Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

First sail for learning/progressing in Sydney?

Created by MarieH > 9 months ago, 5 Dec 2022
NSW, 2 posts
5 Dec 2022 9:46PM
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Hi everyone,
I've been browsing websites and forums but I'm a bit lost... Would anyone have any advice on what first sail to get to learn and progress? I'm 60kg and will be mostly windsurfing in Botany Bay. I'm still very much a beginner, haven't done any planing or used a harness much but I've done a few weeks of lessons overseas so I know some basics. I've used sails of various sizes from 3.2m (in 30 knots) to 4.7m (light-ish wind). I found the 4.7 too heavy and since I'm still up hauling a lot I'm thinking about getting a 4.2 as my first sail but struggling to find one / getting told to just get a 4.7 instead. I know different models have different weights too and I probably want something quite sturdy as a beginner?
One more difficulty is I live in an apartment with limited storage so hoping to get a mast/boom that would also work for a couple more sails if I really get into it, but maybe that's just too hard?
Any advice would be amazing!

NSW, 939 posts
6 Dec 2022 9:26AM
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Hi Marie, 4.7 is probably a good size to start with in Sydney winds and your weight, if you get a good mast and boom that should keep the whole rig fairly light, a sail that rigs on a 400 mast, then you could also rig a 4.2 on it, maybe a 5 or 5.2m later on. It's not often you'd need smaller than 4.7 in Sydney. Look for a wave sail, sturdy and pretty light these days, also if you can, go for same brand mast.
Do you have a board already/what volume?

NSW, 995 posts
6 Dec 2022 3:58PM
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Hi Marie, these guys are in Sydney and have some smaller wave sails on their specials list. Might be worth checking it out if you're not able to find something second hand.

WA, 3480 posts
6 Dec 2022 2:52PM
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Try in WA.I saw in one of their Facebook posts that they had a bunch of Severne sails in good condition returned from team riders. From memory they had Severne S1 Wave sails in in sizes 3.6, 4.4 and 4.8 in the list. Super light sails and would definitely work for a beginner. I know they ship to Sydney alternative you might be able to get someone traveling Perth to Sydney to bring it over.

NSW, 2 posts
3 Jan 2023 11:07AM
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Thanks everyone for all the advice, much appreciated! I ended following your advice and getting a 4.7 (Ezzy superlite) sail and I'm really happy with it so far! I'll be sailing at Botany Bay mostly, if you see my red sail come and say hi!


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"First sail for learning/progressing in Sydney?" started by MarieH