Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

u-blox neo m8n GPS module configuration for GPSTC

Created by fangman > 9 months ago, 4 Jul 2017
WA, 1528 posts
4 Jul 2017 5:13PM
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I am in the process of finishing off my DIY GPS logger using a u-blox8 module and I need some help from the serious boffins from the tech end of town. What follows are my config settings for the three required messages from the module as per Manfred Fuchs instruction. (Thank you to those that I have pestered on line already:-)

1. Can anyone confirm whether they are the correct settings for the messages required?
2. There are more questions next to the screenshots...
3. I need some C code to log the three messages/data to a SD card located on a Adalogger board( Adafruit 32u4 board) and using an Arduino IDE. I cannot find a library that does the job. I have found one that comes close, but I am not confident about editing it to suit. Does anyone have either a suitable library available or can edit the code fragments I have to suit?

Thanks in advance for any help that follows :-)

Is this the correct config for logging at 10hz?

Is this the correct port config for using UBX only? (no NMEA)

When I was configuring the UBX - CFG -MSG, I could not find in the documentation what the second box is for - it defaults to one. Should the three messages have different values in the second box?

NSW, 87 posts
4 Jul 2017 8:13PM
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Think you might have the Gurus scratching Fangy

782 posts
4 Jul 2017 9:54PM
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Yes that is correct for 10hz. What are you saving the data to and by what method? The other screens are the ports that are open, you only need the ones that will be utilised but leaving them checked wont affect anything. You also need to set the NAV MODE.

WA, 1528 posts
4 Jul 2017 10:41PM
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Roo said..
Yes that is correct for 10hz. What are you saving the data to and by what method? The other screens are the ports that are open, you only need the ones that will be utilised but leaving them checked wont affect anything. You also need to set the NAV MODE.

" ..... to log the four messages/data to a SD card located on a Adalogger board( Adafruit 32u4 board) and using an Arduino IDE. " I am not sure whether the messages need to be parsed prior to storing as I have had different opinions on this. I use GPSResults, so I think I may not need parsing.(?)
Thanks for the heads up on NAV MODE Roo, as that wasn't on Manfred's list.

VIC, 6090 posts
5 Jul 2017 1:40AM
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Great stuff Fangy!

My only comment is that if you BT the data to an Android phone for viewing feedback, you will know exactly when it is logging or not. I am sure Manfred will send you the test App if requested.

WA, 1528 posts
5 Jul 2017 9:32AM
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I can open a serial monitor on the Arduinio IDE to watch the logging, which is very helpful for debugging. A BT option is do able, but I am trying to get my head around crawling before I try to run

WA, 1528 posts
5 Jul 2017 9:59AM
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So of you may remember crwper posting with regard to modifying his Flysight module to enable its use by GPSTC etc. He has very kindly given me access to his code, so I am hoping to modify it to do the job.

QLD, 490 posts
7 Jul 2017 12:41AM
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i think i just saved them as nmea messages then converted them to a format it accepted when i made one.

VIC, 6090 posts
7 Jul 2017 5:39PM
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Simon100 said..
i think i just saved them as nmea messages then converted them to a format it accepted when i made one.

NMEA does not have a sentence to save the accuracy/error data. We need to save the UBX data as indicated above.

QLD, 490 posts
9 Jul 2017 12:54PM
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Its ages since i have looked at one of these but some things you might get stuck on i think they need battery power to hold the configuration settings so you have to resend them from the micro controller each time on start up. also i think after each restart it would default to default baud rate (9600 ?) on the serial so you have to run the configuration from teh arduino at teh default until you set it to what ever you want.
if you just copy the data from the ublox to the arduino serial monitor does it look as you want it to ?
do you have an example of what you want it to look like or is this what the question is "what shoudl it look like"?

WA, 1528 posts
9 Jul 2017 4:33PM
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Thanks Simon. The ublox chip has and on board battery to preserve its settings, but I will have to check what happens to the arduino board - thanks for heads up. I am progressing with the parsing code for UBX via Arduino to the Adalogger SD card for logging. I will post again as soon as I get all the holes to align. :-)

47 posts
9 Jul 2017 6:49PM
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Nice to see another developer!
I've been working on something myself

Yes, you can use the Arduino IDE to get stuff done.
It's very easy to use, even if you get past the standard Arduino samples.

But there are some things to think about:
The Arduino CPU is to slow most of the time, raw Mhz.
When using SD cards there is a write penalty, it can slow down writes 300 to 1200ms, so you need a buffer to store (some) data
Using an Arduino CPU leaves no memory when decoding Ublox data (see previous)

If you scroll through my (Dutch) topic you can see I started to develop my own boards
- cheaper than Arduino break out boards
- better parts
- smaller dimensions
- easier to code with rtos

I've had all the challenges myself, happy to give some information

WA, 1528 posts
10 Jul 2017 11:38AM
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Thanks for all the info Raymond - there is some good stuff there! I am still working my way through it all , but I may be in touch with some more questions for you.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"u-blox neo m8n GPS module configuration for GPSTC" started by fangman