Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Botany Bay rescue, thank you Murray !

Created by Roger303 > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2022
NSW, 161 posts
28 Dec 2022 10:00PM
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Big thanks to thank Murray for helping to rescue me this aftnoon.

My boom snapped near the runway at Kyeemagh in todays 25 knot NE'r and I was marooned! Murray came over and we discussed options,... he sailed back to the beach and got my other boom from my trailer and then sailed it back out to me by tying it to his foot strap and dragging the wretched thing all the way downwind to where I had drifted in the outgoing tide and strong wind. It was a massive effort !

It so happened that in the mean time I was lucky to wave down the Water Police from the far side of the bay and they came back 15-20 minutes later to pick me up after dropping off a jet ski they were towing, so in the end I didn't have to jury rig the big boom (that Murray had gone and got for me) on the small sail. Luckily because by that time i had been stung like a pin cushion by the freakin big red jellies (the JP-91L FW ain't that bouyant!) and didn't feel like getting back in the water for long. Also lucky because the Police said they spent most of the day over at Georges river and Woronora and were heading back there.

The Police took me and the gear back to Kyeemagh beach. I hope you got back ok to where you were going Murray.
I hope I didn't totally stuff up your afternoon and I look forward to meet you properly one day.

Thanks again.
Roger Lucas

(By the way, the boom that broke was a 10 year old NP X6 Aluminumum 180-220. Sail was Hellcat 6.2 and board was JP-91L-FW approx 2005. Wind was awesome 20-30 knots ! )

NSW, 14 posts
29 Dec 2022 11:53AM
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Hey Roger. Was also out there at the time.Glad it was all ok. Was a great sail. Shame you went down so early after getting out there. Didnt like the chances of rigging in the water and the red jellies hurt like hell. Can sell you another 10 yo aluminium boom if you want one. Lol. Go carbon. They only shatter when you crash at Primbee.

NSW, 161 posts
30 Dec 2022 4:47PM
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Thanks Lucdown !
I guess that was you (Serverne sail/Slalom board) that stopped to check on me and then sailed over to the Police boat for me.
Thank you very much !
Hope to catch you again and buy that ol' boom from you, yeah nar !

If anyone knows Murray tell him thanks from me.

Mr Milk
NSW, 3055 posts
30 Dec 2022 11:43PM
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Was that Murray who lived across the road from the southern launch spot at Kyeemagh?
In his 60s by now.
PS The self rescue technique for a boom broken on one side is to rig it so that you can sail back to the beach using the intact side. Just don't try for max speed and it works. The other way is to sail back clew first, but that's not as easy.

NSW, 161 posts
1 Jan 2023 7:11PM
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Hi Mr Milk,
Yes that could well have been him, but helmet with ear coverings and full face of white zinc, hard to tell.
Boom broke on port side on the way out, I gybed it afterwards thinking I was lucky that I could sail the starboard side back to shore, but it snapped in the middle on starboard 30 seconds later. Boom end was hanging on but was separate to mast end. Bugga.

NSW, 149 posts
20 Jan 2023 6:19PM
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Well done roger I have two x6 same size fourteen years old my main booms retiring them this week have heard of some not lasting twelve months guess I was just lucky hope to see you up here tomorrow


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Botany Bay rescue, thank you Murray !" started by Roger303