Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

2014 National Windsurfer One Design Championships

Created by robhow2 > 9 months ago, 7 Feb 2014
NSW, 56 posts
7 Feb 2014 7:12PM
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To be held over the period 20th - 23rd February 2014 at Middle Harbour 16' Skiff Sailing Club, Sydney, NSW.
On-line entry registration is now available by using this link
Click on the green 'attend' button next to the Nationals reference and follow the entry procedure.

More information (prel Notice of Race) can also be found on the Windsurfing NSW events listing of this championship.

72 posts
9 Feb 2014 9:21PM
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Good one robhow2!!

yessiree - Register your entry to the Windsurfer Class Association National Championships at today

Event competition includes course racing, marathon, slalom and freestyle. Also included in the entry fee are the Welcome meal and Event shirt.

See you there.

NSW, 133 posts
11 Feb 2014 4:45PM
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Just entered the nats which should be great.The online rego is relatively easy just remember to use a password that is 8 characters long.
State Titles at Georges river the other week was a heap of fun even though I sailed crap.
It was great to see all the boards at MH 16s club last friday night. It was an interesting run down to Balmoral form Washaway beach mark in 20knts.
Should be more boards again this week.
So dust off your Wally and Get your entry in, we need some more heavies to make the division interesting.


72 posts
14 Feb 2014 10:27AM
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Good one Hugo

Bit of an Update on the plan.

Course racing Thurs 20/2 & Fri 21/2 - windward/leeward courses (no more 30knot 60min races though)
Marathon Saturday 22/2
Freestyle & Slalom Sunday 23/2 & maybe in between racing on other days?

Seeing as PierreC can't make the trek from the cold north, check out his Freestyle and maybe try and stand in for him


Welcome Evening Thurs 20/2 - meal at the Middle Harbour 16Foot Skiff Club. Competitors - no extra cost. Guests can order from the Menu, includes Kids' meals. Drinks at bar prices.
Friday evening - famous Balmoral BBQ - details to be advised at the Club.
Saturday evening at the Club.
Sunday, Presentation - late afternoon/evening

Register asap on the link RobH put. Thanks, then we'll all be out on the water sooner. Yippeeee!!!!!
Caution - event is not on this weekend - do not take your Wally Board to the WaveSailing States, or the Formula States by mistake!

NSW, 2005 posts
16 Feb 2014 1:23AM
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Select to expand quote
WindsurferOD said..
Actually was in town last month, but couldn't stay for the nats (business O/s).
Plenty of guys healthier than me in Oz to ride the rail...

NSW, 133 posts
17 Feb 2014 10:05PM
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Just a heads up on the WOD nationals Starts this thursday !!!

Competitors will be able to pre - buy lunches for up to 3 days at registration.
Cheese and Salad roll or chicken and salad roll and a juice $7 for one or two days or $20 for 3 days.
They will then be available on the day at the club when we get a break from the hectic race schedule that Tinny has planned.

Sounds like great value and i know all the heavies will be in for at least one roll a day.

Also remember that there is a welcome meal and drink included with the price of the registration for thursday evening.
and BBQ at a special destination on Friday night
But thats not all you also get a WOD Nationals T shirt,
spectacular, Awesome

None of this special kit will be available if you dont register and sail, so drag out your Wally one design and get on down to Middle Harbour 16 footers club.
Rego and weigh in starts Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.

Come race and swap stories with the real legends of the sport. See You at the Nats

NSW, 339 posts
18 Feb 2014 1:34PM
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G'day & aloha to hu go fast,
Unfortunately the forecast will probably not allow you (or anyone else) to break your 21 knot WOD Speed Record.

[We must organise a WOD Speed weekend during a fresh westerly soonish (I don't want to mention winter cause it just might put a hex on this summer).]

In regard to the recent plan to hold the Course Racing Thurs & Fri:
I am hoping that the 'race committee' will be allowed to adjust this to suit the forecast wind over the 4 competition days so that the Course Racing & Marathon get the best wind priority. (Although the WOD can be 'easily' raced in less than 5 knots, very few actually enjoy it - and it doesn't make for a particularly memorable regatta.) Yes I understand that it's difficult to arrange such things, so I'm also hoping that the Wind Gods are feverishly checking their Facebook pages and won't miss our event invitation!

NSW, 133 posts
19 Feb 2014 8:38AM
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Thanks Ayreforce
No wont be breaking 21 knts this weekend. probably good as it gets a bit hectic at that speed. I did manage another run since at 19 knts average moving speed at 17 knts for 2 kms. That if I read the output correctly. Lots of fun but a bit on. I have to work out how to download from a garmin 910.
I can go fast in a straight line its turning corners that stuffs me up.

Forecast is looking better with thursday and friday having a good breeze and hopefully getting better, we do have some flexibility with racing program.

Come on down and get involved and we can work out how to get Wallys recognized as a definite speed board category by the GPS crew. I am sure they would love us to turn up and cause all sort of chaos at thier speed tracks. We dont quite look as cool as those guys at speed.

Rego starts tonight with weigh in at Middle harbour 16's

NSW, 56 posts
19 Feb 2014 4:17PM
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Taken from a Word document and converted to jpeg images for uploading.

NSW, 76 posts
19 Feb 2014 10:17PM
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Hey Aloha et al

I managed to register, I am not sure how many starters we have, let's hope for heaps of starters, I think we should set a target for everyone cracking 25 knots!!!!!!!!

Have you got any ideas how we are going to keep up with our friend from Victoria!!!!!!!! (My best is is a big bucket tied behind his board!!!!!)

Anyway the board is already thrown on the car.

By the way your report of the weekly Friday night twilight racing was good, it is a shame we don't get a few more starters in those races as we have had some fantastic nights followed by drinks and dinner, I know once they tried it they would be hooked.

See you tomorrow.



NSW, 133 posts
23 Feb 2014 11:18PM
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Well the 2014 National titles have been done , Run and won for another year.
4 days of hard sailing, 10 course races, several heats of Slalom racing, a bit like boarder cross on water, some of the best freestyle since the 80's and a monster marathon out to the bommie marks and back won by one of the living legends of the sport. Congrats to Rob always a joy to watch sail and a bit of father son bonding at the end of the race to add a bit of spice to the minor placings.
Of course a regatta would not happen without all the support crew and PRO etc good job. Congrats to our organising committee Great job.
Great to see all the interstate crew turn up we need a few more QLD's,. Well done to the Big Fella from Vico hope the drive back is all good. Super Heavies Rule. This was a regatta for every one with BBQs for legends, better drinking games than at UNI and good old fashioned no crap racing.

Well done Middle Harbour 16's for turning on everything for a great regatta.

If you want to sail a board that has more soul than James Brown get your self down the MH 16's on a friday night and try out The Classic plastic machine. The Board that all the ex formula guys are talking about.

Cheers All

NSW, 1259 posts
23 Feb 2014 11:54PM
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Where are all the photos and results?

NSW, 76 posts
24 Feb 2014 12:37AM
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Hey Aloha

Great write up and you are right it is a very friendly club where everyone is welcome and the guys at the club and yourself who helped out, yes the drinking game was good. The racing was good, just a shame we never really got really strong winds, but the wind was ok , I just like more and we were at the mercy of the gods. But you are correct the marathon was as good as possible, they laid the best sources you could and the freestyle was world class, in fact there is nothing better on youtube with regards to freestyle.

By the way thanks for looking after me with the liquid refreshments of the back of the boat at the end of my marathon.

Last of all well done Gerald for winning the super heavies, being weight sensitive my little boards it is amazing how close everyone is within their own weight division and ultimately the best sailor is determined overall based on his ability and not his wallet, which Is what we all liked, as well as the drinking games and the sniff of a big blow.
Don't forget every Friday night until the end of daylight saving you guys have a 6pm fun twilight race followed by drinks at Middle Harbour which I understand everyone is free to join in, we are not exclusively one designs one Fridays but they seem to be popular. I also understand you guys are considering another Winter Solstice race.

Can't wait to see the final results.


NSW, 133 posts
24 Feb 2014 8:15AM
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Thanks pete yep great fun regatta and very refreshing and friendly.
Sorry Aus 4 we are a bit old school I believe result should go up today with some photos

All good we were just a bit busy having a beer and a chat

72 posts
25 Feb 2014 9:54AM
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Agree, Hugo.

Well done to all the competitors and supporters!!!
Here's a few photos, before the results and other pics get posted.

NSW, 56 posts
25 Feb 2014 1:19PM
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I hope everyone enjoyed the 4 day event run in picture perfect weather, although a touch more wind pressure
would have been welcome by one & all.

Rob H

WA, 936 posts
26 Feb 2014 9:59PM
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Is there a picture on Denis? He taught me how to sail a wally at Pearl Beach when we were both about 14 while our fathers buzzed around on Hobie Cats. Congrats Denis!

72 posts
27 Feb 2014 6:47AM
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Hey paddymac. Cool way to learn windsurfing, with Dennis! Hope you're having a good season sailing. He's on the right in the pic above of the three guys, but it's a bit blurry. Everyone loves Dennis, he's the best.
Hey All, We've got the higher res pics now, so will sort through and add some asap.
We've got a bit of a correction to add to the results, which we'll post, but it doesn't alter the overall standings, that are showing at the moment, at least in the weight divisions.

NSW, 1 posts
27 Feb 2014 11:32AM
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PaddyMac, And I thought I was Dennis's first. Sounds like you beat me to it!
Well done Den

NSW, 56 posts
27 Feb 2014 12:03PM
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The WOD committee apologise for the error in the Freestyle scores which although didn't effect the overall top placings
in the Pentathlon results, did change those that didn't take part in the Freestyle competition.
You will notice the higher score numbers associated with those that didn't compete over the previously published score
Most of those competitors will move further down the finishing order.

Look out for further information re pictures & videos.

2 posts
27 Feb 2014 7:31PM
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Hi Guys,
Had a great regatta with you all especially sailing against Pete , Tom and Hugo.
A big thanks to Kerry and the windsurfing committee for hosting a terrific event.
Thanks for all the big 'Wins' I had -the most memorable being the Board Racing challenge. Just proves that us 'Mexicans' can drink you guys under the table or should I say under the "Board'!!!
What a team - Mark Lloyd, Jason Morris, Tonia and myself!!!
Special Thanks to Nick Palmer for putting me up. Fabulous hospitality.
Thank you. Hoping to sail with you guys again soon otherwise see you next year at Sorrento.
The Big Mexican (Gerald)

72 posts
27 Feb 2014 9:58PM
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Good one BigMexican
Thanks for your comments. Go the Cool Vico Team
We're all glad you had, and made, a great time.

Tonia, BigMex

Karen, Stuart, Will, Dennis, Paul, Tonia, Carina, Rob H., Steve N., at a Start.


Matt, Dennis


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"2014 National Windsurfer One Design Championships" started by robhow2