe boom too high

NSW, 2016 posts
21 Apr 2015 10:30AM
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Dezza you need faster music , you look a bit too relaxed with great rhythm bopping to the music , you have a good stance for your setup , at wollumbulla your always pinching to windward with a small fin and 6/2 sail so you need to keep your weight forward, I noticed a bit of turbulence coming from the fin , it could have been weed as when you blew the jibe the board was going sideways into the jibe , I'm not up with the technical stuff but CRAIG COLE will be back in the country tomorrow after sealing a deal with one of his sponsors ,nice one CRAIG , lets hope the wind holds for Sunday so he can get it sorted

NSW, 1683 posts
21 Apr 2015 11:36AM
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I'm no expert but from the video it seems that you are never fully sheeted in, maybe with a seat harness you would be able to straighten the legs more using your weight and get more power

NSW, 56 posts
21 Apr 2015 3:32PM
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Sunday session was great! Good to see more people on Lake now that we have more water in the little pond. In sayin that this rain has made it quite a bit better for your bigger fin sizes. Didn't see you out there yesterday Keef? as wind was 3m weather (Kite size)
Everybody out there on Sunday were screaming along. Need to change video angle so you can see how fast you were actually going. Nice vid though.Ask Keef if he has a spare gopro

NSW, 2016 posts
21 Apr 2015 8:30PM
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2KiteBurra said..
Sunday session was great! Good to see more people on Lake now that we have more water in the little pond. In sayin that this rain has made it quite a bit better for your bigger fin sizes. Didn't see you out there yesterday Keef? as wind was 3m weather (Kite size)
Everybody out there on Sunday were screaming along. Need to change video angle so you can see how fast you were actually going. Nice vid though.Ask Keef if he has a spare gopro

strommy I had carbon issues and not enough padding in my impact vest will be out of action for a while , as far as loosing my gopro it adds a bit of salt into the wound

NSW, 3074 posts
21 Apr 2015 8:50PM
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Dezza, I like your vid, don't listen to Keef, he has hillbilly tastes in music!!!

Does look like your a bit underpowered but who cares, well done. Falcon 79's rule!!

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
21 Apr 2015 9:28PM
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Awesome effort Dezza! Well done. The R5 OD looks great in your video!!! I'm very glad I bought the 6.2m, will have to look for a 5.5m now...

I like how you also caught the evilness of that weed too! It's amazing how it grabs you, making water starts that bit more challenging!

We will need to coordinate ourselves for summer! Mount some cameras to helmets and/or booms and follow each other similar to how Matt Pritchard does it in Maui. We should be able to get some fantastic video especially if there's more than one rider in view. We'll also be able to work on our techniques etc with the video too. Failing this, we can sell our spare body parts on the black market and buy one of these:

I'd give it a couple of years and they'll be everywhere!

No sailing for me this weekend guys. Will be marching in Canberra for ANZAC Day so will be thinking of you all if the wind is up.

NSW, 2016 posts
22 Apr 2015 12:18AM
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ka43 said..
Dezza, I like your vid, don't listen to Keef, he has hillbilly tastes in music!!!

Does look like your a bit underpowered but who cares, well done. Falcon 79's rule!!

hey horse nuts actually she was full powered most of the the time , the problem is the run isn't very long, and with a 17cm fin and the 6.2 overdrive its a struggle so your reaching on both tacks , as strommy said if the camera angle was more to the front of the board the speed would look better
hey big fella you know where we are 2hrs 40min from your front door got a few text messages from Leo I think he's getting fired up

NSW, 471 posts
22 Apr 2015 9:12AM
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You asked for some advise so here s what i see

It didnt look like you had any real powered up runs there - legs bent in a saftety stance and you had weight forward rather than driving thru the back foot and fin

you can see the wake of the board starts at about the mast track which means you were not lifting the board up nearly enuf. pull the mast track back a little will help.

to get faster need to straighten your front leg up so that it "pulls up" on the leading edge getting the board to fly more . video looks like you were just cruising as the sail wasnt raked back and you didnt close the gap between sail and board.

as for sail size - you were on a 6.3 which was probably fine earlier but after about 1:30 the wind picked up and you would have been better on a smaller sail.
For a light sailer like you control is way more important than brute force for going fast. if you cant sheet in and lock the sail down its going to slow you down.
I was on a 5.9 that afternoon which was probably the smallest sail out there and did the fastest speeds :)

Pic below shows Carl overtaking Jimbob at LG this year - he has a great stance and check how the wake is coming off his board behind his front foot.
Carl is doing about 5 knots faster than Jim in the back ground

NSW, 925 posts
22 Apr 2015 11:24AM
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Hi all, thanks for all those tips, appreciate the help

Roar that picture shows me what to aim for really well, cheers

jimbob SA
SA, 992 posts
22 Apr 2015 11:12AM
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Roar said..
You asked for some advise so here s what i see

It didnt look like you had any real powered up runs there - legs bent in a saftety stance and you had weight forward rather than driving thru the back foot and fin

you can see the wake of the board starts at about the mast track which means you were not lifting the board up nearly enuf. pull the mast track back a little will help.

to get faster need to straighten your front leg up so that it "pulls up" on the leading edge getting the board to fly more . video looks like you were just cruising as the sail wasnt raked back and you didnt close the gap between sail and board.

as for sail size - you were on a 6.3 which was probably fine earlier but after about 1:30 the wind picked up and you would have been better on a smaller sail.
For a light sailer like you control is way more important than brute force for going fast. if you cant sheet in and lock the sail down its going to slow you down.
I was on a 5.9 that afternoon which was probably the smallest sail out there and did the fastest speeds :)

Pic below shows Carl overtaking Jimbob at LG this year - he has a great stance and check how the wake is coming off his board behind his front foot.
Carl is doing about 5 knots faster than Jim in the back ground

Whoa that's Hamma going past with 16 kilos of lead on. im just heading up after a downwind squirt,
ive sailed Hammas setup before and went 100 metres and stopped its all for downwind speed nothing else, I couldn't even hook into the 34 lines and hi boom.
Myself use a very low boom and 24 just gone to 26 lines as I want an all round comfy setup especially back upwind. plus im old school and won't change.
dezza we are all different and have different styles just stick to what you feel comfy and have fun with.

NSW, 925 posts
22 Apr 2015 1:15PM
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Thanks jimbob, that's sound advice on having fun, I'm with you on that one

Im also going to take Keefs advice on faster music

And powersloshin's advice on trying a seat harness to see if it helps sheet in more

And ROAR's advice on front leg straight, sheeting in more, and sail size

And lastly, learning from Keef's experiences very recently, I'll start wearing an impact vest rather than leave it in the car, and make sure my go pro is always securely fastened

NSW, 861 posts
23 Apr 2015 8:31AM
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nice video Dezza :)

Much of my footage was foggy, but there are some ok bits. I'll try and get something together when I get home from Melbourne


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"lake wollumbolla sunday 19th April" started by Dezza